Tree of Savior Forum

Droprate (hidden) changed again today (?)

Thats your theory, not fact. They got it today or tom. If your theory is correct then price will go up again. Because thats the bigger picture. More supplies means the price will go down.

I got 5 bb and 5 rapid the moment this thread started. HG drop tons when i kill them. Sometimes not. My friends are also telling them same or have the same experience as mine. Then we sell them on the auction, flooding the market. You sell none, because of bad rng.

You cannot compare 5bb and 5 rapid bangle with warlocks or ppl who farm 315 mats 24/7 just saying, want proves on market?, just see how high 315 mats went again, plus everything going slowly high again, lets talk in 1 week :wink:

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Price of 315 mats is still the same in Telsiai. Even when HG was released the rate is still the same. Some people needed to kill 1.2k+ just for it to drop.

Sure, so today was the bad RNG event for us all the entire community. Tomorrow the drop rates will be increased again guys, hype.


Not entire community. Lots of people are getting more loots. Oh sorry i forgot, this forum always think they represent the whole community as a whole to push their agenda.

“Lots of peopleare getting more loots” where are they?
from all the 30 users that have replied this post, you are the only one who “feels” everything is the same, other 2 or 3 guys just asking for proper test/analisis, other 26 guys are feeling the same, and i know you and your immaginary friends could be right, but until real confirmation, bigger analysis, etc nor you, or us cannot confirm anything, but lets be fair, its weird EVERYONE started to feel the downgraded drop rate from the SAME day…
as i told you, if this is right, you just have to wait 1 week and we will see


You guys realize that if they can keep track of a players individual “rnjeezusdpk”, they can also keep the ratio that you’re killing mobs.

What if they made a counter to insane killing rates on the new rng code?

What if some random reason like not making Dark Spirits drop off screen?

I mean,what if the change only affects Warlocks? If yes,that’s a good change, Warlocks ruin the game almost as much as AFK classes.

Ok, ill just call this thread as anti-RNG faction. If you guys cry enough, IMC daddy will grant your wish to revert the old DPK. Dont worry those who wanted to changed the system in the first place already in silent mode. Lets just snowball this agenda into big mob. Hype hype!.

My own tests of farming, where using a hackappelle to farm 315 mats wich i have been doing 8 hours /day since new drop rate came up, now im consistenly getting real bad drops thats why i came to forums to see if i was the only one having those problems and found this post, i dont know about warlocks, but im pretty sure its no just to them, maybe just dpk items


quote from the past. Ringing in the present.

“lots of people are getting more loots.” forgot that your opinion represents lots of people. They are not posting here, anyway.

Feel free to flood market with lots of bb"s. Just remind to post here when price reach 100k each since you’re dropping them so easily.


wtf, i think you just understood everything wrong, we dont want anything dpk back, really, does anyone wants that shi tty old dpk back? we talking about buff on rates wich started on HG update then, it got ninja nerfed 2 days ago to i dont know what kind of weird drop rate…


I averaged out 4 orange mat drops per hr when I farmed for straight 5 hrs earlier. 7,2,3,5, and 3. Averaging 760ish mobs killed per hr.

Revert to old DPK? You realize they never stated anything about RNG being implemented last patch right? Only their intention.


Anecdotal evidence only goes so far.

I mean, i’ve had days with really good spoils and terrible ones after HG update.

Which personal experience is closer to truth?

The one with the loudest voice.

Im just talking about the Posibility the down on drop rate is not just on warlocks as you suggested

Edit. Take it as me saying +1 on drop rates not only affecting warlocks :d
obviuslly based on my own test, even if i could be wrong it should count somehow. (plus im not bringing immaginary friends to back me up)


You’re just trolling at this point. My theory is a “theory” in the same way that evolution is a theory. WL2 farming is a gigantic sample size and it’s so statistically unlikely that several people, including myself, would all have the exact same poor roll of RNG. On top of that, myself and other people have experienced the same issue hunting, for example, Dawn Crystal Fragments.

Do we know exactly what happened under the hood? Nope. Do we know definitively something has changed? Yes, because several people have contributed giant sample sizes, not just “hunches”.

RE WL2 farming: no, that’s not the case. This is affecting etc drop rates such as the orange weapon mats as well.


13 kills = 13 BB. I wish i screenshot those 6 in a row BB. I promised it was RNG because the system was changed.

13bb of 13 kills is really beyond incredible :open_mouth:
now i see why you want so bad to drop stay like this, you found a way to drop it very easy, so you dont want it to drop in price xD greed man