Tree of Savior Forum

ET Combo for Inquisitor?

hi a friend is going cleric c2 priest c1 pala c3 kabba c1 inqui c1 for pure pve and ET.
(is best build for ET right?)

i would like to make some class with synergy with inquisitor for have nice duo with some combo.

i was thinking to:

Falconer + Inquisitor, SW3 + Inquisitor, Doppel + Inquisitor.

for you what is the class that have better synergy for ET?

Diev 1 is not worth it at all. The point of Diev is for Owls and ausrine, which ae C2 and C3. If I was him, I will go Cleric 2 instead for the support

you mean cleric c3? build is already with clearic c2

and diev c1 is for laima -20% cd.

does pear of anguish hit more target iwith a falconer?

My bad, I misread. But still the Diev 1 is not worth it. Inq skills is much more mobile and anything with Diev will work against that. Might as well go Priest1 for Res, that is a game changer skill for sure.

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yep revive always a sure choice.

now would like to know that class have good synergy with inq. (example: dragoon---->doppel) etc etc.

monk is obvious^^

When you have a Cleric friend/slave, you only need to stick around. Swordsman is op class now and can use out of the wheel most. I know only a few Swordsman build, so find your build yourself. Pick any build with rank 8 Swordsman will do it.

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Up changed topic name.

if someone can suggest me a good class for support Pala inquisitor in ET.

Like falconer + inqui or SW3+ Inqui or Doppel3 + inqui?

let me know.

is doppel + inqui good? thinking about doppel use skill on wheel.

or fencer that is high dmg but no aoe?

tell me one class that is very OP with inquisitor

pala c3 kabba c1 inqui? nice combo with pd2 (e.g. c2-diev3-miko-pd2), DPS+Survivability. Safety Zone nonstop, Inq MM and Conviction for pd2. Houki Broom + Kagura Dance + Pandemic Conviction for Inq,

Doppel already have quite good area and AoE ratio with cyclone. They do obviously benefit form wheel, but not as much as fencer for instance, a classe with really small hitboxes and few AoE ratio but superb damage.

Falconer 3 is also a great addition to any physical DPS group for ET. By rotating wheel and circling (with aiming always on), Chrono’s pass will basically make it a true AoE all through the dps checks.

thanks for the info, in the end i’m plan to go falconer and my friend inqui. still leave lot of space for good progression in ET.

Something like A2 Hunter 3 Falc 3 + Cleric 2 priest 1 pala 3 monk inqui + wiz 2link 2 chrono 3 sage + priest 3 diev 3 taoist + 1 damage dealer (fencer doppel dragoon all them should be good)

or not ? :smiley:

Hunter 3 is useful in some situations but way too gimmicky and bug-pet ai- prone. Since you guys plan on a linker 2 (spiritual chain) and taoist build, having a scout rank for sharing cloaking would likely be better.

You pt could go:
(i) a2 sapper 2 scout 1 falc 3 --> for cloakign and better AoE help on DPS checks;
(ii) The inqui is alright;
(iii) no point in wiz 2 for that Chronolinker build, cryo 1 helps out more with some freezes (ice pike also getting 3 charges sometime soon and ice wall+link on bosses make it possible to do nuke damage by multiplying the number of hits from a certain skill, say a detrone hits 6 ice pillars + boss all linked, boss receives damage*7);
(iv) Krivis 3 Diev 3 Taoist tends to be more useful than priest since you’ve got sage in your pt already (so blocking the ranged ones and blocking the melee with barriers) --> extra burst on bosses and linked mobs, with ausrine and glass mole extension;
(v) Any Sword for gathering mobs and AoEing the wheel really + bursting bosses.

Great runs for sure if you organzie and gear up well

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thanks for help only thing i’m concerned is sapper 2. it will get soon a good buff in cicle 3.

also wiz 2 was for sure spell easy link cast and more hit to sleep. but also cyro sound good too for cc. :slight_smile:

As far as I know that sapper 3 attribute to broom trap is basically a skill multiplier, not a T* multiplier, meaning it only affects the skill damage without taking into account physical attack, crit attack, elemental attack or anything of the sort.

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thanks for the info


i’d combine inquisitor with taoist, dragoon 2, and doppel 3 tons of melee physical damage bonus

inqui + falco + doppel + dragoon + taoisti healer sound good.

missing some cc from a wizzy