Tree of Savior Forum

Doppelsoldner doubts

Hello Guys,

I was planning on doing a full PVE DPS swordman class and since I don’t know alot about this game I want to clarify some doubts.

My build:
SwordmanX2-> BarbarianX3->Doppelsoldner

my issue is with the Doppelsoldner skill “Punish”, how do you collapse an enemy (which skill does this) and what do you think about my build? is it good for PVE DPS Melee two hand sword? or should I go for a better build?

Thanks and Regards.

Bash attributes for it I believe… Embowel I think does it by itself without attributing… Giant swing might also do it but you’d have to test the last two skills for yourself. Bash attribute I just read from the fan site.

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Thank you very much, I’ll try with different skills and see if they work, for me this build will make an insane Two hand sword Melee DPS for PVE, but need to check further when playing.

Also, I’ve seen only people saying that they want to make, archers->mages->healer, nothing about swordmans, lol

Yeah, it’s pretty weird but considering Swordsman IMHO doesn’t have much variety, it makes sense. A lot of people seem to be building towards Barbarian because of the buffs or Peltasta for the block which truthfully, are very good builds. Other builds however are fairly lack luster.

Highlander should do fine with its block skill but it’s still not as good as Peltasta’s skills.

That’s true, and basically I went full swordman/barbarian build due to buffs, those insane attack damage increments are very nice.

I just want to be one of the ones who can deal insane amounts of damage to bosses :smile:

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I was going to go Swordmen-PeltastaX2-BarbX3-Dopple for the amazing blocks the peltasta has and the dmg a barb can get it

Erm do you mean Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian x3 > Doppelsoldner? Because Barbarian is Rank 3.

hmm why not highlander on the 2nd rank? both barbarian and highlander uses 2 handed sword on some skills… while pelta uses 1handswordshield on its 3 skills @_@"

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yea my bad about to build just made it yesterday on TOSBase and im not going to be using a two hander as a barbarian because I like the barbarian skills as they go well with attack speed and critical hits but also want the shield skills and defense from the peltasta

Pretty sure they removed a lot of the swordsman limitation for skills so barbarian can easily use 1handed and shield. peltasta however is limited to shield usage for a lot of the skills.

I’m in a concern there, in rank 2 you can choose either highlander or Swordman…swordman provides increased attack buffs and highlander provides 3 extra skills wagon wheel, cartar stroke and cross guard. My concern is, which one would be better?

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If u want more dps then dont upgrade your barbarian for 3 rank… Highlander have Two-Hand Sword Mastery attribute that can increase your Critical damage by 10% per level of features…In twitch people are hitting constantly 5k 2k because of that Op attribute…


oh my bad XD… thats nice too… also on highlander u can have a defensive skill in it at 1st cycle of skills. i prefer 2 handed sword i guess XD

oh thats great then… yeap their is alot of 1hand weapons & sheild for swordies.

hmmm to be honest im not sure whats better… but i preferd highlandder… as u have tried in the skill simulator… swordsman has BUFFs that decreases defensive attributes to max damage output. however, from swodsman to highlander/peltasta both have defensive skill that dosnt decrease you’re deff

You can do Swordsman > Highlander > Barbarian x3 > Doppelsoldner. So it works out :confused: just depends on what circle you get the critical damage attribute. But didn’t he say he wanted to use shields?

edit: I mistook the other guy as OP :sweat:

Its depends of Highlander if u want that damage… but if he want use shield then he is not going to get highest dps…

Then what would be the build to go for highlander and do those amounts of damage?

probably that highlander needs high dex to get more crits landing >_<

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Swordman > Highlander > Barbarian >Barbarian >Barbarian > Doppel.

That or a lot of buffs and debuffs from another class for crit % increase and crit defense % decrease respectively.