Tree of Savior Forum

Dungeon restrictions of 2 are a seriously horrible idea

Yes, and? How’s that related to what we’re talking? My point is still valid.

Name me 1, just 1 game that manage to fight back against RMT 100% from when they do have botters.

Its ■■■■ up the seller and this ■■■■ up the buyer as well.
Google ho things like this works befor you say stupid bs lime this.

Now you don’t even make sense, go back to your cookie factory.

Youbare a sad kid .
Here take this :chocolate_bar: and stop the retarded ■■■■ you talking here.

End of the day you are still a sad kid who isn’t willing to pay for ■■■■ but expect to be spoonfed. Nuff said. Kbai

If all dungeons are like level 50 one then they are really boring and I have no motivation to go into them more than once.

But even so, the 600% exp thing was a dumb idea and so is the cap

I did pay 50$ so far and IF they fix the problems befir 20th of this month i will pay for tokens .
So stop be sad ad ■■■■■■■ eat a :chocolate_bar::smile:

Why am I here? Because forums have their uses regardless, even if they get derailed by trolls and children with parental issues. Plus I sometimes have something useful to say that may actually help IMC and players alike. Why are you here?

Ok, sorry for the question.

You do realise it did absolutely nothing to counter goldsellers?

It’s call attempt. Just having cops doesn’t mean all crimes are cease is there.

Nice attempt, good job for ruining social experience of all players because of that!

And you’re a fool for not realising that trade restriction was implemented as a way to force players to buy tokens.

Seeing as it did nothing to counter the bots, IMC should have changed the system months ago. But did they do it? Of course no, why would they get rid of it when it makes them money?

Force? Which fool told you that you even need token/trading to play the game?
Or are you the fool?

Playing MMORPG without having free trade enabled? Are you serious?

To be fair I feel like direct player trading is overrated. It’s not an excuse, it should be allowed I guess but I mean in almost every MMO I’ve played there has been almost no need to trade with players directly. Hell, I actually have the ability to trade with players as I’ve had a token from day one, I never do it. There’s honestly no need.

I wouldn’t even care if they remove direct trading with random players entirely and just gave me the option to trade items that are found between party members.

This would allow you to swap drops with your friends, does anyone really care about direct trading for any other purpose?

As for silver trading, just put a restriction on it. Examples include; Can only trade silver with players who have been on your friends list for X amount of time, can only trade X amount of silver per day, etc etc.

Anyways this is all off topic.

like @ellstorey85 said we mostly complain about the global counter of dungeons

old one was individual counter meaning each dungeon has their limit unlike now that you can only enter 2 (3 for token) times only no matter which dungeon you choose

Bring this back tbh.

@Kenshiki - I can get behind and support that.

@ellstorey85 - You did say you wanted the +1 removed from premium. Why? If someone is paying money they should have advantages over someone who is not. End of story. They’re supporting the game. That is not hard to understand.

I completely agree with you. When lv 220 comes its going to be hell farming those un-trade able recepie. But other than, I think it is fine. I mean, if you want to go into more dungeons per day just make alts and take things slow =] so far i made several characters that are over lv 100 and 50. I find it hard to do all the instance dungeon on all of them everyday xD