Tree of Savior Forum

Enough is enough with flying monsters and krivis/druid

Welcome stay awhile. It’s nice here. Guess i just wanted to rage, get my thoughts in the eternalness that is the internet

You are just talking around what pretty much everybody is looking for: a class and mobs (specially r8 content) balance. Well, you still are in the easiest part, wait until you reach the coast maps (the ones at the right side of alemeth forest). I am also a krivis3 druid2, going for taoist, and I must say that you are raging too much on top of what you have and what you wish to have. You can kill easily a lot of stuff with heal, cure, carnivore and, the most powerful one, zaibas. We should have a challenge also, otherwise would be too easy and boring. You just have to learn how to work with the cooldown and analyze what you are facing.

Do yourself a favor and get a five hammer with 5 blue gems if you don’t have it yet, this will lead you to not worry about weapon till your endgame one. Put your damage skills to lv50 enhancement if you don’t have it already, a decent roxona set at least, and then enjoy getting 1st place in pretty much all bosses with your burst damage, cause that is what your class is for, if you gonna take the same path as me. This and support with meltsis and heals. At the end, your are not the AoEr mob-n-kill them all class, you are a strong boss killer (as other classes too, but I’m not gonna go deep into balance stuff) and also an off-heal support.

There is a lot of ■■■■ going on with this game and we all would love IMC to fix it (RIP Sadhu, i loved the class concept), but your path is one of the most easy to play and also requested at endgame, there are other classes that need more balance.

But I agree about the mobs, they could rework it better. But wait untill you reach the coast maps that I mentioned before, then you gonna love your actual maps.

I think you don’t have a main farmer yet or a main caster.
I mean you cannot send yourself strong op items for leveling even with the difficulties you are facing.
I can give you an extreme example, when my cleric was 50, he killed the boss alone with heal and cure 100% to 0% with 2 spells dropped and nothing else.
I’m not the only one able to do this.

If you can later and will play several magical casters, you need to buy or get hair costume 1 2 3 with around 120 magical damage, five hammers with level 5/6 blue/ red gems depending on others alts or only focus on druid3, archmage bangle x2, virtov clothes gloves, agny necklace and lastly cards.
I know it sounds totally overkill but it’s not actually if you have mage farmer, mage dps, and cleric magical damage.