Tree of Savior Forum

[Exploit] Infinite quest rewards and unrestricted Class switching

Can someone confirm that they still can abandon and re-accept quests normally?

I think they better do a blue shining mob event at last day, it looks more fun to end the iCBT2

@Mirarara I said for IMC… it was fast! :smile:

Got to give them some credit :smiley:

wooo finally thanks IMC

It was also Sunday yesterday. Today meant it would be Monday over in Korea. Though in a few minutes it’ll be a Tuesday for them. :v

some ppl abit dumb and dont know that noone from dev team working at sunday…

Its not working now (20 characters)

thats a good sign …it has been fixed

I am here to confirm that the exploit has been fixed :smile:


all they have to say is “noted”. i dont like talking to nothing. if they won’t post even with a simple message as that then im talking to the air. i shouldnt be wondering if they saw the report or not. far too much silence.
@STAFF_John are you the one scanning the threads? why don’t you all respond with a simple message to let the people who posted a report that you saw the post. do you not have the staff numbers? it only takes one person to do this. amonth ago i saw a thread of “known issues”, which shows me that you don’t actually know all you should have known by now, becuase there were so few on that list. dont make a “known issues” thread if you are not going to put up all the known issues that you know about. Unless you really don’t know, which you should know by now.

The honest, hardworking players don’t really bother about this exploit.

maybe imc let us honest players play a few extra days? :slight_smile:

Devs have to sort player with more than 6 stars and with stats with more for 200 lvl and delete it immediatly, cuz game now unplayble at all and all tests goes to empty.

Being honest and hardworking in a CBT. Kek.

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did they patched it already ??

Noticed that before I went to sleep yesterday, didnt know if it was a problem in my conection or if the exploit didnt work already xD

The damage has already been done, they’ve just prevented more people from doing it. did you read what you just quoted ?

I hope so.
This security problem about script & exploit has been addressed by some people (including myself) on an old thread.
Everyone (with ‘little’ effort) could freely access some scripts of the game.
It helps the exploiters to study the game structure & behavior.

Unless you know exactly where you found that exploit,
you can’t confirm that it really has been fixed.
Only the first bug finder/exploiter and few others who know it.
The bug might still be lingering on somewhere else.
Maybe they just change the parameter, the function, or the hotkey.xml parser.
Who knows?

exactly. but if something like this happens in the OB i just stop playing, like much more ppl is going to do.
the staff communication is so poor actually, there are hundreds of bug reports in the forum, the staff just reply it with a ctl+V and move on, i don’t think they even send the bugs to the devs, never saw one minor bug fixed…

It’s still possible to start Class Advancement quests under certain conditions (using the same vulnerability but with a different command).
Might be related to

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