Tree of Savior Forum

[Exploit] Infinite quest rewards and unrestricted Class switching

Lol thought you and that guy was the same person.[

Server crashes and other stuff have been happening with Boss channels and World Boss spawns some times before the exploit post have happened. Also, there have always been crazy lag around 4 am server time. Exploit aside, ever since the last maint happened, I’ve been experiencing increasing number of lag/disconnection/server crashes. It’s still great mystery to me why Construction Storage channel always freeze, and have insane lag on Gabija as well. There are far more problem than positive aspect of this game atm and I have no idea why this is being pushed to have grand obt opening on December.

I don’t think they want to call some maintenance now, we’re pretty close to the end of the closed beta, any downtime at this point just shortens whatever time people still have left to play.

It is very hard to fix and if they are looking for a fast fix like not allowing that command to be in the key config by either checking or doing a replace then there could be other problems. So I guess they are maybe taking the time to not find a quick fix and actually check if the quest has been done (server side?) and or if the player is near that npc or something more reliable, then players would be able to do this at all in the next version.

Because on Korea they are earning money already from CS (Nexon), different from here.

for class quests you dont have to be near NPC to accept them nor checking if you have already completed one would help.

Mind you, there is no CS for ToS atm. If you said “they will earn a lot of money from releasing ToS with CS” then your point would make sense. This game had massively long wait time, and is sought to be launched on international scale unlike some of other nexon published game. So it would be more worthwhile if they pushed it back atm.

The thing is, Nexon is only on Korea and Japan, here is direct under IMC. Well it could be only my guess in the end, whoever plays there can confirm or no if they are doing business already or at least will start on the OBT coming up.

They can fix a crash that’s caused by poor error handling at the channel level by fixing the error handling. Channels shouldn’t be so fragile, and we’ll keep getting crash bugs like the many we’ve encountered so far if they don’t deal with this. Of course, this will take a long time, but finding another way to crash channels served the purpose of the test.

Says the post made around 9AM on a Monday. Realistically, they’ll be finding out about this and reading reports and logs in the coming hours, then they’ll have a meeting to discuss it. Putting an untested quick fix in risks more errors like the login problems we had earlier in beta. If they take time to test the fix, there’s only one day left in beta by then, so what’s the point?

The exploit mentioned on this thread will be reported to our QA and Dev team as soon as possible.

Thanks for letting me know.


Before the exploit you barely saw any crash, now with it its crashes all over the place, even on empty maps, not only that, but massive lag, the exploit is overloading the server processing which affect other stuff also, its a massive load of information not from one player, but tens or hundreds of them. While indeed it serve to stress test the server, doing it by exploiting is not the right way to do it imo, there are better ways to do so, in fact we did just by playing since we had so much problems at the beginning until the mid-end of the CBT with all that crashing and lag from the massive amount of players and other bugs.

The same point others say to leave as it is for now to make more tests. But in the end, i want to be witness of this being fixed on next CBT, if not, you can be sure hell will be put on earth and not only that but i would be sure to say that other bugs, including from the first CBT will persist.

Your GM staff already said the same thing

Can i do any class quest like this? lol

Terms of service

“You need to report any game errors, bugs and other game play issues to IMC Games. You shall not abuse them for your own benefits and pass this information to others who may abuse them for their benefits”


There were tons of channel crashes before, triggered by multiple bugs. World bosses were getting crashed on a regular basis.

I posted an exploit on making stacks of items that are marked as untradable (bought recipes from the market, traded a friend for ingredients/materials etc) able to be marked as total untradable: 0. This allows anyone to buy and resell from the market and become a mogul like any other auction based game. Hell for testing I even bought stacks of recipes off the market at cost and sold them to Buy-In shops with higher asking prices for free silver. And for the issue case-and-point I even purchased out competitor recipes and re-listed them as my own at the price I wanted, forcing a 50k recipe to scale over 300k ea. I posted the issue a day before one of their scheduled maintenance periods to allow them time to incorporate a temporary or maybe even permanent fix.

Weeks later and it still hasn’t been addressed. In fact there isn’t even so much as an official response in the thread.

I think this beta they wanted to fix core gameplay problems and will address exploits etc only post-beta. Half of them are likely rendered non-issue anyway by their anti-hack shields planned for release etc.

Bottom line is I don’t think they were planning to address these types of things yet despite most everyone (myself included) feeling that they should have been a high priority.

I think i saw somewhere on the nexon site saying they focused on stress-tests here, things appear to be getting fixed / updated, but not imported to our version of course

Well keeping channels alive in case of errors can produce exploits therefore it’s risky. So just keeping channels alive isn’t enough, they have to look in every case and fix it. At least in CBT.

Moving code to the clientside isn’t the right way to do stresstests.

I’m confused, when did i say this ?