Tree of Savior Forum

ELI 5 - Why is pyro useless in later circles?

So I’ve searched the forums for a bit, and the general consensus seems to be that pyro’s damage is great for the first few circles, then proceeds to fall into a neverending abyss once you hit circle 5 or so. That said, I’ve never made a pyro 3, so I don’t understand why that’s the case. Pyro skills all seem to be multihit, which I thought was one of the more critical factors in DPS. Sure, the growth per rank is pretty terrible, but they still get the attributes that add your matk and what not, so why is pyro looked down on as a DPS?

Thanks in advance~

Because the DoT is too slow.
After level 200 monsters start having 100k+ hp.
When youre mobbing a hoard of 100k+ hp monsters, flame ground or a few fireballs isnt gonna cut it.

I mean, most spells are DoTs technically - kino’s PP does damage over time as you channel, and ele’s frost cloud and hail also do damage in that area over the duration. Is it just that they hit more times in those seconds than pyro does?

yes, higher damage too

Don’t listen to the net-build crowd. Pyro 3 will always be a powerful PvE force (for solo anyways). You do need to have decent int and high attribute % late game for this to be so, but 2 fire balls + fire ground is easily over 100k dmg by itself, not including the dmg your other class selections are contributing as well. If you really like how the Pyro skills function, by all means, don’t think you won’t be able to solo with it long term.

However, I mention solo. In parties, Pyro 3 will always have issues because most of your dmg is from fire ball and most of the time you have people hitting them out of place. It’s pretty annoying… If not for this, Pyro 3 would also be a strong force in party play too.

I would say not really that bad for dungeon and mission as the cooldown is very handy, but at 2-3 stars map yes, it takes too long to kite around and kill.

There are Pyro C3 > Linker C2 > Warlock build pretty solid, you can link and hangman’s knot to locked your fireballs with enemy.

imo the best way to build pyro class is taking support classes like linkers/thaums/chrono, which will improve your character performance overall. It’s not really “useless” as other people think, just not meant to be tier 1 dps, but maybe a semi support/dps would do.

Because Wiz 3 give you +50% magic damage for your every higher rank spells later on but Pyro not.

You should not compare the damage from a rank 2 class with a rank 6-7, Valkyrie_regalia said it all, u can notice that pyro skills have lower cds, use it as a filler for your big bursts coming from higher rank classes.

Yes, don’t compare the damage. Compare Pyro with Wiz3 for how good Sure Spell and Quick Cast are. And then Compare Pyro with Cryo for CC spells. You will understand how Pyro be over shadow by Wiz and Cryo. After that, if you pick Pyro after Wiz3, you have to compare Pyro with Elementalist which is the no brainer task.

Indeed the damage after u hit around level200 you will feel ur damage start falling compared to other classes. Not that pyro are weak but other classes are going stronger instead. Especially with wiz3 quick cast +50% matk which scale well with higher circle damage skills.

Me myself is a pyro3 and I feel I am actually doing good damage IF ONLY IF you have a good party. Player with good sense (with brain) will not knock your fireball away when boss-ing just because for their own dps. Boss normally have a big size and fireball just take a little bit of corner. Melee attackers who are smart will attack from the other side so they wont knock the fireball away. I have meet many smart ones (and also retarded one for sure) that really done well cooperate with me without communication. RIP no-brainers for those fireball kickers :laughing:

Hello there, I would like to give my feedback about the Pyro class.

Currently I’m level 180 (6th circle), Wiz>Pyro3>Chrono2, and since I was Pyro3 (4th circle) I’ve been listening that Pyro sucks, thay Pyro is useless after rank 3, that it cannot carry you through high levels maps, and so on.

I can understand why people follow this line of thought, but from my experience, it is not true. Pyro 3 is quite effective as a DPS, if you plan your build well enough, specially if you intend to be more than a damage dealer (like a mixed Support+DPS build).

People tend to favor single role builds (“you can either Support or DPS, not both”), but that is a poor assumption. Mixed builds are quite effective and, more important, versatile.

Also, more damage is always welcome, specially in long battles. Pyro is great at boss battles, because of its multi-hit skills; its overall damage is high enough, even in comparison with the current meta DPS builds, focused on single skills with long cooldowns. Remember that Pyro skills have little cooldown (and you can combo them with Pass, from Chronomancer, allowing you to spam them).

Pyro is the first DPS class you have access to, allowing you to create combination that Elementalists and other DPS classes couldn’t, since they eat up all the latter classes slot.

You cannot have a Elementalist 3 Chronomancer, for example. You can’t have Elementalist 3 Sorcerer. You can’t have Elementalist 3 with anything else but circle 3 or below classes.

Anyone choosing to go Pyro is choosing to focus on damage at its early levels, allowing the latter levels to focus on something else. It is the opposite of the current tendency (support of the first ranks, DPS in the latter), but it is still valid.

If you go Support first then DPS later, you necessarily forsake the last ranks support classes, putting DPS ahead of support (but still being effective at both, if well planned).

If you go DPS first then Support later, you forsake the last DPS classes, putting Support ahead of DPS (but also being effective at both).

Pyro deals less damage thank Warlock, of course, but it doesn’t mean you don’t deal damage at all (also, Warlocks cannot be Chrono3). You still do damage, you still contribute in dungeons and missions as a DPS and in the event you find a group with no DPS, you can fit in the role as well as anyone.