Tree of Savior Forum

Eye colors, Skin colors, hair color Tos

This old new but I want remind new players who worried about lack of customization in International Cbt1… This from Official tosblog…

Eye and hair color

Q) Please give us options to change characters’ eye colors or hair colors.

A) We already have a feature to change eye colors or hair colors of characters in the game. But instead of making them possible when selecting a character, we want players to obtain them in the game.

We hope for your understanding for this since we believe that players will be more affectionate to their characters when they become unique and distinct from other players’ characters after a long period of playtime instead of just allowing diverse customization options from the beginning.

Skin color

Q Can we change colors of the costumes in the game?

A) We are looking for the most optimized solution for this question. However, if we were to develop such feature, then we want to first change skin colors of the characters.


different skin colours would be cool.


I would love to play as Dark skinned even though I’m not black…

Dark skin + Blue eyes + White hairs… Omg its would look so unique…


I can’t play Bokor while “lookin’ liek da whiet man” (It’s culturally incorrect. Bad things will happen).

Need moar crayons.


kill 500 monsters for a hair color
craft 9999 times for another hair color
do 99999999 times this or that for another hair color
hell no


Getting white hair wasn’t all that bad haha.

I really do want darker skin though. Dat melanin. BD


You should wait more, since the game isn’t even finished.
I’m sure the devs will give us more customization options, but the game is still on beta!

Everybody in the West is not light skinned, please let us be able to have brown skin and brown eyes. More hairstyles for brownskinned people (dreadlocks, braids, etc) would be nice to have if possible.


Oh man…having the choice to select different skintones would be so wonderful. ^ Like literally all I could think of when I switched classes was how much I wanted a dark skintone with my character’s look. Plus diversity is a significant point of consideration in any MMO. :v:

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I look forward to earning my characters unique look. Gives more purpose to the game.

Just a heads up, there are 5 skin tones, 5 eye colors, and 5 item colors (??? maybe this means costume colors ???) already in the game files.

Also, it’s not hard to get the hair color achievements if you try.

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I really want new dyes for class costumes or normal customes, that would be great.

Time to spend 20 minutes experimenting in the new character screen…


I want pink hairs. Hope this system won’t give them an excuse to do only few colors and build an illusionnary customization by making it hard to obtain but not at all what you wanted.

Actually there was an achievement to unlock pink hair, don’t worry.


This is an asian MMO, silly. You bet your butt theres gonna be pink hair! And blue…and purple, and green :slight_smile:


or just put it in cash shop and that’s it?

Character Customization! & [Cosmetic Cash Shop] <- check this thread, would be nice if they put it in cash shop + make it able to craft if people don’t want to pay.

lol what kind of 2015/2016 MMORPG would take player’s cash for changing their freaking default hair colors ? even ancient grandpa RO1 dont do that. IMC want to make people to do bullshjt, wasting time stuffs since the game lacks contents sooooooooo much, this called fake contents diversion.
“Heeeeeey since the game lacks contents and we are so lazy, why dont you do some pointless stuffs like crafting 100000000 times, kill 99999999 Hanaming for a single hair color ?” which is available at the character creation screen of 99,999999% MMORPGs out there. YAY WE DONT HAVE TAT SHJT, WE"RE UNIQUE ALL HALL ToS

and, not like i care about hair colors at all because im fine with the default colored short bob cut

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Lmao really? killing 500 of those guys takes top of 15-20 mins.

Edit: its called “appreciating dedication”. You probably wont see everyone around with white/pink/black/blue hair, making it more “unique”. No wonder all your crying bout rates being low, cant even kill 500 easy mobs.

Ontopic: I’d love being able to change skin tone, and I’m ok with achievements giving custom hair dyes/eye dyes.

making ordinary things unique is noooooooot good, it’s like asking you to pay GTX 980 price for a 9600GT

too much of disappointment for IMC games, first, they make my longing waifu wolfknight is a freaking moba game! Now we get this stupid hair colors restriction

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