Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist became useless as a dps (?) wizard nerf

I never liked Hail to begin with, but it’s still a fire and forget AoE skill. Just because it’s not god tier statue anymore doesn’t make it totally useless.

I’m making a War2Shadow2 to have an actual bossing/single target option. I’ll still have my standard elememe, which will be going FF1.

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Just tested Hail in dun330 after party member gathered mobs in one spot. Il still melts away stuff really fast…

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Where , iTOS? iF Of course you do nah , afaik we don’t have the balance yet fo h4iL!
Unless it’s a ninja thang.

Yes, like most of other stuff, Hail got ninja nerfed. I’ve checked the tooltip and it says damage is 400% instead of 1000%.