Tree of Savior Forum

EARLY ACCESS for founder pack?

I actually have been saving up money (and time) for ToS and if they release something like “founder pack”, “VIP”, “premium contents” I would buy them right away but I still don’t like the idea. This phrase should be handled with love (half-joking) not money. I don’t want to be one of the strongest players by that mean, I just want to have fun with others and involving money like that would kill my fun. :frowning:


I don’t think so. The game contents are huge and things need to be fixed can lay everywhere from a little typo in a NPC’s dialogue standing on nowhere to bugs on very specific conditions. In companies they pay people to test games in specific ways which are extremely boring and tiresome, I don’t think any volunteering tester would go that far. Meaning that IMC may really need thousands of people to help them, these testers are not for show at all.

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I believe this game won’t last long if they only give LOVE ( the players), this game need money to run.

It might be free to play in future, but it isn’t free to maintain DUDE…

This phrase should be handled

This phrase = the testing phrase (I mean “phase” :fearful:) . I don’t have good feeling about monetizing an unfinished product. When the product is finished, it’s another phrase (I mean “phase” again :tired_face: ). Who don’t understand that the developers need and deserve the money for their product? I am not that dump. Don’t skip word DUDE…


Also IMC said that the game will be F2P. I believe that IMC not only need your money but they need a lot of players for the game to stay in a healthy state. Since the game mechanic is designed around many social aspects, a lot of classes are depended on other players, partying is needed, etc therefor the players themselves (including ones who will never give IMC a cent) are important contents which are needed to attract and keep potential players who will pay from leaving the game.

So free players = game contents, not freeloaders. Sorry that this isn’t really related to your post, just want to point out since this reminds me of threads asking for the game to go P2P.

I’m pretty sure you mean to say ‘phase’ instead of ‘phrase’. Makes it confusing to read.

Just pointing it out.

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Yes! I’m sorry I used a wrong word and caused confusion. :fearful: Thank you for pointing it out. :weary:

Again you say that the game isn’t free to maintain. The game hasn’t even been released yet. It’s still in beta.

  1. What you’re suggesting isn’t like pre-ordering a game that’s about to be released, because in that case you’re paying for (what’s supposed to be) a finished product. This is a beta of an MMO.

  2. Worry about the game being maintained with money when is readily available. There’s no reason for us to pay for the game right now unless IMC wants to get greedy. Besides, if they actually needed funds right now a Kickstarter would be more appropriate. But there isn’t one. So let it go and be patient.

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Hello, while I appreciate your candor but I don’t think it’s ultimately fair to say that someone who would want to purchase a founder pack for cosmetic items, early access or some other such reason doesn’t have the same level of love for the game as you do just because they have the monetary means to buy one.

Someone could possibly want to support the company by purchasing a founders pack because they want this game to be a resounding success and for the chance to work on it’s bugs and see what content is like in development.

I have been on both sides of the equation in terms of having enough money to either eat or play the game I’d like to play and I can assure you that now I do have a disposable income it doesn’t mean I don’t want to work on something I love with as much passion as you do. If you want to know who really gets my goat is the people who made multiple accounts and took keys from other testers and blatantly brag about it on imageboards.

Regardless of stance on monetization of early access and this international server stress test it doesn’t change the fact that this game won’t indeed be free to maintain. And that need for income to fund the server is really going to be what drives the decision to push founders packs or other items in the cash shop.

tl:dr; If it isn’t profitable it isn’t going to last and people who do want to spend their money aren’t somehow less enthused about helping fix problems like you are.

Sorry if that comes across as inflammatory or somehow derisive but I don’t think it’s fair to broadly categorize other people that way. Your opinion is valid to a degree but I don’t like the reasoning behind it.

Have a good day.