Tree of Savior Forum

Failed to download files (11280_001001.pak) 2019/2/26 EDIT: SOLVED

It Didn’t work. I’ve tried it like 3 times.

i did it too - the farthes i got - white screen anf than game still crushes. soooo… still waiting for a solutin

Just signed up here to say same problem and I just spent the past few hours doing the same ■■■■ y’all just did. Super disappointing considering i just decided to try playing again after like a month break

which number did you replace in the release.revision.txt file?

It didnt work too man, i sorted the files to the newest and copy the number and the game patched and runs and gave me white screen and then closes

having the same issue did the fix and i get a white screen then it crashes tried it multiple times and no luck.

is the same as the video of wy_armanent ( the video is best ) … but is still the same, the last numer in the folder is 239238 and nothing , any other help?

I’m playing on steam and right now I’m Verifying integrity of the game files to see if that works. Ill post an update if it works.

eu estou com o mesmo problema

Go to tos folder and open user.xml with notepad . Mind pasting it here , might be a reso issue

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Nono . Copy the whole chunk , I’m on mobile so I can’t really direct you to the correct file with screenshots


such doc doesnt not exist? i dont see it in tos/release

might b/c i deleted everything and reinstall

user.xml (1.1 KB)

Sorry I can’t open it on my crappy iOS . Mind opening it with notepad and pasting chunk of code in ?

Or doesn’t it have nothing in it

An appropriate solution might be getting another’s player user xml and pasting it on your folder

This worked for me, I’m actually logged in.

I erased last patch doc from:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\patch
dunno if this changed anything, because I tried this alone and nope.

then I change the number in “release.revision.txt” from 2390xx to 239469 in the folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\release

and the launcher started to download it
yikes, thanks for your help

interesting, i did that yesterday and white screen and nothing. let me try again

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Open the notepad file so I can check if it’s a resolution error . That is for white screen error

Right click open “user.xml” with notepad