Tree of Savior Forum

Element resistance and magic defense

Ok guys i need help to understand something. My dragon has around 400 magic resist yesterday was grinding in sventimas exile when a mage mob start to attack me and i saw he was doing 800 dmg on me with his fire skill then i tough what if i take out 200 of my magic defense out. he start hit 1100 on me im very disapointed because 50% of my magic res onli decrease around 250-300 dmg taken so maybe element resistance can works better to prevent this insane dmg in us imagine when u swash buckling 18-20 mobs the gangbang goin on u its really hard and i dont want to become a bag of hp just for survavility i already have 22 k hp and i think its enough while try to maintain a decent dps i want to resist.
Some ppl says there is no cure for magic dmg onli get hp BUT COMMON! 200 points in con onli to get extra hp its ridiculous so maybe if i focus in element resistance instead of magic resist in general it can get better? maybe? D:<

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everything is linear in this game,

1 mdef reduces 1 mdamage

1 fireres ruduces 1 fireprop damage


fire ball hits 300, u have 150 mdef and 50 fireres, you take 100 damage.

I had a friend to compare the magic defense…
He had 600 magic defense and he took 23k damage when I used meteor… When he put glass bracelet and others equipos and reaches 700 magic defense, it reduced by 5k damage.

How many times did you test it for each state?

Try with basic attacks, meteor has a strange damage mechanic, maybe it effects before %400 or maybe its because of your magic amplification.

I cant really tell.

if u really want to test try unequipped all equipment with no buff (like quick casts)

But i surely confirm that 1 magic def didn’t decrease 1 magic damage
(same as pdef too)

It exactly work like that
1 Magic defense reduce 1 magic attack damage
1 Armor reduce 1 Physical attack damage

WHY 1 Damage reduction can reduce +/- than 1 damage then ?

Because The way damage is calculated is (In simple equation)

(Damage - Resit) * (Any mutiplicator (Skill attribut / type of damage / element / other debuff / buff / etc…)
One of the biggest mutiplicator factor is the lv difference (Something 10 lv over you will hurt way stronger that if you were of the same lv)

That why sometime armor and magic resit can mean way much than some people think. Sure you can’t just go in whitout any con you will probably alway take some damage a high lv (Unless you got really good gear + buff to boost your defense then you could probably even reach 1 damage taken even vs thing of your lv)

Can someone explain me why use a Elements Dance instead of a normal 43+ magic def bracelet, then?

Because not all elemental damage is magical.

For each 5 lvls except the first 5 lvls enemy def increases by %10.

Example, Lvl 150 vs 200

Lvl 200 will have %190 def while taking damage from a lvl 150. This is the reason you hit 1 to high lvl mobs.