Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist became useless as a dps (?) wizard nerf

any skill can do that, its not a big dead kill a bunch of mob, even now stordust can kill mobs with over 400k of life easy. the problem its the damage on bosses like velcoff where electrocute its useless.

any class can be firts only doing damage with the late rank skill. i could beat anyone with kundela slash amd that its just damage from FF3.

Hey, can you explain me this? How the mdef turns one hit skills better thant DoT?

no without the true formula but i can make a kind of draw on paint

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Just get a FF1 on your elememe and let your warlock do the talking. You have 1 skill that got nerfed, but an entire class buffed.

in rank 8 the formula of the skills damage was changed from a base damage + bonus damage
the damage was a skill base damage plus every aditional damage from Mattk+Elemental damage, on that time the damage formula was lineal, them on R8 the base damage was a X% of your attk plus some aditional damage

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I don’t see the change as bad thing. Now, elementalist fits its role better than ever, which is AoE dps. While Hail does less damage than before on a single big target (boss), it is now a better crowd damage skill.
It’s way easier to hit small targets, and freeze them. Then, just electrocute and everything will die.
The problem resides in a different place: there is no viable single target dps class in all R2-R6 wizard tree to make up for it, so you need to rely on your warlock only.

The full formular is
Damage = (skillFactor%) * (Attack * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack)) * min {1, log10 ((Attack / (Defense + 1))^0.9 + 1)} + Additional Damage

Now this is important because min {1, log10 ((Attack / (Defense + 1))^0.9 + 1)} is the parth that important for magic defense calculation. And theres no mention of skill factor in here

(skillFactor%) * (Attack * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack))

This part on the other hand has the skill factor and NO MENTION OF DEFENSE

Skill factor is calculated from your attack and then afterwards the defense vs. attack calculation comes in.
There is no input from the skill factor in regards to defense.

Refer to this thread for more info The Grand Modifier Thread | Skill damage boosts and 'additional attack' sources explained

thats tread is from may on 2017 its outdated, also I discussed with that guy because he forgot some factors like the Mamply on Magical damage and the Elemental damage. thats formula allways was very simplified

If this formula is outdated or incorrect, point me to a more updated one or mention of an update in the damage formula, either from patch notes or any threads. I am not aware of any damage reworks past the huge damage rework we got back in 2017.

Magamp is basically the same as max magic attack.

yes i know, its work just like Max/Min attk so a red gem technically Give Mamp to magic damages. but that guy test the damage with a Physical character. and also forgot where put some % bonus like the armor kind or elemental kind.
the 2017 rework was the R8, in the R9 imc remade some factors of the skills when they removed all the “no CD skills” because some class was too strong dealing multi hits from like over 500k easly. thats make this diference.
that day they kill some class like fencer who was to strong on r9

Just give up, man.


Well going back on topic, hail definitely deserved a nerf. My elelock still does way superior damage to many of my other builds vs both monsters and bosses.
Hail nerf is not the death of elememe, and as others have already mentioned Featherfoot c1 is a good tool vs. bosses that make up the loss from hail.

meanwhile my cannon picks up archer c2 from r10 :sob:

People complaining about hail nerf doesn’t understand the role of Elementalist and how it was unbalanced and OP. Hail isn’t supposed to be better than most single target dmg skills in the game, it’s another AoE dps skill. The changes to Hail made it a lot better to freeze enemies for Electrocute, for example.

Meanwhile, that guy is complaining about classes like ranger, hoplite and krivis being stronger against bosses than Elementalist. ffs lmao


thats your point of view, saying that elementalist its strong because FF give a loot of damage to your ele lock build its just a ramble
elementalist didn’t a diference at all on your build, its easly can be remplaced ele3 for thauma 2 + RC

looks like you dont understand the roll fo the wizz, the wiz its a AoE dps archer are the 1vs1 dps but even with that the wizz tree needs a dps filler on the lower ranks, some who give damage to single targets or made it more strongest against bosses.
some low rank class who gives damage to the late class just like wiz2 letagy give to omny and WL AoE skills.
that would be the same as ranger giving damage to their late classes on archer. or even to fletcher who is actyally more powerfull than WL.

elementalist was a damage skills filler but without any nice skill to deal damage to 1 target its just garbage this was the last changes on the combat system there is another about how deff was changed too but this was from about one year ago, so I hope to see some new balance like this soon. to bring back some damage to the wizz tree

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Omfg guys just stop and look at Monk.

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Since the thread is about discussing alternatives to the Elememe, I’m going to assume you intend to take Wlk3 and some variant between FF and RC.

The problem I see with the proposed Thauma RC build is that it has a lot of downtime in spite of having Rune Caster. Even with RC, the cd between Warlock spells is simply too long. Most of the Warlock spells are big-ticket skills that require some setup and usually come at the tail-end of a rotation. Using Thaum2 + RC is not the best way to argue a case against the use of Elementalist since the Ele’s skills contribute damage within the time-frame during the downtime between Warlock skills.

Should we consider instead Wlk2/SM2 or a Sage variant (something I’ve been contemplating), the rotation problem is more negotiable due to the very liberal cd’s of these classes but does not discredit Elementalist in that these two high rank skills lack any decent AoE clearing abilities outside of Sage. Condensation is nice but has one overheat. In terms of damage it doesn’t even outclass Meteor–made worse by the fact that its only merit in a Shadowmancer build is that it’s a reliable room-clearing skill in a kit built mostly for few targets unlike Elementalists who, Hail nerf besides, retained most of the power associated with it. This latter class actually complements the Wlk/SM class cap since it provides everything the former lacks.

Now, finally, we consider the traditional Elememe with an RC capstone. I would like to end my argument by saying that outside prioritizing Thaum over Ele, there is no real conflict between choosing Elememe and choosing RC since both can exist in the same build and, in fact, complement each other.

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I love Rune of Destruction into Meteor in CM and Mastema and Rune of Justice synergy, feels pretty darn good to use.

I am gonna try out Warlock2-SM2 during this reset and see how it feels myself, my biggest concern is the SP costs over a longer period of time, I don’t know if it will be a problem or not. Just gotta do that SM quest for the 3rd time zzz.

rank4 skill gets nerfed to match other rank4 skills - this somehow makes elementalist as a whole useless

yeah no


I play FF3 instead clasic elememe, so I never have a lack of cd on my rotation, but thats another thing about this nerf, because now with the buffs on FF its a lot more usefull stab everything on your range untill stop to cast hail and waste time with a powerless skill
also I used to play ele3 walorck RC on the rank8 so I know how usefull was even without the Mdef debuff.

maybe Ele3 its a usefull CD filler for a WL3 build because locks only have 2 powerfull skills but with a long cd. I think that ele3 needs a little rework about the interactions with others class maybe some like its pyro with omny today, who makes pyro3 a loot more powerfull than Ele3