Tree of Savior Forum

Exploit Gear / Channel Crash

  • Server : Fedimian

  • Team Name : TmD_DyX

  • Location : /

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 2016-09-29

  • Evidence

There are things I believe are possible and things I don’t believe are possible.
+13 Lolo Gloves without any potential loss? Not so sure.
Also given that TmD_DyX is part of TheRed and TheRed was proven (caught red handed) channel crashing to reset a guild tower recently it is highly likely that this player is crashing channels to upgrade his gear. Also the rest of his gear looks similar.
We have armor +6,+5 and +13 on very rare important parts all without any potential loss through upgrades.It is possible to replace parts with new ones to try out, but Lolo Gloves? I guess not that many.

Also look at the record of this player, he was caught cheating/botting multiple times already:

This is one greedy cheater!
@GM_Francis please investigate him and given that he has already been reported twice - also do something. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I do not think that it is a coincidence that only the really hard to get and important parts of his gear do not lose any potential while upgrading.


so basically you are asking GM to ban him because he has a +13lolo glove.
I dont even know why you call those pictures ‘evidence’. cuz all the server can see those pictures by just pressing ‘character info’, so make capture some real ‘evidence’ and post it here, and TheRed simply doesnt give a crap about gvg stuff cuz they never did, and its funny you think everyone can crash the channel in this game.

you seem quite defensive. Are you a guild member too?

The gear is beyond luck. TheRed known for crashing channels. TmD_DyX already reported for botting twice.
Was cheating, smells like cheating -> is probably cheating.

//Btw: Read my post. There is more suspicious to it than just the gear. It is just the ultra rare parts one can not easy replace that never lose potential- for example.

I have 0 relationship to his guild. But what about you? You are quite offensive, are you one of the people who is jealous in TmD s gear?[quote=“4zamarin, post:4, topic:329171, full:true”]
you seem quite defensive. Are you a guild member too?

im surely not jelous of his botting lol

No real player is, it least those that play for fun. I just don’t think it is ok how he laughs about others in pvp just because he one shots with cheated gear.

Still waiting for a statement.

lol nice botting xd

Ah nice Idea the Oracle Master.
Any statement by now @GM_Francis?

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy Maybe anyone of you could do something, please?
Or does no one care about a fair game? I would really like to know how many newcomers left the game because of all those channel crashing exploiters that messed up their game while questing on a map they chose to do evil things…

Daily update until reaction.

Hi @Sciguma, kindly send a ticket through Support so we may assist you further regarding this matter. Hue

Is this statistics for a week?
I hope not

It’s not. I guess Piston makes about 2-3m each day.

Any statement by now?

i quit tos because of this . so unfair , worst then botter

True that.