Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter Discussion Thread

Was originally planning to pick Enchanter to salvage my current Wiz build (aiming for Wiz3-Cryo1-Kino3; it’s a long story how I got into this, so I’ll leave the details out), but saw that the only thing scroll-able with my current skill build is Magic Missile (which I don’t think would be //that// beneficial compared to Reversi or Joint Penalty). Still, I’m intrigued to know what those Enchantment Bombs are for, as well as thinking of making this character an armor-enchanter and just focus on an alt.

With my current path, would you think Enchanter C1 could help out, or would you think Sage C1 is a better option due to the lack of damage output my circles currently have? I haven’t tried PvP/GvG/TBL yet and am actually more PvE-oriented (ironic to have picked Kino3), but I enjoy playing my character and that’s all I’m looking for.

Whispers it would have been an awesome gimmick if Raise were scroll-able, but then again it would have broken Kino even more

Koreans are saying the class is trash. It’s one of the least popular rank 8 classes in the game. I think only 1 class is less played.

The scrolls are rubbish. Poor selection of skills and way too expensive. Only useful for ranks 1-6 but people at those ranks cannot afford to pay for single use scrolls.

Enchantment Bombs are a waste of money. Koreans even make a joke about it saying they are a fancy way of throwing away money. They are single use items, cost about 2800 silver to make and do piddling damage. You’re basically paying 2800 silver to use a normal attack.

Enchant Lightning is a joke. +500 damage might seem strong, but it’s not mulfiplied by crit and by the time you get it every mob in the game has 500k hp so an extra 500 is nothing.

Empowering isn’t bad but it’s kind of useless too. The effective level bonus isn’t that great and +25% Sp is ok but you can just use a potion because they cost nothing.

Enchant Armor has one useful effect (+5% magic defence on a piece of armor) but it’s only really useful in PVP. Except once you enter TBL the effect is stripped from you.

Agility is another trash ability. Koreans have been testing it, with 103 stamina they went from having a 43% chance to avoid attacks to a 46%. 103 stamina = 3% more dodge chance due to Agility.

Having one useful ability is kind of a joke. Just more evidence that IMC yet again cannot design or balance classes at all.

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I think it’s like chrono 1, wherein circle 1 su-cks as hell while more ranks would make the buff more useful like quicken. so once you take enchanter you take it for all the circles it’ll have I guess :slight_smile: so to the people who’re gonna take enchanter please be warned that it might be a circle 3 or none class.

Circle 3 in what… 2 years?

The class is trash. Koreans are actually calling it the single worst class in the game. Half it’s skills are bugged, the other half are just that bad.

On the forums there are threads demanding IMC say something about the class because none of them can understand why such a bad class would be rank 8.

well i’m not trying to defend imc’s way of balancing and stuff but wouldn’t it be bad if all classes would be rank 1 wonders? and well bugs are fixable… if imc ever cares to fix them :cry: but all it’s skills scale per level and as circle 1 you won’t be getting much altho I do agree enchant lightning and enchantment bombs needs to be changed but what if they get better attributes or synergies with c2?

we just have to wait… if the game doesn’t die… to see if circle 2/3 enchanter is worth it. and it’s not like leveling from 280-315 is bad on enchanter, because when you make a squire, you’d take pelt 3 to be taken into grinding groups, and that’s the same for enchanter wherein you’d need atleast cryo 3 or linker 3 and for those scrolling chars you’d just level it to enchanter 1 and use it to scroll. the enchantment shop would be tedious as it would require 3 circles to have better scaling.

btw what do those enchantment bombs do? >_> you just throw them and they deal damage?

That is what Enchantment Bombs do. A usable item. Cost 2800 silver to make. Do about as much damage as a normal attack.

Koreans use them like fireworks though.

I guess it’d be nice to make a pyro 3 sorc 3 enchanter for new year then :cry: :laughing:

Actually there are ton of classes that were supposed to be useless until the day people understood their real power. Just wait and see.

As for scrolls too expensive for beginners… scrolls are not for beginners, they are here for people who are at max lvl with a lot of money and want to do another character, or just reroll. Enchanter is a Guild friendly class in this way. If you played RO you would understand.

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What use does a Flame Ground scroll (with no attributes) have for a rank 8 player?
Mobs at rank 8 have 500k hp (that is 500,000). Rank 5 Flame Ground wont even be doing 5% of that.

