Tree of Savior Forum

Dungeon restrictions of 2 are a seriously horrible idea

Tera have 2 per day, Dragon Nest have 6 per week (much worst). I think this is okay. LOL

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i think it’s fine just because how much exp you get

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Another of those mindless replies.
There is a difference between a company that makes its players want to spend money on extra benefits, and a company that will do everything to simply lock the non-paying players from basic game features.

IMC is an example of the second type. That’s how you know when a company is greedy, only there for a quick cash grab and not focused on maintaining huge playerbase that will happily play for years to come.

Look at gw2 then, they don’t allow f2p to use every single features as well. People gonna cry? Well they sure did.
Seriously stop whining about stuff being hidden behind a paywall. It’s just a bonus feature compare to non-payers/supporters. Mindless replies? To “mindless” people like me, you guys are the “mindless whiners”.

Good to know trading is a bonus feature in MMORPG. Makes a lot of sense.

You do realise they made it that way on purpose as a counter to gold sellers? Those bots can easily trade items for money since silver can’t be traded directly.

To him it is. He is some one thst dont play the trading /md in mmos. So if it not his problem he dont care. Thats how most people are.

So now you assume that you even know me? Are you still butthurt that you couldn’t even win a simple debate and have to change topic?

Omg you are so stupid have :cookie: and go to bad kid.
Or did i say somthing wrong and you just like restrictions in gsmes for no reason?

Oh here comes the insults. And stop spamming the cookie, it doesn’t make you any cuter or smarter. It’s restrictions with a reason. You fail to see it and whine about stuff you can’t get.

Seriously… how does one have that many typos in every single posts… I pray for your family that you don’t actually write your resumes that way.

Why are these forums full of little boys that have nothing better to do or useful to say other than to throw insults around.

Ugh I hate forums.

Thing is i do get why they did it but its not working.
Bot are here from day one.
So take one more :cookie: and be hapy.

Then why are you here?

Just go read his past posts, majority is all about bashing IMC/nexon.
Why do I even bother… should had just checked way before so I could had avoid debating with a tard…

I do. Now do you realize that the trading restriction isn’t working? That they can bypass it using the auction system? Do you even play the game at all?

question is the dungeons still not working for solo partys in tenet garden

@NasiBubur - So we get 2 runs @+600%? And Koreans get 5 at 100%? lol

@ellstorey85 - Why would they need to remove the +1 from premium? They could increase the number for everyone and leave the +1 for premium. Also… you’re saying you’d rather have 5 runs at 100% exp vs 2 at 600%?

The AH is punishing for players who intend to buy, not the sellers. The RMTs are not willing to cover the cost of the tax, so players who buy silver have to folk out more $ to get the amount of silver they want.

Just google for the RMT sites and see.

Who said I want anything at 100%?

I’m saying I don’t want a global cap of 2 at high level when there’s plenty of content to choose from. Don’t put words into my mouth or make random silly assumptions.

All I’m saying is a 2cap is too low
It’s honestly not that hard to understand

The funny thing is IMC will probably one day release these reset scrolls for purchase in the cash shop so that people can farm dungeons more instead of just increasing the cap slightly from 2.