Tree of Savior Forum

[Event] Road to spring : Too much reward?

we all waiting for official statement xD

while you guys hesitating here i bet some players keep spamming this event each 2 minutes.

learn the lesson; banned for a few days, released, wait for someone to an apology, get a “compensation” reward.

me being satirical

Oh no no no

The end. dung disappear

damage control


xD dun dun dun dungeon gone lol


When I was younger, I never read the event details; I just kind of followed the in-game guide. That led to some not so nice ban events… So is it the player’s fault or IMC’s fault for enabling/using this event as unintended?

they extneded the maintenance i guess the one who gets the blame is the individual or team who forgot to put the limit on dungeon entry xD

GM’s doesn’t even know there are multiple cities. Only Klai’s is removed :man_facepalming:

in that 3 hours some couldve get like 400++ spring cubes.

New week , new problem … a feel lots bug coming in big patch …

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So they keep succeeding in messing up the smallest patches lol…oh boy imagine episode 12 with the new classes,contents,gear,weapons and so on…I can’t wait for what kind of bugs they will come up with.

The bait from this bug on the event it’s just to send another ban wave and the rewards are so bad except the attribute points but I am sure they have a low chance.





New recruit staff makes you company sh1t

Disaster for sure…continues bug emerge everywhere. Like you said small and weekly patch already screw up imagene the big one coming…but meh…when it gonna come in Itos??? Probably on thia year x-mas as gift LOL

@William121213513513 Hello
After easy money for one character, now we can do only one per character. So if you have 39 char, you can do 39 per day & keep one slot for Lvl 50 sprout. Is that you want ?

I thought they fix the bug? Why there’s another bug? Can’t get rewards after running 1 char? Fix = new bug? :feelsgoodman:

And still can do unlimited runs lmao. What is “fix”?