Tree of Savior Forum

[EU] schwarznagger's Bot Army

Please don’t say so, Schwarzenegger and his party are legitimates players.

Francis seal of approve.

When I first saw them on dina bee I even thought they schwarz and stallone are boosting their low level mates and was surprised why are they doing it in such a crowded place. Even tipped him a free spot to farm.
Turned out their only purpose is to boost their virtual vallets.

Just look at this ■■■■

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And some evidence too

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WoW just wow…i dont know what to say anymore - i guess the problem is finaly SOLVED!

We summon you!

And I shall answer thee :wink:
Sorry Gentleman was a bit busy with other stuff!
Anyway… Bot problems right? I’ll check with it


Yes please. See them every day running around doing shady stuff in different locations …

very SAD!

Aye Yuri-chan!

The problem is, this guy uses Bot programs/Macro programs and multiple accounts/pcs to cheat the hell out of tos.

Means hes only a part-time bot. Thats what made Francis giving up calling him a legit player.

But the videos I provided clearly show that all of his accounts are corrupted by macroing/botting, so it only needs a bit of common sense to see whats wrong with them.

He’s also hook64 user according to other players (I don’t know if anybody recorded him infinitely resurrecting)

schwarznagger in person at Klaipeda ch1 receiving buffs from [GM] Grape
IMC things

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Okay boyz some infodump

Basically botting is confirmed LEGIT unless you get personally caught ingame by playing GM (videos don’t count)
And you will never be caught by GM on Fedimian because well Fedimian has no playing GMs

They only come for Q&A from different servers.
It’s time for a new guide on LEGITIMATE automated silver & TP farming

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Pretty sad isn’t it? old saying goes, if you can’t beat them join them.

Although there’s overwhelming evidence it makes sense. It’s now proven that it is worth the GM’s time to investigate, I wouldn’t want GM’s banning people based on forum posts. So now we wait and see if Grape, or any of the others follow through on their word. Thanks for the chat logs.

You doesn’t seem to get it. There will be no investigation. If some GM doing quests randomly see someone botting AND realise it AND bothers banning him on spot than yeah sure the botter will be punished. But that’s all about the INVESTIGATION process. And since we have no GMs playing on Fedimian the chances of him getting banned is literally zero.
It’s not like Grape will stalk him, he’s going to do his Q&A routine on different servers and get back to his SR char on Klaipeda/Telsiai/Wherever he came from.

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I fully understand what you’re saying. My only point is that a proper investigation has to take place before punishment, if a proper investigation doesn’t take place than that’s on IMC.

Well I agree investigation is required. IMC aren’t planning on doing any though.
This case shows GMs don’t even have any instructions on dealing with abusers and their only purpose is to participate in Q&A.


Been contacted with GMs, I am on investigation on this one.


Take’em out.