Hunter 3 is useful in some situations but way too gimmicky and bug-pet ai- prone. Since you guys plan on a linker 2 (spiritual chain) and taoist build, having a scout rank for sharing cloaking would likely be better.
You pt could go:
(i) a2 sapper 2 scout 1 falc 3 --> for cloakign and better AoE help on DPS checks;
(ii) The inqui is alright;
(iii) no point in wiz 2 for that Chronolinker build, cryo 1 helps out more with some freezes (ice pike also getting 3 charges sometime soon and ice wall+link on bosses make it possible to do nuke damage by multiplying the number of hits from a certain skill, say a detrone hits 6 ice pillars + boss all linked, boss receives damage*7);
(iv) Krivis 3 Diev 3 Taoist tends to be more useful than priest since you’ve got sage in your pt already (so blocking the ranged ones and blocking the melee with barriers) --> extra burst on bosses and linked mobs, with ausrine and glass mole extension;
(v) Any Sword for gathering mobs and AoEing the wheel really + bursting bosses.
Great runs for sure if you organzie and gear up well