Tree of Savior Forum

Doppelsoeldner : cyclone?

Try Fencer man!^) You’l love it!:slight_smile:

videos or it didn’t happen.

even if you combine your zucken zornhau redel damage, it will not be on Par with that 7secs of cyclone rotation.

there are mechanics along with it. you have to learn it though. but seeing how you underestimate cyclone. you really are clueless about it.

It’s not me who underestimate Cyclone, it’s you who Overrating it. Any way, play as you feel better for you, i’m not persuade anyone, just sharing my thoughts/experience.

Lol? Is that works atm? If so then i’ll go Cyclone15.

was on the upper part of the thread… so yeah, i think you missed this part

Why you didn’t mention Zucken? Don’t work with it?

So after reset it will look somthing like that:

In barb tree WarCry10 and Frenzy10 is mandatory, everything else is have realy low difference in skill points investment, you can go max cleave and sacrifice seism/helmchoper but there will be nearly to no difference, i prefere max Seism and equal Choper/Cleave.

What about doppel there is only one thing to choice, Zornhau 6 or Sturtzhau 5:

  1. Zornhau 4 attacks vs Sturtzhau 3 attacks, with 60%+ transcended gale slasher Zornhau will do more damage than Sturtzhau.
  2. Zornhau 15 sec CD vs Sturtzhau 30 sec CD
  3. Zornhau 72 sp cost, vs Sturtzhau 122 sp cost.

In my oppinion there is ezy choice :smiley: Maybe it’s even worht to go Zornhau 10 and both Zwerchhau and Sturtzhau 1.

i did mention it though, tbh other than 15 cyclone and 15 DoV, the rest of 15points you’d choose will depends on how you want it. generally people take Redel into their priority as it is True multihit skill. unlike zucken and zornhau that are fake multi-hits.

From my experience Zucken is true multihit, will test it at r8 when will get lvl6 attributes.

As about stats btw, before you will get Gale Slasher somthing like 3:1 STR:DEX is better, after you will land a hand on Gale Slasher or even Sarkmis, DEX build will be a lot better, gladly i have two stats reset potion for future :D, quite sattisfied with my stats investment at the moment.

if you said cyclone is crap you cleary play doppel wrong

its the most devastate skill in your arsenal

btw @elzeraus if you alrdy invest on 12 punish please share about the outcome damage

did its scale well or just a little improve? ( i just hope its have secret multiply or smthing)

Did couple of tests at doppel2:

Zucken real multihit total 400% of your PATK+SkillATK, do 25% more damage vs shocked enemy.
Zornhau is 100% of your PATK+SkillATK.
Redel real multihit total 500% of your PATK+SkillATK.
Cyclone real multihit total 1800%(at lvl10) of your PATK+SkillATK.

So zucken is not fake multi hit, atleast at doppel2, will do more test when reach Doppel3.

will probably do it on weekend, can’t play that much to level my dop to reach class 15 (maximizing skills, getting attri then reset). busy scheds left me to do event, saalus and some dungeons.

i have already ask Uni for some rough calculations and % damage increment on how will it go. and it turned out good.

will post results this weekend for it.