Tree of Savior Forum

[Exploit] Infinite quest rewards and unrestricted Class switching

how come you don’t have more likes?


'Cuz we all saw that same joke on the World Chat earlier. He ain’t slick. >:c


im always slick


Posting it after the CBT seems to be a good idea.

I don’t know why people get angry. Maybe they are on top rank or something.


I will just post this here: “You need to report any game errors, bugs and other game play issues to IMC Games. You shall not abuse them for your own benefits and pass this information to others who may abuse them for their benefits.” and “IMC Games’ Terms of Service apply to your use of the games during the testing phase”

From the terms of service:


i see, i want to congrats the poet that made that statement haha

To everyone complain about it, the real issue it’s not the exploit is the IMC who gives a crap regarding the game and the players, tons of expoits have been reported and they don’t even answer so…

IMC Killed the game


Thank you for not keeping the bug a secret. Thank you for we wont have to deal with it on release.

Koreans have been testing for many months on end and havent reported it. Why?

Just think what other bugs ppl may be hiding for their benefit. They wont report them here or in PMs.


Imc is just a local publusher as far as i know, isnt it? The game developers are in Korea.

They are the developer in Korea.

What is nexon then?
I’ m getting confused…

Nexon is the Korean Publisher.
IMC is the Developer as well as the International Publisher

Also hot damn. Im actually glad someone posted this and caused such an uproar. I know people who’d just keep it secret for their own use.

It’s weekend though, and early sunday at that, so not expecting replies soon, but yeah…

This bug is really god send for me. I want to try all the available mage class so have a better understanding of the class so I can answer the communities question (that mage master thread I have)

Am I a scumbag for doing so? Not by a long shot.

-I have a legit Level 200 Mage that I purposely hit the 170 wall (used all my cards) just to see how people can climb out of the wall
-I have another level 150 Mage that took the other classes I didn’t take on the first one.

I wanted to test all the obscure mages circle (Thau3, Psy3, Chro2, etc) But I don’t have the time to do so but know I did haha.

I don’t know why everyone crying, first of all, its open to everyone, this is your last chance to try any build you want, second it’s good that he released this bug a few days before the beta ended, third, I rather IMC known of this bug this early (RO’s item duplication bug was under radar for years and it devastated the economy)

Now all we missing is that infinite money glitch (I know someone knows it already just don’t want it to make public)

Anyway, I rest my case. Anyone have that quest ID for that instant level 9 cards? To lazy to walk my level 1 to mokosul TwT

The company is IMCGames. Nexon is a Publisher, but that’s only for the Korean version. IMC is self-publishing the game for International (So far) and using Steam as an outlet. The Devs don’t read the issues here themselves; a PR team reads them, and then they relay it to the Devs. Most if not all of the PR team is located in South Korea though.

LOL IMC is the developer, go get some updated information before you post.

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To all player that said ban this ban that…get some brain before comment.
CBT exist for test the game…not only game content and bug but also vulnerability of the game.
Yes there is no gameguard yet. But IMC sure realize that this game got so many hole to exploit.
U mad because someone reach lv 200 in few hours only when u need to spend 2~3 week?shame on you…because all of us will get wiped.
Look at positive way : u can try other class and learn something new.
I see many player exploit this and they find it fun.


It’s working in the kCBT3 too.


LOL IMC will thank us forever for this discovery


At first i thought that too… But tbh, there’s only 3 days out for beta. Just let ppl spam cards and test out what they couldnt. Some just dont have enough time to do what they want to on beta and three days from now all will be reseted anw… I’m cool with it. Better now then on live. If something like this happen on live i’d be really pissed off haha