You’d need 20-30 of these scrolls to kill 1 mob.

Same applies to all of the damage dealing skills. The damage they deal is nothing at rank 8. At ranks 1-6 they’d be good because a single Flame Ground can kill tons of mobs at those low levels. But people at those levels cannot afford to buy scrolls at those kind of prices.

Only useful scroll for rank 8 onwards is Joint Penalty. All the other scrolls are useless.

Did you read what I said ? Where the hell did I said Fire Ground scroll is for R8 ???

Yeh you really didn’t read a single word or you just didn’t understand.

Spam Pole of Agony scroll in ET lol… let’s see if it’s useless or just savage. And what about Reversi ?

So what scrolls are useful at Rank 8?

Pole of Agony has a 2 minute cooldown so you cannot spam it. And you’re still not going to be be doing lots of damage with it. And at rank 8 why would you do ET? You get better gear from trash mob drops.

And how is Reversi useless? Scrolls don’t work in PVP and Reversi is only useful in PVP.

I’m waiting to hear what scrolls are actually useful at rank 8 and why.

I can’t wait for R10. I want C3 Enchanters to sell Level 16 JP scrolls (11 targets - with the help of a Divine Might buffer).

The sole fact that Enchanters can make scrollable JP makes them useful, but I do hope their other abilities get buffed.

I’m really not sure why Enchant Lightning is supposed to be for Physical dps and not also the Wizard casting it…

Not a lot of scrolls. And I said why, just read.

You are right, unless scrolls don’t have CD. I don’t know if we have more informations about it.

Wiz3 > Elem3 > Warlock 2. Pole of Agony x2.

Wow, no :fearful:.

We will have more informations when this class will come into iToS. But I really doubt they created this class to help R8 ranks.

Scrolls have the same cooldown as the ability.
Scrolls are disabled in PVP.

You’ve named 1 situation where a scroll might be useful. In comparison Barrier and Daino scrolls are so useful everyone has stacks of hundreds of them by now.

I didn’t say no to that but to :

It’s a common build and there are many Warlocks running across this game. One situation is enough compared to the number of people who could use it.

And Reversi gonna be stacked too. Enchanter is a reversed Pardoner.

I’m a Thaumaturge 3. I almost never use Reversi. It’s only useful in PVP where scrolls don’t work.

Enchant lightning was an attempt at creating synergy between Cryomancer freeze + lightning damage (attribute). And an attempt at creating a buff which turns skills into lightning property for Joint Penalty (lightning bonus damage attribute), however they changed it (again) - lightning bonus will only apply to first hit.

Most Cryo3 Chrono3 went Sage since Missile Hole buff & taxi is more useful than +500 lightning damage.

@Garfy is not wrong. Enchanter is not in a good spot at KToS.

Lightning test
(without buff lvl 5)

With buff lvl 5 (doesn’t increase by +500)…

Joint penalty + lightning: increase by around +440…

I was referring to the Melee and Missile note about the skill, unless that is currently irrelevant ^o.o^

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like this, what’s the point of even going enchanter? rather take another rank of linker than enchanter. even missile hole is worth it even if sage doesn’t live up to what it was advertised to do.

Enemy: Lepusbunny (Leather, Ice)

Dagger Attack (Pierce)
Pierce vs Leather = +50%

Lv.5 Enchant Lightning -> Dagger Attack (Pierce, Lightning)
Lv5 EL = +500
Pierce vs Leather = +50%
Lightning vs Ice = +100%

Lv.5 Enchant Lightning + Freeze -> Dagger Attack (Pierce, Lightning)
Lv5 EL = +500
Pierce vs Leather = +50%
Lightning vs Ice = +100%
Cryo Freeze Mastery = +50%

Lv.5 Enchant Lightning + JP -> Dagger Attack (Pierce, Lightning)
Lv5 EL = +500
Pierce vs Leather = +50%
Lightning vs Ice = +100%
JP Attribute = +50%

Oddly, only one is 4k

Lv.5 Enchant Lightning + Freeze + JP -> Dagger Attack (Pierce, Lightning)
Lv5 EL = +500
Pierce vs Leather = +50%
Lightning vs Ice = +100%
Cryo Freeze Mastery = +50%
JP Attribute = +50%

Again, only one damage is high
