Tree of Savior Forum

Dueal wielding and rank 7 doubts, plz help!

It just came to mind, Since Corsair is pretty versatile and pretty much balance with any combination of build.

How about Swordman > Highlander C3 > Corsair > Fencer C2 ?

Seens nice! thanks again, ill do some more research and try do a good build that fit my needs

If you dont want to go C3 Highlander you can go Peltasta C1 and then C2 Highlander and the same for the rest.

Or Highlander C2 with Barbarian once and then Corsair.

Or just C2 Barbarian all together if you dont really care about PvP hooking from corsair.

For sure getting a Slash type skill during Highlander C2/3 is good cause theres a Fencer skill that make the next Slash type more effective.

barbarian has all high cd skills and the attacks are average mostly. only cleave does a decent damage among them. highlander will be better class between the 2 classes.

corsair c1 is more than enough. c2 for dual weapons but don’t expect “dual weapons assault” produce good damage. this skill is fine to use when the mobs are below 2 star maps. when come to 2 stars and 3 stars, mob’s HP increased, mob’s DEF increased, this skill is somehow just rather bullshit. my shinobi has corsair c2. but i already reset my skills and get rid this “dual weapon assault” skill from my attack list. jolly roger lv5 is more than enough regardless c1, c2 or c3. iron hook is really worth to invest max, it assists very much at both PVE and PVP. hexen droppers is the best attack skill among but it has a high cd. pistol shot is another not bad skill but also high cd skill. somehow when you choose a class. make sure those attack skills are with low cd so you can reuse them in no time. that is why skyliner is being so much useful at highlander c2. you will need more efforts to kill a higher HP and DEF if you don’t have low cd or 0s cd attack skill. this is my experience from krToS. oh yea, dust devil is very average attack even i got it at lv10 (corsair c2). don’t expect corsair will help you much in DPS. in fact it is a support class (green color icon).

You say you should use low/no CD skills, which Double Weapon Assault is, but then lambast everything about Corsair? Also, Iron Hook does jack if Keel Hauling is not used/on cooldown.

you can say anything now until you see 3 stars monsters :smiley: then you will understand why i say “dual weapon assault” skill rather useless. there are better classes with better skills for DPS path. unless you don’t mind these issues at all.

When dealing high hp mobs, spam skill more better than just AA. Thats why dwa not so good at 3* maps.

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@9thNight bingo :smiley: i already stated, if some people from iCBT2 still want to challenge it, i have no word to say more :smiley:

@Erokhi @LegaultCriez So, after some time thinking i came up with this fencer build, what you think? I put Peltasta and corsair for utility/PVP reasons, and highlander for better DPS. Can i do well with this build or it has faults? (Maybe going barbarian c2 is a better choice, idk)

Ps: There are a few spare skill points because I dont know Highlander/fencer very well yet and need suggestions from more experienced players

Wondering why you didn’t pick Cartar Stroke and Wagon Wheel in Highlander Circle 1, You kinda just leave 10 point unused. And you should leave dust devil alone, the damage is not worth it, better to max out Keel Hauling.

And personally i rather pick Flanconnade than Sept Etoiles. And you should really Max out Attaque, the SP cost kinda high but the high damage is worth it

Thanks, thats why i left some points, i really didnt know what to get, but now i have an ideia hahah

And another doubt, for this kind of build should I go for leather or plate armors? Dex or STR?

If i were you I’ll max STR on stat and focus on DEX using equipment.

Hi, I just tried having Iron Hook on an enemy, using Long Stride causes the enemy to be knocked back, causing him to be pushed out of range. This combo doesn’t work, or is there something else to it? Also, Long Stride can’t be used with a dagger, hence on-the-spot weapon swapping is required (for Hexen Dropper etc)… or is there another side to it that I do not know?

Damnit :< I wanted to use this combo too. Fml. Did you try this in PvP? Also if the enemy has pain barrier up, would it work then? since pain barrier prevents knockback. Wouldn’t be useful in most situations, but better than nothing. Are there other skills for different classes that prevent knockback? You could potentially bait them into using that skill before you went for the combo.

THat wouldn’t be reliable at all. I made a bug report thread here:

Yes, tried in PvE PvP the same.

Hope they fix it. OTherwise, Corsair is probably good for nothing in PvP (after being hailed as THE PVP class for swordsman tree) other than standing still and hooking, while hoping your teammates protect you and just help you hit the enemy. Having all these burst skills like Hexen Dropper probably good for nothing. Since you can’t reach them anyway. Might as well just reroll an archer or wizard class, none of these nonsense.

On another note, I wished people would actually try it out in-game before suggesting things, because I took his word for it and built it like that, just to find out that it’s far from the truth in reality.

So Pelt -> Barb 2 -> Corsair 2 -> something is viable?
How does dual wielding Fencer for r7 sound? Or Doppel? Not a great fan of Dragoon’s, so considering using that build for a dual wielder…
… thinking about it, running Barb 3 before Corsair 2 might work too, since Corsair 3 is just bad atm.

barb 2 doesnt synergize well with corsair 2. You really need barb 3 if you want to go corsair 2. Either way, Barb corsair is probably inferior to hoplite corsair…

Hey Erokhi Is this build okay ? Swordsman-Pelt-Hop2-Corsair-Doppel-Dragoon

are u nuts?
where did you get this ?

It’s a good build, but I prefer Corsair c2 over Doppelsoldner c1 because Corsair c2 has Hexen Dropper (pierce attack) that synergize with Hoplite’s Spear Lunge.