Tree of Savior Forum

Dueal wielding and rank 7 doubts, plz help!

Hello! Im really happy that the iOBT is coming soon, but with that comes the doubts heheh
So… I love to play dual wielding classes with fast attacks, so im going for it, and when I played the iCBT2 I planned going for Swordsman>Peltasta>barbarian>Barbarian>Corsair>Corsair because it seemed to be a good build and fited my style.
But now with rank 7 im all messed up and need your help with those 2 builds that i could figure out:
1 -> Swordsman>Peltasta>barbarian>Barbarian>Corsair>Corsair>Shinobi
2 -> Swordsman>Peltasta>Hoplite>Hoplite>Corsair>Corsair>Dragoon

I couldnt find much information about these builds, and thats why I am kindly anking for your help here :smile: Any of those builds are worth it? what are the pros and cons? Any other suggestion?


I’m not really a pro or anything regarding build but going hoplite and then corsair and then dragoon?

Not really a good combination. I mean Theres not much to spend on corsair if youre going dragoon, Having corsair once is okay simply for Jolly Roger, Iron Hook and Hauling for PVP for more control.

But Damage Wise? Not so much, If youre going dragoon its better to go Hoplite C3 and then Dopple for Deed of valor and Cyclone.

But your other build with shinobi, i dont see anything wrong there, Just wait if theres any other “Pro” who will check your post and give their opinion.

It’s good in PvP with Corsair’s Iron Hook, Barbarian’s stun skills.

It’s also good in PvE because of Swashbuckling. You can use Swashbuckling with dagger, and you can spam Thrust with your bunshins after you use your Kunai, and you get more drop rate with Jolly Roger.

Overall, it’s a solid build.

The only CON you will get is you can’t dish that much damage compared to Dragoon. Moreover, you don’t have spammable filler skill such as Skyliner or Spear Throw.

However, considering Barbarian c2 has skills (Helm Chopper, Cleave, Seism) with overheat, you don’t have to worry about the CON above. You can still rotate all your skills really well.

It’s viable and it’s good.

Corsair is that kind of class that makes your build automatically balanced between PvP-PvE. It works well with most Swordsman builds including Dragoon.

The CON from this build is basically you don’t have maximum damage output in PvE because you don’t take Hop c3. However, in return, you are capable of getting more drops in PvE because of Jolly Roger, and your Iron Hook is still one of the best skill to have in PvP.

Small protips for this build :
Use Iron Hook and caught your enemy from far away, use Hoplite’s Long Stride to jump on them (your enemy will still get caught in Iron Hook), use all your Dragoon’s skills and BAM. RIP your enemy :wink:

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I found this build, it seems pretty nice. I think 3 points in Iron Hook would be better.

Any opinions? cough Erokhi cough

Oh, thank you very much, this helped a lot! Now I’ll to think a lot to decide wich one to choose hahah

I just saw this build as an dual wielding option (Spear/dagger) that seemed to work on paper, but as I said, I didnt know if the build was effective or not

I question his choice not to take Bash at lv 3 because the knockdown attribute is available at lv 3.

I question his choice to take Keel Hauling because it has no use at all except if it’s “fixed” so your enemy won’t be able to do anything while getting pulled.

Dust Devil isn’t necessary to be at lv 10, and more points for Jolly Roger and Iron Hook will be better.

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What you think of this one?

I put some points in iron hook because it seens very good for pvp and the loss on dust devil isnt that much

ps: You think swordsman c2 is better then peltasta? For me the peltasta has more utility but sword can give a better dps, idk

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No need to invest 4 points to Thrust. 1 is enough. Take off 3 points from it for lv 3 Bash.

The rest of the skil distribution is fine as it is. But maybe you want to consider taking lv 5 Pain Barrier.

Oh ok thanks again! But for Pain Barrier what should i sacrifice? concentrate maybe?

1 Thrust, 3 Bash, 3 Gung Ho, 3 Concentrate, 5 Pain Barrier.

i am playing shinobi at krToS.

here’s my build:
swordman => swordman => barbarian => barbarian => corsair => corsair => shinobi
weapon: +10 1 hand maga sword with +5 karacha dagger
armors: mixed 220 dungeon set + roxona 170 set
accessories: 2x gladiator bands, max petamion, 3 headgears with critical attack stats.


  • very average build. barbarian has almost all high cd skills.
  • very weak at normal auto-attack after lv240 mobs (3 stars map monsters). hence, double assault weapon is very bad at this point. so i will say, double wielding is not good for swordman class. i reset my skills again without corsair c2’s double assault weapon skill.
  • only kunai lv5, hexen droppers lv5, bash lv10, cleave lv10 are very useful for me most of the time. kunai is very promising with 3-5 hits, hexen droppers 5-7 hits, bash is constantly good with low cd. cleave lv10 although nice but high cd :confused:
  • dust devil lv10 is very average attack. 3 max hits per mobs even it does AOE a few hits at surrounding. seism lv5 good beginning stage, but after lv240, just do little scratches to the mobs. helm chopper is also average.
  • i put lv10 to iron hook. because it is very useful for both PVE and PVP. at PVE, lure 2-3 mobs together and grabbed them in front. cast bunshin and then throw kunai and bash.
  • keel hauling is worthless, lv1 is more than enough to get the mob bleed status.
  • katon is useful skill with the 8 seconds stealth attribute.
  • mokuton is another useful skill for making enmey stalled attribute.
  • mijin is rather bugged, ignore it for now.
  • bunshin is good but some drawbacks: if you summon more than 2 clones from bunshin, your defend will decrease 80%. evasion will be decreased by dividing to your number of clones summoned. it does multiply kunai attack, bash attack, thrust attack, pommel beat attack, double slash attack. thrust has 0s cd but too slow. pommel beat not worth to invest. you need to get swordman c3 for double slash (this one is good attack).

my friend used 2 hands sword with this build:
swordman => highlander => highlander => barbarian => barbarian => doppel => shinobi.
his kunai has more attack damage than i do (same gears and same attributes we have)
say my kunai damage is average 5k, his kunai damage is average 7k.

here’s one of my videos from krToS:
video 1
video 2
video 3

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So we can say that using a dagger have no real advantage over two-hand weapons.

for swordman, i can say yes when after lv240 monsters. because the normal auto-attack is very low due to these mobs are high HP and high DEF. you need more attack power to overcome the issue.

dragoon is another outstanding class with 2 hand spears :smiley: high damage output too. but you can’t have it since you have r7 shinobi.

Yep, I’m thinking right now HL, HL, hoplite, hoplite, corsair, dragoon with 2H

to play swordman, you need at least 1 0s cd skill like skyliner. it is hardly to skip it if you play swordman DPS path.

Thats why I’ll choose HLx2

The only reason for using sub weapon is for its elemental damage. Mana2 has highest elemental dmg so far. So go for corsair c3 (the only swordy class that can equip pistol) lol

It will be so much better if sub weapon damage added to overall main damage also.

i will agree with that. but then shinobi doesn’t bound to any type of weapon. so, best attack damage weapon will be dominated by 2 hands sword.

Agree on the bash Jolly and Hook :heart_eyes: