Tree of Savior Forum

Experience rate iCBT2

Simple Question : Will the experience rate will be the same as the first iCBT? I dont seem to find a real answer somewere. I know that we will be using the same as the third CBT but the rates will be the same? or different like the first one? Thanks :wink:

CBT3 rates.

The answer is in the Annoucement topic.
Exp rate will be same with kCBT 3.
Totally difference with the first iCBT.
x4-5 or maybe higher

the first one was more of an early game test
 the low rate forced ppl to spend more time in the beginner areas, this one is a wider range test I guess.

Mark my word

In KCBT version, even if no boost at all, it’s already 3 times higher than iCBT.

  1. Other Information

All data from 1st Beta Test will be reset
All the Rates in the game including EXP/Drop Rates and etc will be based on Korean 3rd CBT.

How to read.

Haha, so x10-20 maybe :joy:

Bad news, they made it way too high.

Cuz this CBT focus on content.
Official Release will be difference.
Maybe just like first CBT

I don’t think it’s too high. Also Korea had an exp event the whole time. I don’t think they will do it during the iCBT2. So we will have normal rates. I enjoy long grinds when it comes to endgame but I don’t want it to happen in the beginning.

Korea exp rate was 3-4x. So expect that.

i hope find one blue mob at the beginning ^^

start of the vid
 shes 127
 5hrs 35mins later 151
 (she streamed this 3days ago but suddenly turned it private)

class: corsair

server: KR (uses jap language though)

those exp cards helps alot

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I heard it takes at least a week to get level 200 in kCBT, and with a possible max level of 500 i hope this will be the official rates, not too fast or too slow.

So you consider getting to 200 in one week ok? That’s way too fast. You would be pretty much done with the game after 1 month.

KCBT disable the EXP booster for a while now.

If IMC said “the same rate with kCBT3” maybe they will not give us any boost at all because now kCBT didn’t have any boost

Maybe? :neutral_face:

If the rates weren’t going to be any different than iCBT1, then they wouldn’t bother announcing that the rates will be the same as kCBT3.

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