Tree of Savior Forum

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Hahahahahaha its so funny how you waste time writing big texts. I just laugh about how fool you are being, and I never read it. Keep doing your job trying to proof for yourself and your friends that you are the owner of the truth. If it gives some good result in a near future, let me know. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“Kalahari, post:44, topic:344249”]
out of the context[/quote]

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This one reads all my texts just to cut some parts and place out of the context hahahaha.


too long didnt read

but complain anyway

n wonder why people dont take calamari seriously


@anarth, did u adopted this calamari whiteknight, he seems lower quality than ur usual rebutal


I dont want you to take me serious but the staffs to ban trolls like you :wink:

@anarth is a saltknight, @kalahari is a blindknight

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Can i be the AwooKnight?

Also those guys only want attention. I know nobody that takes seriously those guys. They had a huge reason to be mad like 6 months ago, now they are just clowns with nothing better to do. You will see all the replies to this post with their defensive/offensive comments i can bet it, yet they will only like themselves and boost their own comments aswell trying to look important or meaningful.

They won’t really change, so far my job has been directing new people to the resource discords by PM or personally advicing. Just work around them, ignore them and let them be the clowns they are.

FunnyHue, MissthePointHue and RageHue, i wont answer this thread any further btw, so =P

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Playing the same game, then you are a BJknight , aiming for @haukinyau1.


Kalahari works on his own will, I don’t need to recruit people (or minions in your case) to stand my point.

aw, u could u know

then forum would be fun~

just, dont, play, flag


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Tagging you is a pain, not doing it anymore.


noted on your bait n it has been resolved

thanks for your tp purchase.

mr kim is one dollar closer getting his new ferrari


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atleast im consistent in keeping my brandname/trademark

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How does it feel to have VacaOverpower seeking your attention all the time? how does it feel being a senpai?

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let’s go talk about afk farm?

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Sure, I still hope that it becomes an intorelable behavior. If IMC ever comes saying ‘hey guys, you can afk farm as much as you want’ I’ll be making 5 necros.

Don’t come posting your ticket here because it clearly question ‘is afk illegal?’, which completely shows how limited your english is.

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< system> Great Whiteknight appeared.

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bcs it was a quote from another plp

u engrish is badi tuu

u engrish is badi tuu

gasps, the most hated player in Silute has offended me, I have no words.

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it’s not my fault if rank5 players do not like to listen the truth

some plp from Hydrarium too

hatred and envy can confuse some

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