Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist became useless as a dps (?) wizard nerf

after the nerf on hail and due the actual damage formula this class become so useless against targets with high Mdeff,
befor this nerf, on velcoff I deal almost 100k per hit. now with rune of ice I reach almost 50k, so like 33k of base damage, thats 1/3 of the old damage, also because the nerf on the amoun of hits its deal 1/2 strikes, so its a total of 1/6 of the old damage on some high deff targets.
the problem here its who class can fill this lack of damage on the entire tree, if the elementalist was the strongest class of all under R6

wile the others classes have strongest buffs and perks on the early ranks, like ranger3, hoplita3 or krivis3, the only usefull things for the dps builds on the wizard tree was the damage from elementalist.

I would like to see more options to build a wizz dps under the rank 6 because now even Rune of justice from runecasters have a better dps than all the elementalist skills on a lot of targets with high Mdeff

100k per hit on a rank 4 class on a true AoE skill was a little too genereous.

Welcome to Thauma and Linker builds if you want buffs.

iit was on rank 6 hail lvl17 full attribute with buffs and debuffs from letargy. it was a thing but instead elementalist have 1 usefull cd to deal damage to mobs/boss with a lot of Mdeffs, the others clases have buffs/debuffs who technically twice their damage.

It was deserved. Hail was insanely imbalanced.


If you’re an EleLock, the build became stronger on Rank 10. Don’t get discouraged because of a single skill, lol.

elementalist as a class was based around multi target(aoe) dps, even with the hail nerf its still pretty good against bosses + electrocute, meteor and storm dust is fantastic against packs of mobs


Class is fine, Hail was maybe overnerfed, but it did need a nerf either way.

thats the problem, because due the kind of formula used to apply the Mdeff of the target the skills who deals a low damage on each hit its become weaker that others who deal the same amount of damage in less dots, try to check it by yourself but in the patch the formula * was changed from like 1000% to 650% and the damage was reduced on velcoff to 1/3 thats like a 70% less of the old damage**

Elememe become useless because of hail is nerf? Lmao , my doppel highest burst skill zornhau lvl 17 with lvl 100 attribute only deal 90~140k x 4 on velcoffer (non crit). What do you want dude?

usefull dps class from rank4 to below, like barb3 or highlanders3 with their debuffs like armor break or the bonus damage from cleave…

pd: I dont know how much damage do you have but my char its on the top of the tier.

Blockquote I would like to see more options to build a wizz dps under the rank 6 because now even Rune of justice from runecasters have a better dps than all the elementalist skills on a lot of targets with high Mdeff

This is totally wrong.

its true if you take on care about the CD of the skills. and with warlock or on devil/dark targets Rune of justice deal twice of hits.

And you just ignore RoJ 3 OH, 3s cast time. At least, it’s not stronger than Storm Dust. And about combo, it wont stronger than Meteor on FG.

make your own the mats dude, it is stronges than evey skill on the elementalist tree
RoJ + mastema> stormdust+ letargy
RoJ + mastema> electrocute + freez target
RoJ + mastema> meteor+ flame ground (this is a lame multi hit skill bonus just like 40%more damage)

the only skill who can beat this for a little is hail but you need a falconer 3 to make it usefull. even on bosses

Why are you comparing a rank 6 and 7 class skills to a rank 4 class skill

Skill factor and mdef has nothing to do with eachother. The damage reduction from defense is the same regardless of your skill factor.

RC its a rank 6 elementalist 3 its a rank 6.

aja. thats the base outcoming damage, on the incoming damage comes the Mdeff formula. and when their change the solmik to a legend kind of equipment also imc rework the deff formula to be more logarithmic
so, do a higer damage on one hit deal more damage than do the same base outcoming damage on more hits, when the target have a lot of deff.

Well yes but you are including mastema with it. You can also try wl3ff for high dmg too

You don’t take Elementalist for Hail, but for Electrocute. Watch everything on screen that is frozen shatter into mere snow powder. My cryo-ele almost never uses Hail, even if it’s an ice based character…

Also note that the shards will be more compact and hit 100% of the time, which means that all the damage you lost on bosses will be regained on packed enemies instead.

lol i still can be first at valco as dps ._. yes its nerf but hail damage was OP, deal with it ;/