Tree of Savior Forum

[EU] schwarznagger's Bot Army

fortunately macroing is still allowed in indo tos lol. the GMs never said that it is forbidden and decided to keep silent (or not caring) about the whole macro thing.

Accurate representation of the whole mmo gaming industry lol

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To be honest this is not funny. None of those chars have TP items and about schwarznagger I don’t know. If he has some probably bought because
 why should you buy TP if you can bot 20m silver each day?

probably he bought tp to create those characters he needed for botting? no idea about that, but if he didn’t bought any tp i’m sure his ID already got ban-hammered. A pretty similar case happened here in indo tos actually, an array of player got reported simultaneously for attempting to engage in RMT via shout. You know what happened? Although the evidence was as clear as day, the one who got banned is the small IDs who probably never even bought tp before (or atleast i think so since i’ve never seen them again in shout nor dungeons). The major players that are reported are still playing fine up till this day.

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By “allowing” macroing you open the door widely for any botting. No sane company would do that. The fact they dont clearly forbid it is due to fact they are unable to prove it, and thats all.

Dont go overinterpreting things into actions you wish to be. Its just useless to forbid things if you’re unable to check whether people really do it or not. Apparently even showing video evidence is not enough to prove them botting, which is the saddest thing here.

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For argument’s sake, they (the GM’s) didn’t make any clear statement about macroing either (we know GM are the rule in any MMO. Anything other than the GM is irrelevant) and bots are already basically exterminated in indo tos. i’m pretty sure indo tos already did a good job on exterminating the bots but i wonder why those dinabee afk’ers are still there if it’s not allowed?
The law itself is ambiguous towards macro only, not bots imo. IMC probably make some loopholes in their rules somewhere that created this confusions around “botting” and “macroing”. And until these loopholes and ambiguous laws are fixed or the GM give us a clear statement about macroing, the macro is still pretty much on a “gray” zone, or legal even. And yeah, i’m not sure that i’m overinterpreting stuff but this is what actually happens on indo tos. This is reality here

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They did, “its called the forbidden use of third party programs” which are needed to macro around. If they are soft or hardware based doesnt matter.

Thats simply because these “chinese full bots” are leaving different traces thant macros being used by real players. They are easy to find and as such the gms are allowed to ban these. Same goes for checking the users chat history if they typed @clickID stuff. Easy to prove, easy to ban.

Because they do nothing. Yes thats it. They do nothing and are just afk. The necros at least. The summons AI do everthing on their own which is simply a game mechanic. No additional programs needed. It’s a feature ;p

Your wish is so strong you stopped thinking rationally here. Automated gameplay is botting. Even if your character just runs up and down in Dinabee to collect the mats the afk necros dont pick up, its botting. The character wont do that from itself, so you need a 3rd party program here, which is forbidden.

What you are doing is using the incompetence of the administration to get your ways of comfortable playing legitimate. Nothing else is happening here.

isn’t what they meant is program that interfere with the game directly? my macro program didn’t interfere with the game, it just make it as if i’m pressing a button on my keyboard. this is what i meant with some “loopholes”

if searching for bots is easy, why did the GM didn’t ban macro’ers in dinabee? they’re easy to prove, just walk up to them and try to chat them in midnight, get yourself a stopwatch and observe their sp pot consumption interval, you’ll find somekind if pattern that’ll be repeated hundreds of time overnight. not sure about “chinese full bots” and “@clickID” stuff tho.

they consume sp pots, resummoning their templeshooter, etc, etc. is that counted as “doing nothing”?

I admit that i’m a sore loser in a debate you know? but i do enjoy chatting with someone like this once in a while, mind you.

and after all that said and done, you’re correct on this one. the administration is so bad that they “allow” these to happen even though logically they should not. but hey, the so-called administration holds the rule here. so as long as they don’t do something about this, i can keep arguing all night long.

At this point I don’t even know why gold sellers are banned just by being legitimate players macroing, for real if macro is allowed is so unfair for them!

It’s starting to concern me if people in this forum (and game of course) actually thinks a little or are just here to trashtalk the first idea that comes into their mind.

what you meant by gold sellers is RMT’ers right? macroing is fine on indo tos but we’re not kind to RMT’ers here. once you shout that you sell something for real currency, consider that that ID you used to shout is already done for as the GM already stated that RMT is illegal and many players supported that idea.
and what’s wrong with thinking a little or trashtalking? isn’t that why people make forums? Is this forums only reserved for deep thinkers and people that don’t trashtalk? if so, i probably came to a wrong place here lol.

Your little speech basically verified my point, there’s quite a big difference between forum in general and specific thread, so yea just leave this one with your stupid things since we are mad with our devs but at least trying to solve ingame problem, you value here is less than 0.

That’s it, now leave away.

Since I’m lazy and you dont want to read properly, I will just post quotes now:

[quote=“Seiryuu, post:47, topic:338474”]
Thats simply because these “chinese full bots” are leaving different traces than macros being used by real players.
As such the gms are allowed to ban these.[/quote]

Okay, I understand. It seems I skipped a few vital points in your argument that I failed to notice. such as the “chinese full bots” you are referring to is probably the ones in tenet church, and only necros, not sorcerer, have place in dinabee on iToS, which slashed down my entire argument. Alright, I shall concede defeat and leave away now. no hard feelings. :grinning:

People and Francis especially should keep in mind that Botting and Macro AFK are exactly the same.
In my opinion Sorcs should have been banned for Macro AFK as it is against the rules but they now got soft banned by Skeleton Archers which is fine. But the amount of acceptance for Macros here is unbelieveable. Just because it’s not a chinese bot using Lua Code Scripts the bot is legit? What the hell?

But fret not, at the moment I am still busy with Pokemon but later this week I will create a macro script for Dina Bee and upload it here in the forum. IMC always wants the shitstorm first - have it. Happy Bot-mas I guess.
By the way @GM_Francis if you would actually do something right I might not throw the oil into the fire. :smiley:

Last try


Can you do something?

Everybody raise your hands, @STAFF_Yuri needs our energy.

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Wah, has @STAFF_Yuri become the messiah of the forums?

Take my energy! \o/


@GM_Francis @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

Guys! Perfect work out there with Stallone_, looks like he set the trend.

If you don’t care about macroing and bots in general dunno if it’s a rip tos but yea, as soon as I get a bit of free time I’ll jump aboard. But really, claps to our GM’s and Staff, most usefull peeps in the whole gaming story, you shoulda get a statue.

PS. I won’t bother in makin a video since you will care the same as this screen, 0 I guess.

schwarznagger is bot too. He moved with his entire bot party to Vedas Plateau and bot 24/7, I recorded him yesterday while questing but am sure he’s still there.
His setup is 2 peltasta holding block, warlock bot spamming his nicebalance skills and himself running in same circular pattern (gathering loot) and stuttering in same places near waypoints.