Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter Discussion Thread

I want to do the same thing except I don’t know whether I should take Pyro C3 or Linker C1. :frowning: I really need info on whether the “EL turns all damage into Lightning property” is true and intended or just a rumour

It should work like Enchant Fire and Sacrament I think. Giving the extra line of attack for AAs as well as 100 * Skill level property attack.

I don’t think it even gives an extra line of attack since it doesn’t have the “Additional Damage +” line that Enchant Fire and Sacrament have. Also the skill description is worded very differently, as if it really does change Melee and Missile attacks to lightning property.

Here’s for easy reference:

신성 속성 공격력 [X] 증가 : Holy property damage +X
추가대미지 +[X]: Additional Damage+X

Enchant Fire:
속성 공격력 [X] 증가: Fire property damage +X
추가대미지 +[X]: Additional Damage+X

Enchant Lightning:
전기 속성 공격력 [X] 증가: Lightning property damage +X

The term ‘추가대미지’ is only missing on Enchant Lightning’s description…am I wrong then? Does it already give +500 lightning property attack? (not additional attack/damage)

Well that’s my reason for thinking that it does not add an extra line. But I have no personal experience nor have seen a video that can provide concrete proof on the matter. So I can’t say for sure.

But here’s the part that’s making me think that it also changes property damage to Lightning:

자신과 파티원의 공격에 일시적으로 신성 속성을 부여합니다.

Enchant Fire:
자신과 파티원의 공격에 일시적으로 화염 속성을 부여합니다.

Enchant Lightning:
자신과 파티원의 근접 공격과 미사일 공격에 일시적으로 전기 속성을 부여합니다.

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Ugh, it if only provides lightning property to melee and missile…>_> RIP.

On kToS topic someone mentioned that enchant lightning was fixed/tweaked, I wasn’t able to translate the notes’ content though.


Enchanter is the class with least attribute. Enchant Bomb only?
I’m still waiting IMC to add more attribute to such a Rank8 class.
Come On, it is rank8, they should able to do better even C1 like Sage

someone have new? For example, does anyone know if QUICKCAST is compatible with Scroll?

As said above ^

I doubt they will make a Quickcast scroll possible.

By the way, I’m now really lost with my build :confounded:.

Wizard > Pyro > Linker > Thaumaturge.

I don’t know if it’s worth it to go in this path (mainly for scrolls) :

Wizard > Pyro > Linker > Thaumaturge > Chronomancer > Thaumaturge > Enchanter

I’ll have Enchant Fire, Fire Ground, Joint Penalty, Hangman’s Knot, Reversi, Quicken as Scrolls, but do you think people will pay for those scrolls :anguished: ? I think going Chrono just to get Quicken is not worth it. I’ll certainly never use it if there is a Chrono3.

It’s sad we cannot open a shop to Enchant people, and not their gears… On top of that, it’s kind of weird to be unable to create a scroll of Enchant Lightning. Lack of informations is making theory craft really hard, and we don’t know yet R9 :weary:. Enchanter Rank2 is maybe a total crap.

I dont see why not. 50% cast speed isnt exactly overpowered.

I’m still searching where I said Quickcast is overpowered.

A scroll like that wouldn’t help a lot Swordmans, Clerics and Archers. So if your scroll is only useful for your class… Just don’t make scrolls of it.

50% damage, but, you can use card to get 50% magic damage to any class.


That +50% magical damage comes from attributes, scrolls don’t copy attributes, why would you pay 2,5~12,5k for a scroll if you already have the skill itself with 100% uptime?


Most of the scrolls are used better with their own classes, simply because they have the attribute and don’t share CD with the own skills, so it becomes basicaly an overheat.

With Quickcast -_- ?

Edit : What do you think about Enchanter costume ? This red color is really flashy :cold_sweat:.


I’m talking about mostly the DPS-ones, and even the utilities.

Quickcast scroll would not be OP, it’s just that you can’t claim scrolls that benefit mostly the own Wizard classes shouldn’t be crafted, because that is what Cleric and Wizard scrolls are most used for (aside Cleric’s OP scrolls).

Don’t really like it, I like Warlock’s the most and am still waiting for Shadowmancer :stuck_out_tongue:

You are right, I should have said it’s useless to make a scroll of a spell useless for others and for yourself in case it’s just better to cast it. Like Daino…

Yeh, I think I’ll have to go Warlock on my Enchanter, but the male costume is… so… MEH, compared to the female costume. Or do you like the male costume :fearful: ?

Quickcast is mostly used by its attribute, not its pure effect.


yeah, I’m not even going enchanter, just glad to buy PoA scrolls.

Pray for Mastema scrolls :pray:

I actualy like the fame costume

Quickcast is mostly used by its attribute, but, Pardone have attribute too in scroll, I guess.
So, if you not have a wiz c3, you buy a scrool quickcast, for exemplo: wiz1, pyro3, linker2, warlock. Understand?

My question is: is it possible to create a scroll from QUICKCAST?


No, pardoners don’t have attributes in scroll.

Yes, obviously every magical DD class would buy Quickcast scrolls if they had the +50% magical damage attribute

No, it is not possible to create a QUICKCAST scroll.