Tree of Savior Forum

[Exploit] Infinite quest rewards and unrestricted Class switching

Horrible to play now, alot of dc’s and back with critical life, but this is beta :sweat_smile:

That and i just got a nice Previous Warp bug, its blank and i can’t use it, now i gotta walk 4 maps back to where i was. lol

this has pretty much killed the game ahhhhhhhh :skull:

not the game, this might’ve saved the game from utter failure in OBT / Release


This is a good thing.

I don’t know how many of you realize, but some people have been pushing very hard to rush the release of this game behind the scenes. THIS GAME IS NOT YET READY FOR RELEASE. Maybe this incident will be the wake up call they need to back the **** off and let IMC do their job properly.

As a result of this, the Korean open beta planned for this month will not be able to begin until this bug is fixed, and depending on how hard that is, it could delay the kobt or even cancel it in favor of more CBTs (Which this game badly needs)

In addition, because the knowledge of this bug is now widespread, people will be able to use methods behind this exploit to find even more exploits. THIS IS A GOOD THING. We do not want a game being released, only to play for three to four months and then something like this happens and kills the game and makes everybody quit.

Some people here need to give their heads a shake and rethink what they are doing here in a closed beta test. This isn’t for you to finalize your builds and equips so you’ll have an advantage on release. Our JOB is to break this game as much as possible, and make them fix it over and over again until we can no longer break it anymore. Only then will this game be ready for OBT and release.

And, for all of you whining about a lack of response: Their Korean OBT is currently in very real jeopardy right now and you want then to come and say, “We’re aware of the issue and working on it.” Only so you can get even more mad because it isn’t being fixed during this closed beta?

What would you like them to do? Close the server till it’s fixed? It won’t be fixed until next beta so that will be an early end to your closed beta. Meanwhile by leaving the servers online, we can still find problems in the game and report them. I’ve noticed nobody else is really reporting translation errors for NPC and quest dialogue, or item descriptions. So I could use some help with that. Make yourselves useful as testers please.


ive explored the ipf files my self, the luas and xmls…
and im guessing it wont be that long to transfer the quest system from clientside to serverside

but hey, the thing with programming is when you alter/fix stuff, it brings out new errors/problems lol
best of luck to the devs @ IMC…

To be honest if people exploit this now it doesn’t matter, everything is going to get wiped soon anyways.

since IMC haven’t said a word yet… let me throw some gasoline to pull off that fire

you can get the quests ID’s in tosbase,

just choose any quest, like centurion advancement quest

if you look to the quest URL " ", you’ll see a 1150 tag at the end, this is the quests ID

have fun


Thank you scrubs abusing this for closing map channels with crashes.

You are welcome. We are honoured.


Im glad so many people are abusing it.

I’m glad I actually have something to play with again. I stopped playing ToS after doing every quest with exp and reached 195 (I could have grind to 200, but I just see no reason to continue).

At least I can try out other class now, and wait for a new ToS with more replayable value.

( ͡° ͜◯ ͡°) CLOWN FIESTA ( ͡° ͜◯ ͡°)

No no no, you are doing it wrong, here how you get the classes.[&order=level&type=all&search=search

That’s exactly what he said isn’t it?

Edit: Oh, I just saw the [, brilliant.

Eh, I’m okay with this. Final days anyway, wiping soon.

You can take the advancement quest so many times and you have so many times of +10% on str and int, that putting a point in any of them make your char a bug, and the game “fix” it by closing the channel that the char is on.

beside that, if you have take advancement quest of a class your char doesn’t have, be it the C1, C2 or C3 quest, say, the C1 quest for 3 times, the char will have that class starts at C1, then C2, and C3.

And more, while you have your char advanced for multiple times of a class, all skill of that class can be maxed to LV20. Any skill re-roll scroll can return that char with skill points, that would be 15*[advancement times-1], advanced too many time and using the skill re-roll scroll would have a lot of skill points left over, which is highly possible to crash the server.

There maybe a limitation of how many times a char can advance, advance too many time is highly possible to make that char a bug char, too.

So if you still want to test some crazy things about classes, and you have make a bug char, stay safe, delete it please.

well …if you look at how nexon way of doing thing for example (even if this is not nexon…or other korean publisher to be exact), …they ban people in CBT even when they know there’s wipe for this kind of exploit (even if there’s a huge amount of people does that). also I myself dont find this fun at all …its good that IMC games know about this huge critical exploit though…but the TS should have email them directly for this kind of exploit rather that putting it here

Wow thank goodness this is the second last day of the extended beta. Kinda surprised you guys didn’t find something like this sooner.


Its a pain to raise the job lvls, any good way of doing this without doing this hack 600x times?

Also, its funny if u change to another class of another root, lets say from swordie to mage, if u de-equip ur sword u cannot wear it again, unless u advance into another swordy class. But u can still use the skills weaponless and without animation xD