Tree of Savior Forum

Enough is enough with flying monsters and krivis/druid

Just finished a quest at 181 at the Tyla Monastery. Took me 7 minutes to kill 6 flying monsters in the quest(Mission to retake the monastery) due to magic resistance. They had 41k health and each Zaibas tick did 830-900… 30 second cooldown. Either increase the damage of the few monks helping me, or take these flying attributed monsters out of the game and let ground attacks hurt them. Don’t tell me that doesn’t make sense “how could a flying monster touch a ground circle”. Because it’s a video game. I understand physics. Buth this crap is just here to slow down cleric/elementalist leveling or some crap. I have an alt of every base class and it’s a whole different game. Leveling is cake with them. I barely have to use cards I’m always ahead of the map I’m on, except on krivis/druid(priests don’t count they are are just immune to the flying monster mess). I have never complained about this game before. I love it, it can almost do no wrong in my eyes, except for this.

You took a hard path on a class and want them to change the whole game to make you feel better? Really?

Its the mechanic, you have to deal with it till you get what you need.

I’m no sure about your path, whatever class you picked in there too or will pick, if you have access to it right away, then take it, you have to plan ahead, not pick something and follow it through.

Example? My old Cleric Krivis Bokor, I alternated between both so I could attack flying mobs more efficiently.

You are complaining about it now, I can imagine you pulling your hair when you hit 200+ content.

Unfortunately for now, you will have to deal with it, IMC will take a long time to rework the skills damage calculation.

Forgot to mention, you are using a lightning based skill in a lightning type monster, yeah, your damage will be mediocre.

Suggestion, a rod with 2x Lv 5 or 6 Blue Gems.


It’s not just me, I have met and read multiple people complaining about the flying monsters. The real issue is they serve no purpose in the game, except to make some skills worthless. Probably the first game that does this that I’ve played. I wonder if they really put much thought into it, or if they were just like yeah ground stuff shouldn’t hit flying, sounds good, and didn’t bother to balance after that.

Honestly there is no way to skill around this problem with krivis c3 cleric c2 druid.

I can’t even say it’s a hard path on a class. More like it’s the only path on a class that has trouble with flying monsters. Maybe elementalist/pyro have a few problems. but not a 2 overheat 30+ second cooldown with no other flying attack problem.

I guess I really just want to know their reasoning for even putting a flying attribute in the game other than to make archers lives easier, and ground circle casters lives harder. If IMC gave me an answer to that(other than to balance the game, cause that’s bull) I would crap myself and never complain again.

Thanks for the rod suggestion though!

Oh they could always jsut give zaibas a lower cooldown. idk. Not much of a reason for the longer cd.

I assume you would take taoist as rank 8. Well, be glad that once you hit taoist, your zaibas will be your main DPS skill on flying mobs

Cleric has been incompatible with flying mobs over decades (Maybe to balance how OP cleric is? IDK). Archer 2H bow will do the job better

The inverse also happens!

This is not an elder scrolls in which one character is bound to do it all
although certain clerics paths do just that without many drawbacks… What was I talking about? Oh Yes!

This ground and flying type thingy is indeed stupid, but atleast it serves to create two roles in the game : flyer killer and ground killer. The game is crawling with ground enemies and an arsenal capable of killing them in quick and efficient ways.

On the otherhand we have flying types, with archers, with an arsenal that doesn’t really have much AoE.

I just really wish the game enforced more roles and those that it creates didn’t just banish with higher ranks…

I totally get that they created these types for advantages… I just think they forgot that they were putting other classes at an extreme disadvantage is the process. So really it makes 3 roles. Ground killer(who also has no problem with flyers), flying killer(no problem with ground), and man i hate my life role.

It really doesn’t make much sense to say this is meant to make cleric a slower leveling class since some maps have no flying monsters and i move through those just fine(like every other class).

Archer so far to me is the absolute easiest class to level. giving them more is probably the opposite of what is needed.

Doesn’t apply to PD2 or miko.

Meanwhile archers in late game content are absolute garbage except for SR or cannoner.

At this point I’m thinking of druid c3 since werewolf has no issues with flyers. I just need to deal with oh 100+ more levels.

Toaist is the same thing over again. I think i would get 1 extra skill for flyers. Increasing my zaibas damage is just keeping the problem the same, long cooldowns with low number of hits. i might be able obliterate any flying monster i walk up to… unless i already used both charges and now i need to wait for cooldown.

It’s call a burst dps for a reason also should i double highlight that

Burst dps monsters can simply step out of. Zaibas is just ok(due to the low hit count), what really bursts is combining it with 10 cure and carnivory. Unfortunately only one of those hits fling monsters.

They just need to make carnivory reach up and grab those flying monsters, and all will be good.

then you will make all meele dps/archer obsolete and elememe obsolete pre 7 thats the reason why shiet can’t hit air

It’s call central balance, or in a form weakness check.

If clerics can do everything why do people still roll other classes iykwim.

