Tree of Savior Forum

Dullahan - a dissapointment

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I agree.
“only best get cube” usually makes people only take max-efficiency-cookie-cutter builds in their groups to maximize their chances for a cube and single out people who dare to be creative and do non-standard fun builds. World boss raids should be a fun event that promotes playing together and reward participation, not promoting egoism and cold efficiency.

How about :
-everyone who participates in any way (damage, heal, buffs) gets 1 cube
-the best X players/groups get a second cube
That way everyone gets a chance for some loot while the best people still get an additional reward since they can open two cubes instead of one.


On Orsha the situation differs somewhat. The new server (SA) split Orsha’s population - The vast majority of it’s population moved to SA, and so now there is only the few lvl 280’s (few but enough that any new comer is by default at a loss and can do nothing) that have been farming it ever since, the prices are 1 million per crafted armor, and 350+k for a Dullahan Armor Frag, Complex gear is not even on the market and I’ve heard from many that it is also controlled around the clock. And the best you might think you could hope for is deflation through surplus in supply. But I doubt that will happen as we now have the majority of our population as new comers rising up who will also not be able to compete and also want to purchase this gear. The silver that this small group of people will make will be stupendous which is besides the point. Especially if they work together to keep the price high and if they remain exclusive, unfortunately they are not as kind as you describe your players, which is fine I don’t blame them for their self interest.

Yeah what you say about playing the auction house can be true, and I’d have no issue with that. But It’s the “monopolization” as I’ve heard from the other players of my level range, which is 200+ (not my words) of the Dullahan loot on my server that is what’s demotivating. That that is even possible at all and if it is playing out as I do think it is, that is what I believe to be alarmingly unfair…

Even that there is 3 channels, the 200 mob kill event acts as a buffer for them to be able to get all 3 of them on my server.

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Cool story. Go help that one dude look for our tower and do something about it if you’re really that upset about it. :slight_smile:

I fail to see where complaining about corrupt boss loot distribution or optimization is “crying on the forums.” Crimson may be friendly and have high end PC’s to ensure that ridiculous lag, but the root of the problem is the loot system. Crimson is just one of the few groups who are controlling the boss, because not many people have high end PC’s to support that ridiculous frame drop. My pc and my wifes can play even Tera on high, but client freeze once dullahan spawns. The root of the problem here is that outsiders are forced to join them or get absolutely nothing.

Doesn’t that make you look more salty when you say this?[quote=“cursedmiracle, post:19, topic:266066, full:true”]
looking for crimson tower so we can gank them on spot, klaipeda vs crimson autists

I think you need to step away from TOS for awhile and relax because your getting mad over a video game seems silly and foolish…don’t you think?

Over cubes…really? LOL :joy:
Why the QQ,saltiness,rage or wtv on Crimson…You guys know there is a lot more guilds that are always farming cubes besides them.If Crimson wasn’t around another guild or group will do the same thing and what then?You guys will cry and rage over them too?The problem isn’t the people/players but the world boss system and the game itself.

To be honest,it will take a very long time before itos “MIGHT” get that 8 hours debuff from ktos.Think about it…we haven’t even gotten the previous changes from ktos yet,so it will take a very long time before we even get to that 8 hour debuff changes (That’s if they decide to take it from ktos because IMC did say that itos will not necessary reflect on ktos updates).


Tempting proposition but no thank you. Let me know once you find that tower. :slight_smile:

Could be mistaken but I think his post was directed more towards those who weren’t necessarily constructively criticizing loot distribution and optimization but rather the ones who are attempting to crucify us… Thinking that if we were somehow taken out of the picture that this would all get magically fixed and that a guild like Aistra would not take our place.

It wouldn’t fix anything, and I was just using Crimson as a prime example. They’re just one of the many guilds who camp it that people actually know. Once the optimization is fixed, another solution on top of that could be a larger number of players for loot distribution. The current system we have now is god awful. It’s almost as if this game was designed to run on a 1980’s desktop.

btw this 8h debuff is not affected with eventbosses like dulla so it should change nothing there …
Well i don’t wanna argue again about this boss issue right now
IMC is just to slow to give the game the needed edge for me :stuck_out_tongue:
And well U can build ur character properly without a single dulla piece …
But the game is faster boring without any bosses :wink:

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what?? so they can still camp the boss?

Yes and they will have more event bosses in the future so the campers always exist no matter what happens.

X.X sorry

Why don’t we all just hold hands and give everyone who’s there a cube? On top of that, why don’t we call the game “Happy Rainbow Carebears of love and friendship”?

I would agree with you guys if the boss battle was “epic”. Like you have to do a couple of things here and there and that it takes a while to kill the boss(and require some form of skill). But when the boss only lasts for like 5-10 seconds , I don’t think EVERYONE who does damage should be getting a cube.

I’m not sure if you guys noticed, but people drop their AoE right before Dullhan spawns, might answer why some people are doing damage when everyone’s screen is frozen.

Call me old fashioned, but I like the idea that boss hunts are a competition. I mean, there are guild wars in our server for who controls Dullahan and I think that’s a good thing.

I like that not everyone in the whole server will get all the rarest items in 10 days.

Also, Dina bee farm grind for like a few hours = 1-2mil. So the silver point is kinda moot.

Edit: Seriously, we have like 15-20 guilds in war killing each other in the Dullahan map. It’s fun to watch. lol[quote=“Dark-Majin, post:37, topic:266066”]
And well i kind of like the competition idea too but… for this the bosses have to get way harder …

Now I agree with bosses getting harder and stuff, but server optimization will have to come before that. We can’t have a boss wiping the floor with everyone and staying in the map forever now. As for the competition, our server literally has wars in WB maps, so it’s fun. :slight_smile:

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Especially if its nothing as a gear / fps check … it should not frustrate everyone even more
And well i kind of like the competition idea too but… for this the bosses have to get way harder …
The fps issues should be solved …
And the game need content besides this stuff …

I don’t know about some of these people… Dullahan drops aren’t as amazing as people are making them out to be. Think it’s going a little too far to act like a monopoly of that “cripples” the entire server.

it doesn’t at all …
the issue is that the content itself is a bit monotone and boring …
u can probably outfarm every bossfarmer …
But the search the tracing … normally different places mobs thats refreshing … or could it be if more people could be involved and its worth for more.

I know what you mean. The only good drop is pretty much the Karacha, and even then I still don’t think it’s worth all this drama.

I’m pretty sure I out DPS Karacha users with just my musket and bow. I’d rather have a shield for PvP as well… Unless, I’m a corsair or shinobi and want to go ninja all over peoples faces… or probably a rogue, which is a joke now even with the karacha set. lol

Dulahan is the only boss that spawns in one area, all the other bosses require you to explore the dungeon. Unless you mean that bosses should spawn in random maps… which I find intriguing, maybe they can add a new boss that actually roams other maps… I like the idea.


I also like the idea that this boss can just non-nonchalantly walk by a party leveling and decimate them. This adds dynamic to the monotonous grind. :smiley:

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I don’t mean that i mean that bosses are farmed and u have a really ahrd time even finding there time …
They are to easy for single highlevel player …
They don’t have really WB feeling because they bug out or can do anything special . And well the competition enhance it further that u don’t want to involve to many people …

Ah, a random spawn timer. A decent suggestion. Even having the boss spawn 10-20 minutes late can throw off the hunters timing by a lot.