Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist / Linker question

Does Electrocute + Link still works? also Hail,Frost Cloud skills ?

Electrocute and Hail do, Frost Cloud does not.

i see thank you…

i was a bit skeptical about these linker nerf not working on aoe…

so electrocute and hail is not counted as aoe?

I cant 100% sure about what i will say, but i think that electrocute and, especially, hail will not work with linker.

Joint Penalty is really poor tested by English speaking community right now. We will see how it’s work only on server…

elecrocute attacks each target individualy.
so, the first one is damaged (and JP spreads that) and then it bounces to the next target (and JP spreads that chunk of damage), etc.

hail functions more like a ton of very small aoes. it won’t double up the damage of a single shard, but it will let you hit each enemy with more of the shards due to basically giving you a bigger target. prominence would benefit the same way.

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i see thanks for clarifying.

the Joint Penalty thing… I wonder how they “nerfed it”

does that mean if i hit 5 linked mob w/ my Electrocute it will make my dmg x5.?

Yep, and even more than that if you take the +50% lightning attribute from JP.

From my experience Electrocute is one of the best skills that synergizes with JP.

I see… though what are these nerf thats roaming around on threads

i wonder if it will still be good like it used to base on ur experience with the combo.

The JP nerf is related to “true AoEs” such as Frost Cloud, Meteor, Earthquake, Flame Ground, etc. JP used to double their damage, but not anymore. Electrocute isn’t really an AoE (it’s a bouncing single-target, like a jacked-up Oblique Shot) which is why it doesn’t get affected by the nerf.

Keep in mind the other nerf is still there though (cooldown is now 22s instead of 15s).

Why bothering +50% lightining damage boost when u can get +50% all of your spells with wizard c3?

I just cant see any reason for elementalists 3 not to go for wizard c3 (maybe wiz 1 - pyro 2 - ele 3 build, which will be probably outdamaged later on). And the constant nerfs to linker make this ocasional C1 linker so bad (maybe on some summoner builds it still fits)