Hello! Im really happy that the iOBT is coming soon, but with that comes the doubts heheh
So… I love to play dual wielding classes with fast attacks, so im going for it, and when I played the iCBT2 I planned going for Swordsman>Peltasta>barbarian>Barbarian>Corsair>Corsair because it seemed to be a good build and fited my style.
But now with rank 7 im all messed up and need your help with those 2 builds that i could figure out:
1 -> Swordsman>Peltasta>barbarian>Barbarian>Corsair>Corsair>Shinobi
2 -> Swordsman>Peltasta>Hoplite>Hoplite>Corsair>Corsair>Dragoon
I couldnt find much information about these builds, and thats why I am kindly anking for your help here Any of those builds are worth it? what are the pros and cons? Any other suggestion?