Tree of Savior Forum

[❤ Factory] Screenshots - The Great Big Zoomy Thread

This is probably one of the most well designed and thought through maps in the game. None of those bridges from zone to zone, just a well designed map that intricately links together.

I’m not a big fan of the maps that are a bunch of circles tied together by small bridges all floating high above a bigger inaccessible landscape.


Thanks for sharing awesome shots.

I love Downtown. Could you take some of those maps around there some day? Love *those snow maps.

Wow ToS is much more visually appealing once you use the angle to see those lightbeams from the sky.
Wish the devs would release a map viewer mode, with rotating camera.

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I’ve been trying to get good shots of all the ruins maps but they’re affected more significantly by lack of backgrounds or lack missing parts to the sides/rears of the scenery in a larger way than earlier maps in the game.

I’ve got a theory that later maps were produced at greater speed compared to earlier maps in the game, leading to more corner cutting. This is really noticeable when you consider Tenet Garden having a proper entrance to Tenet Church, and the same for the Crystal Mines having a really nicely designed entrance, while later maps and major locations have not had similar thought towards their placement and the player immersion in the world.

It’s just a theory though.

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and here’s a random closeup of both my beloved Fencer and my Cryo.




The Bokor from the Knights of Kaliss has a tattoooooo.



those are some very strange beds… nice pictures though :stuck_out_tongue:


You don’t have training spikes to teach your kids not to roll out of bed at home? It’s like a dog barking zapper collar, perfectly safe.

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I think the problem for the kid is actually falling asleep xD

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Dark torture dungeon isn’t a decorating theme you would choose for your little girl? It’s all the rage.


Add skulls and melting candles, and it’s perfect!


@moderators please consider suggesting that the developers add a skybox to the game. It would be greatly superior to the pure black and mean that a lot of screenshots don’t require further editing to remove the black.

I know they might suggest that they do not want to endorse this, but the game lacks user-generated content and it would be a major marketing mistake not to promote anything and everything players do or create ingame as it is a free source of others becoming interested in and finding the game.

Don’t ask me how to increase videos/streamers though. The game isn’t very interesting to watch from a viewer persective which is an entirely different problem I think.


2 and 4 are :heart: :blush:

Fun stuff. 4+5 are the same spot from different angles.

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I love vedas plateau. Are your settings Off or you can’t see Snow when using zoomy ( and rain/petals at orsha/dandelions at farms/etc.).

Looking at the game from another angle is quite refeshing, it looks much better. I have to keep saying this.

Thanks for posting.


My weather seems to turn on and off whenever it pleases unfortunately. At this particular time it didn’t want to work.

The same happens with my water effects and my moving scenery like the flowers/grass on some maps. They work only when they want to work.

I love looking at the game from all angles. It makes the world feel much more immersive and alive, less like a game. The isometric view is very claustrophobic and limits immersion, it also limits seeing some of the really nicely designed areas of some maps.


more please… this SS gives a new way of seeing the game,


“Lost in Mage Tower”


“Demon Prison Downpour”


“Ascending Toward Evil”


“A Rainy Day Maid Awesome”


More at: