Tree of Savior Forum

Dullahan - a dissapointment

Dullahan the world boss is camped 24/7 and the same top people are getting the drops over and over again. So all the other players who want that gear will have to pay out the arse for it. And that silver will all be funneled into this handful of players (15 people?) by the lesser players purchasing this gear making them even stronger cause they then can cap all their attributes and cap their gear with the massive amounts of silver they will attain, further reducing competition. There is no competition basically. The top people will always group to make sure they get every last drop with their maxed out gear/attributes and you will NEVER have a chance because there probably isn’t anything that comes even close to making as much silver. So you will be playing catch up for what will feel like an eternity. Atleast that is the impression I am getting. I see no point in even trying which is hugely dissapointing to say the least. If you try at all, you are just helping the top players get their drops faster so they can move on to other activites inbetween spawns… The whole end game of world bosses system seems highly unfair to me. And it could be also the reason why 17/18 pages of tokens dissapeared over night on Orsha. selling tokens at 350k when these people can afford to purchase 5 pages each individually and have millions left over. Maybe I’m being overly negative? but yeah… I can’t see the silver lining, it just seems completely unfair. The boss timer channels and spreadsheets or whatever are just a way of these top players to get others to reduce their time spent on the world boss practically. If anyone can put this under a different light so that it doesn’t seem so miserable to me or explain what is wrong with my interpretation of how this plays out I would be grateful -frowny face-


it will be soon update the new boss raid system. After you kill one and get the cube you will get 8hours debuff that will not drop cube to you also pass all dmg you deal to bosses.
it required 8h in game to make it expried

it already viable in kr, maybe next update it will up at steam server


it would be better if everyone who attacked the boss won the cube


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That the way for high and strong rule the MMORPG…
There where the game goes ghost town when “new” game launch…
Its been notice by IMC about this issue but what can be done?
Even kino Struck on their signature skills for days and days without leveling cause its error having even with skills…

@hoangsea91 - The KR update affects all naturally spawning world bosses. Gimmick world bosses, such as Dullahan and Kubas, do not incur the eight hour debuff.

To the OP, not all hunters try to exclude others from bosses. At least on Klaipeda, if and when we have open space available, I know a lot of the boss hunting groups invite lone players giving it a shot.

Dullahan prices are also going down rapidly, as is nowhere near as profitable as it was weeks ago. On the plus, his spawn never bugs as a gimmick, and he has a shorter respawn cycle and always spawns on three channels.

In any case, his gear isn’t to fawn over. There’s significantly better gear elsewhere, and you definitely don’t NEED his armor while leveling up. Karacha Dagger, there are alternatives, even Arde Dagger can be used to the endgame providing the same amount of fire damage. But Archer aim for Mana-Mana, a dungeon pistol, and there are other options like Ledas Shield, Otrava Shield, and Venom.

Dullahan is a snack. Demon Lords are the real endgame of world bosses, of which cannot really be “monopolized” because of the nature of them.

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the problem of steam server is people up to sell recipes by talt or made the weapon to sell (even when high level people don’t want to buy the crafted one because it will decreased potentials)

and sure that dullahan only good for rogue with karacha set
i don’t see it’s got anything that worth to endgame build other than karacha

We dont keep eating the same meals all day long so does the item and hunt, but the fun and enjoyment is gone when they either implement this 8hr debuff system or not which wont change much of the impact…
The 1st batch of team already basically hunt till bore and rot till tired then they implement this system up?
The market already nothing to make profit and those late player seem to drop hillway down so what there for new players to hunt?
IMC you already slowly decreasing those value of players on how the game been handle…

OP, just wanna clarify that the market value which i dont think the latest batch player can earn from those amount as the 1st batch of player already have made thru the most profit afterall…
New/late batch only get the leftover bones…

I’m not going to attempt to justify how IMC has handled the boss drop situation - I think that the current system is inherently unfair to single players or small groups, and especially unfair to those who are underleveled/geared; the debuff in Korea is, imho, also a terrible bandaid to the situation. However, I’d like to share my experiences as a level 19x Wiz 3/Ele 3 world bossing yesterday.

I went world bossing for the first time yesterday. Once before I caught a Necroventer spawn while questing and got credit along with the two or three other people who had the timers. I am by no means a top player - there is no chance in hell that I’d naturally get top 6 DPS at this point even with a full support team at my back. I made friends with a bunch of people who were at or near cap and had some experience running WBs. We all jumped on Discord together, had a good time, made sure we were updating our spreadsheet accordingly, and ran every boss we could make for about 8 hours straight.

You claim that WBers make a ton of money - and while the money isn’t insignificant, it’s also really up to chance. In 8 hours I got a Dullahan Armor Fragment (250~300k on Klaipeda), a Nurse Headband (200~250k w/o enchants), and a Geras Spear Recipe (16k). If I’m being generous with my estimations, that means I made 575k in 8 hours. I would have made significantly more if I grinded for just as long.

Now, you’re going to say, “But Alyssum, those are all pretty crappy drops. What if you’d gotten a Karacha Dagger? What if you’d gotten a Maid Headband?” But the really valuable items are really valuable because they have a low droprate, and in the case of things like the Maid Headband, they’re from bosses that bug out and don’t spawn half the time. I’m decaffeinated and can’t be bothered to run the actual numbers, but I’m willing to bet that it is on average more profitable to grind for the same amount of time you’d need to receive one highly expensive item, even assuming you have all of the timers. (And let me tell you, getting timers takes a LOT more time and social engineering than I thought it did. Most guilds have their spreadsheets under lock and key. Even the people you see at every single WB only have about a third of the total possible timers, so it is ABSOLUTELY possible for a single player or a small group of players to camp the lower level bosses. We also currently don’t deal with the true end of game World Bosses like Rexipher and Helgasercle because they absolutely wreck the glass cannon builds dominating mid-level bosses like Dullahan.)

The players who have insane quantities of silver in their banks aren’t usually the same people who are constantly world bossing. The truly rich players are buying and reselling from the Auction House/Shout channel. This requires time, either a good memory or a good spreadsheet of high ticket items, and gambling a ton of silver. The people who are good at it are really good at it, but they’re a different group of people than the World Bossers.

Like I said earlier, I’m not going to argue that IMC’s WB system isn’t terribly flawed, but I wouldn’t fault the players/guilds who are active WBers for making the best of the system that IMC gave them. Especially when you consider that WBing is, on average, not as profitable as people make it out to be.

Hope that clears some things up for you.

Accidentally hit reply to iicecube_85 but meant to reply to OP. Oops. Resubmitted the post because I’m a dummy.


Klaipeda is completely ruled by the Crimson guild. “Jace” and his group somehow control all the boss cubes of dullahan and is going to make ANOTHER video of him opening over 100 cubes. I tried it with a good group last night(even with a 280) and my whole group froze in lag once the boss spawned and somehow Jace and his group still gets the cube? This game is getting ridiculous. Even if you rise up and try to contest the elite team, you just lose to lag.

Did you try turning off all the optional graphic settings?

All on low or deactivated for the ones I can.

no, the idea of looting at world boss of IMC is terrible :smile_cat:

Crimson is definitely not the only guild there (though we do like to represent) - there’s Aistra, Wildfire, Noblesse Oblige, Cats, Kawaii, and god knows how many others who are consistently at WBs… Also, Jace’s party is built around mid-tier world bossing. Jace is very often the only member of Crimson in that party and he is INCREDIBLY selective about party composition. He stacks 4x support with a Fletcher (or, if he’s got timers for magic-weak bosses, 3x Sup 1x Ele/Warlock 1x Fletcher)*. Of course he gets cubes - he’s minmaxxed all to hell in builds that don’t require low ping/lag for the sole purpose of getting cubes. Also, everyone lags. I’ve got a computer built specifically for gaming and the best FPS I got at Dulla was 11~12. Don’t blame players for IMC’s terrible optimization.

Crimson isn’t super elitist or exclusive, either. I applied as a level 14x something with the already over-prevalent Warlock build and got in by playing with guildies and participating in the Discord. A good portion of the people I saw running with Crimson in the bosses yesterday were not members of Crimson or even allied guilds. Many were < 200. Just socialize a bit. It’s not unusual for a Crimson member to bring along a friend when there’s an open spot.

* Just my observations; don’t quote me on this.

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Crimson guild is the only without freeze and lag, even i team up all elite 280 with holy item also freeze and lag without getting the cube…
They are the only guild smooth out the entire game and happily getting all the cubes…

I can assure you that we do not offer up virgins in ritual sacrifice to IMC to make ourselves immune or exempt from lag. That is a silly claim and you know it.


AN easy way to change this would be to take only the best dps per group in the dps race. This would make sure 6 groups have loots.

Our tower is in Fedimian Channel 00, the secret channel we bought from IMC while we were arranging for 0-lag world bosses and developer-sponsored DDOS attacks.


Do let me know how that goes for you. :slight_smile:

I have been friends with a couple people for a while that have only recently joined Crimson. Im in my own guild ValhallaTM and i can tell you that every single crimson member is very kind, and willing to take random people if they have open slots. Maybe if you were socializing and playing instead of crying on the forums about nonsense, then you would have a good world boss group, or even find yourself in a crimson party.
