Tree of Savior Forum

Earth Tower Recruitment [SEA]Telsiai

Hi guys, i am looking for 4 members who are active everyday and is willing to form a Daily Earth Tower party with me . Looking for hardcore players who is willing to put in effort and work together as a team.

Server:SEA Telsiai
X= Anything.
Looking for :
Cleric2,Priest3, X ,PD
Cleric2, Diev3, X , X
Wizard1, Cryo3 , Chrono3
Archer DPS No specific build.

Requirements :
Level 275-280 for DPS
Level 270> for Supports

Able to use Voice communications, Preferably Discord.
MUST be able to speak english/communicate in english.
Cryo Chrono: Audra as weapon,Preferably full con type.
Wiz3Ele3Warlock: 60attribute minimal with decent gears.
Clerics :Nothing specific , Preferably above 20k hp to not die too easily .

Other builds will be considered as well but these 4 classes will be given prority.

Comment below ur class,build,stats ratio, IGN .

Sorry for being so picky , due to the fact Earth Tower isnt easy to clear so i have a slightly high standard for everyone <3.