Hi, Dreifh. It took me 3 days to think about what I should write here as an appropriate answer to your post. At first I was really pissed off. “Another shitty post from hydrarium saying ■■■■?” “■■■■ that guy.” Then i took the time to actually read all your post. You say you’ve only been a Hydrarium member for a month, so I’m wondering about the reasons about this post, and 3 reasons crossed my mind:
1 - You’re really naive and actually think that the WHOLE server is wrong about your guild;
2 - You’re not in the rotten core of Hydrarium (Myz, SoX, Betavap, etc…) and don’t know about the exploits they were doing;
3 - You’re just laughing with all your guildmembers and jokingly made this post.
I’m hoping it’s the first and second one, because I really reeeeeeeaaaaally hope you wouldn’t waste all this time to just make a sick joke about this whole situation.
#1 - So, let’s start with a little anectode:
A few months ago Empire and Hydrarium guilds had an alliance. I’m a former Empire guildmember (#proud) and WE NEVER EVER ACCEPTED OR USED ANY EXPLOITS, and we loathed any exploiters. So when we discovered that members of Hydrarium were using a exploit to enhance and upgrade weapons in a weirdly succesful way (LoveTeam’s +27 Superior Corona Rod), we asked Myz what was happening. He firstly said it was just a matter of math and probability <|:^D
*Also considering math probabilities, You are not the only ones trying to refine weapons more than +15. I really wonder, you’ve been the guild with the highest amount of weapons above +12, with the lowest rate of failure and mistakes, the players who own those weapons are in the same circle (again, Myz, SoX, Betavap, etc…), which in according to former Hydrarium members reports, it is a closed circle, which only reinforce that fact.
A few days later, he came to Empire’s TeamSpeak (hence we don’t have any SS or any kind of material evidence) and was questioned yet again, about the weirdly upgraded weapons. He proceeded to say AGAIN that it was a matter of probability and math, and that he would keep his method a secret WOULD NOT REPORT TO IMC, AND WOULD CONTINUE TO EXPLORE THIS METHOD (yet unknown, at least for me) to make his guild strong. THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN EMPIRE AND HYDRARIUM, THEN, ENDED.
p.s: Players that can confirm to that -> Myz (obviously), Vince (leader of the former Guild Empire), and a bunch of former Empire guild members (Guerrard, LirouFut (now nicknamed eFrost), xMeow (idk if she’s playing), Dibrador, etc…);
p.s2: About half of Empire (after it was disbanded), went to Hydrarium, so please check the names before taking their word as the absolut true (as you should do with mine), and another half went to SSGT, because we didnt agree with Hydrarium;
p.s2: Before anyone says that Vince was banned because of exploits, and try to use this as an excuse to keep victimizing Hydrarium, please: DON’T. He was banned because he used a code INSIDE the game, to change F***ING FONTS. He was permabanned because of that. If you doubt you can check here: Player abusing of the game's code to do this . He never went to Myz side, and always comdemned exploits.
#2 - Of course you can just pretend this is just a lie, so here’s another anecdote:
In the mean time (between the first time Myz was questioned about LoveTeam’s weapon, and the time the alliance between Empire and Hydrarium came to an end), Myz said that he made a reunion with his players, and asked them to stop using the exploits (that he kindly named as “simple methods”), because it was not even funny anymore, and that it (the exploits) were ruining the game. He actually ENTERED YET AGAIN ON EMPIRE’S TEAMSPEAK, and said that he banned LoveTeam, because he/she (LoveTeam) wouldn’t stop bugging his/her weapon, and that SoX wouldn’t stop crashing channels, and that they (Myz and SoX) even had a disagreement about that (oh, Myz, you’re such a White Knight -).
p.s: About the crashing channels, it´s well known that Myz summoned a “meeting” with other guild members from Silute server, to talk about the two topics: crashing channels and the CAPTURE BUG, to deny other parties on World Bosses.
Here’s a couple ScreenShots that were sent to me from a former member of Hydrarium:
His (former Hydrarium player) explanation:
“I’m just doing this (sending me the SS) because I hate hypocrisy”
“They were doing the following: 2 rogues - Myrtariniel and Betavap, 2 chronos to use “pass” on the rogues and warlock - Myz and Shuheii, 3 damage dealers - SoX (magic arrow), DragonSea and Nekomancer (warlocks).
The party kept taking turns (chronos and damage dealers) to give pass to the rogues, and when pass was on Cooldown, they would leave the party and the warlocks would enter the party and use their skills on the ground (to be captured).”
The last SS, clearly, they’re using Raise on Marnox, to easily kill him. Although not considered a bug or exploit, it shows the character of Hydrarium.
So, Dreifh, you seem like a nice guy, and I hope this proves to you that your current guild is not a nice guild. I hope other guildmembers from Hydrarium (that don’t use bugs) realize that too, and that you take action, leaving that guild, and I can only hope this helps our server.
The other option is pretending (after all this wall of text, lol), that your guild is INNOCENT (which it is not), and keep pretending nothing happened.
p.s1: will probably get A LOT of hate, but please notice that i did not raged or insulted anyone, so please, keep it cool.
p.s2: Learn to differentiate, EVIDENCE is not accusation, in fact what is against Hydrarium is only evidence, and heading over this, it has to have an inquiry, but it must to be done from someone inside the company (IMC), and once there’s a proof, turn it into accusation and in base with the same proof comes the CONVICTION, the other fact is until now the company doesn’t seem to give a “■■■■” about such EVIDENCES nor made any proper inquiry.
p.s3: About the money, I don’t want it. I did not write all this ■■■■ to receive 20kk, i did this because I hope this makes somethings right. And the game can recover some base players to actually succeed.
From a fellow Savior,