Tree of Savior Forum

[EVENT] Planted prizes can be collected by anyone?

Time to ‘farm’ other people plants!
Calling all Scout Brigade!

Honestly IMC, that’s a pretty bad joke for Thanks’giving’ being able to steal other players loots not to mention 24 hrs cooldown :confused:


It is called "Black Friday"
This event isnt even Thanksgiving, it is "Black Friday"


Be prepared for those AFK farmers with teleport hacks.


I’m going to camp those spot with my scout.



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They should at least post the prize-list. Like they did with Halloween.


idk after 168 blue dumaro claws and karas fragments even if the list had some noteworthy drops id prolly say fk it

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the prize list is at here

instance dungeon one-entry ticket / Exp Tome / intermediate ~ Superior gem abrasive

ya that’s pretty fkd up then, every 1 of those tickets is 350k cash in hand (145dngn) so its gonna be cut throat as all hell, people just camping those zones nonstop ganking other people’s plants, what a shitt* way to handle the event

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It is perfect synergy “greetings saviors, in celebration of us robbing you blind recently with our gacha bags we are encouraging you all to steal from each other now”.


i would prefer the Exp Tome if it can be use to combine into a 8x Exp, since I can use it level my alt fast with the Halloween event

With liquid silver though being 1 of the possibilities you can already count on the dirtbag larger guilds sitting on each zone all day and night, along with countless rmt and bots. Good luck to anyone actually harvesting their plant, this will be a trainwreck of epic proportions.

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Everyone can gank plants on 0.02 fps.
It’s the new PvP style.

Can’t wait to hear about the farming results after the awesome new maintenance!

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we will have to make a new thread with a picture of a doll so people can show everyone where the plant thief touched them, the rage tomorrow will be insane


They could have just made it so you plant it and have to defend it from spawned monsters for a few minutes, unique, easy enough, good rewards. This whole event makes zero sense because you can’t actually defend anything, just mash spacebar and hope you get it first. TOS tends to have good events but they missed the mark on this one.


HAHAAHAH thanks for the good laugh man!

they did put it vertically again, so it would be hard to miss/mess :confused:

maybe the list of items is so insignificant to you that your brain deleted it from memory xD

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am doing that right now xD

it seems the problem is that the image in mobile isn’t the full image but half of the one in web

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