Flying mobs are design to absolutely kill Ground only Tile spells and they exist to keep all ground only AOE in check.
So you have to find another way to deal with it.

This is also the issue with a krivis due to hit count, but this burst potential is pretty much at higher stage 40-50k ~ per tick on 42 ticks.

lol I get what your saying but that’s not how any of this works. Cleric is not the end all class. On a map with all ground types i take just as long or longer as any other class.

Weakness check, that’s funny. did priest get that memo? or any other cleric class for that matter. this would make more sense if it wasn’t just krivis/druid to c2.

Asking for carnivory to hit flying is not asking much since its a 20+ second cooldown and has a limited amount of hits just like zaibas. This would give us more kit to make leveling less painful.

Have you reach end game 330 yet?
When you reach tell me is cleric the end of all class.

When inquisitor take the spot on MVP even more than fencer and doppel.
When PD 2 Replaces Ele meme totally.

Priest is pretty much sadhu if you don’t realise.

Swordies with basic gear can’t even survive pass pre 7 content where cleric can breeze through slowly.

Archers can’t even solo content with basic gear esp on magic procs unless they have scout cheese.

You haven seen anything yet.

I am not saying that it should or not hit Air, but giving it hitting air is asking why MEME frost cloud doesn’t hit air :^).

Druids and Krivis are the last thing i want to hear about people complaining honestly.

Every cleric type of circle got their up and down. The so far only with major ups are Miko where they have a MINI HOLY Frost could that hits air and gives 1.6x buff to their meele damage counter parts.

And yes. Most cleric have issue with Aerial units. It’s pretty much the bane of clerics. Exceptions are PD2 and Inquistor where their aoe just hit anything in that area with Huge CD.
All this are way later things anyway. R8 stuff.

All clerics pre 7 suffer the same issues.

Inquisitor answers my priest not getting the memo question. Sounds more like IMC needs to do some balance checking, and give them a weakness check. har har.

It’s not my fault IMC can’t balance properly, this whole flying argument just proves that. This is probably the last way they should be trying to balance classes, its too gimmicky and causes inconsistencies. The hole seems too deep.

Might want to edit All clerics pre 7 suffer the same issues. (except priest builds)

Priest3 builds are full support mostly. They are partner builds so if you are running solo with it. Good luck.

After all TOS is build among a 5 people team centric scope but whatever.

End game is all garbage atm. with all the shietty flat resistance and etc balancing. Well you can just source around that tos is pretty much a Beta

Anyway take my notes with a grain of salt but this is pretty much the current issues.

Druid 3 by itself is actually extremely powerful for various reason.

Only reason why i am still playing this game is pretty much i have peers around who are still playing this clearing dailies and what not.

End game state is pretty much > clear dailies log out. If you are a solo player most will drop out when the curve hit at 280. Due to retarded flat resistance mdef mechanics.

You will either need to “hyper invest equipment” or just leech your way out. via ET or times. Since Krivis is popular in demand but extremely few of them.

Anyway back to your topic. Flying monster are actually the bane to all ground base skills and due to that Elememe kinda got obliterated in Solmiki aka
Endgame raid.

or we commonly call it ET 20-40F is full of flying monkeys.

I think the issue with end game is the constant flux of level cap and the grind to get there and be relevant.

There are probably so few of us due to the extreme time it takes to level one. lol.

Hopefully i don’t drop at that point, maybe they’ll fix crap by the time i reach it.

It’s actually easy. There’s the leveling guide around.

Just go for daily dungeons, missions don’t skip them.

1-280 is a breeze actually.

280 -330 is a little slow but well this games rewards you for multiple alt characters.

Pick up a token if you can. well pretty much. Hopefully you survive by then anyway video related to what you are looking at

Taoist krivis variant in a nutshell = boss bursting potential. Other than that it’s a pain to level esp the cool downs. I have one myself so… lel.

At least i have miko in it to subtle the pain

As i’ve mentioned the flying type limitation is there just to create this need of different roles in a party. But as I’ve also mentioned these roles banish as one or the party progresses through the ranks.

They had all these brilliant ideas that apply perfectly to level 1 content and doesn’t translate well to lv 80 content, it impresses me how much they messed up.

Regardless of all that, what I wanted to point out is that certain kinds of archers have a blast facing flying type. why? well, in the particular case of snatching damage goes through a 4x multiplier so vs flyer enemies that makes you deal around 40k. take the same skills from the same class (retrieve or coursing, snatching doesn’t work vs ground) and vs ground it deals 10k. Also note that the ground skills are single target while snatching has a small 4 target AoE.

My point? you’re supposed to be strong vs something and weak vs another as to push a semblance of party play. What you experience at rank 4, rank 5 and rank 7 is turned upside down when it comes time of rank 8. All previous roles banish and certain classes do seem able to do it all, eclipsing the teammates that are there just to: support one guy.

So this thread is just pointless?

damn got baited again