Tree of Savior Forum

Dont play this game

Vai correr agora? hahahahaha

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eles jogam o jogo mais você prefere ficar AFK em Dina Bee ?

Mano, eu já te disse. Volte para a escola. Fica difícil entender o que você escreve.
Vou tentar responder segundo o que eu entendi.
Eu não estava afk. Não sou obrigado a responder o que você escreve no jogo, mesmo pq, você está bloqueado aqui. Você pode tentar falar comigo a vontade que eu nunca irei te responder.

Obs.: Aulas de português são importantes.

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This is one of the best posts that I have ever seen in this forum. I stoped playing this game ages ago because the economy is broken and there are a lot of little sh*ts in this game that still exploit ( exploiting a dead game btw, super productive). But I come back from time to time to read the forum post just for the LoLs.

Now, looking at one of the most infamous guild in the entire iToS community, affectionately called Bugarium, trying to defend themselves from exploit, hacking, channel crashing… you name it… acusations is just gold, but best of all, trying to accuse other people ( is like the pot calling the kettle black, it’s just hilarious).

Come on guys, this post is completely unnecessary, as long as you all are buying from IMC or whatnot, they won’t ban you, use whatever the f*ck you guys want, afterall, a good portion of the people that are still playing this game are the exploiters (there are some legit players there but… is like trying to find a saint in the middle of the sinners, not impossible, but hell it is going to take some time searching), and I think that you guys will need to exploit to actually catch up to them… that’s so sad =/

Please, do reply to my text wall here just so I can come back and see your reactions, this post is just too damn funny.

Ps: I would suggest to stop trying to reason to the man-child OP and his amazing job trying to defend his “ultra harcore” guild and guildmates, but if that happens my fun will be over so, please, continue to reply to this thread, reading it from time to time makes me laugh and relax a little bit.

Ps2: Why the hell are the man-child “giving” (we all know that he won’t, even if someone rub some proof in his face) only 20 million silver as a reward? As far as I remember, the economy is so fucking broken that 20kk won’t do sht.


@Dreifh 20kk bla bla bla… te refriegan las pruebas en la cara y no dices nada, ademas con los promedio por usuario de tu guild 20kk son como comprar una poción en el item seller :wink: hasta yo he aportado con fotos
y la verdad quizas tu eres una persona honesta te defiendes bien y haces todo por defender a tu guild, pero es ilógico que tengas respuestas para un item de +18 o +infinitos números salidos de quizás quien sabe… gánate tus mismos 20kk que ofreces y danos pruebas que nos demuestren que tu guild esta limpia de todo pecado, me dirijo a ti mas que nada por que luchas por tu guild pero las otras guild no están lejos de ser bugers es lamentable que todos en el server estén empezando a utilizar addons o xploits a mi me terminaría cansando el juego así, no me explico como no se cansan ustedes… es como si realmente no tuvieran nada mas que hacer, que entrar a un juego a reventar xploits y ser los mejores en que? realmente se ve muy aburrido y muy sin vida… que lamentable.

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Hi, Dreifh. It took me 3 days to think about what I should write here as an appropriate answer to your post. At first I was really pissed off. “Another shitty post from hydrarium saying ■■■■?” “■■■■ that guy.” Then i took the time to actually read all your post. You say you’ve only been a Hydrarium member for a month, so I’m wondering about the reasons about this post, and 3 reasons crossed my mind:

1 - You’re really naive and actually think that the WHOLE server is wrong about your guild;
2 - You’re not in the rotten core of Hydrarium (Myz, SoX, Betavap, etc…) and don’t know about the exploits they were doing;
3 - You’re just laughing with all your guildmembers and jokingly made this post.
I’m hoping it’s the first and second one, because I really reeeeeeeaaaaally hope you wouldn’t waste all this time to just make a sick joke about this whole situation.

#1 - So, let’s start with a little anectode:
A few months ago Empire and Hydrarium guilds had an alliance. I’m a former Empire guildmember (#proud) and WE NEVER EVER ACCEPTED OR USED ANY EXPLOITS, and we loathed any exploiters. So when we discovered that members of Hydrarium were using a exploit to enhance and upgrade weapons in a weirdly succesful way (LoveTeam’s +27 Superior Corona Rod), we asked Myz what was happening. He firstly said it was just a matter of math and probability <|:^D

*Also considering math probabilities, You are not the only ones trying to refine weapons more than +15. I really wonder, you’ve been the guild with the highest amount of weapons above +12, with the lowest rate of failure and mistakes, the players who own those weapons are in the same circle (again, Myz, SoX, Betavap, etc…), which in according to former Hydrarium members reports, it is a closed circle, which only reinforce that fact.

A few days later, he came to Empire’s TeamSpeak (hence we don’t have any SS or any kind of material evidence) and was questioned yet again, about the weirdly upgraded weapons. He proceeded to say AGAIN that it was a matter of probability and math, and that he would keep his method a secret WOULD NOT REPORT TO IMC, AND WOULD CONTINUE TO EXPLORE THIS METHOD (yet unknown, at least for me) to make his guild strong. THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN EMPIRE AND HYDRARIUM, THEN, ENDED.

p.s: Players that can confirm to that -> Myz (obviously), Vince (leader of the former Guild Empire), and a bunch of former Empire guild members (Guerrard, LirouFut (now nicknamed eFrost), xMeow (idk if she’s playing), Dibrador, etc…);
p.s2: About half of Empire (after it was disbanded), went to Hydrarium, so please check the names before taking their word as the absolut true (as you should do with mine), and another half went to SSGT, because we didnt agree with Hydrarium;
p.s2: Before anyone says that Vince was banned because of exploits, and try to use this as an excuse to keep victimizing Hydrarium, please: DON’T. He was banned because he used a code INSIDE the game, to change F***ING FONTS. He was permabanned because of that. If you doubt you can check here: Player abusing of the game's code to do this . He never went to Myz side, and always comdemned exploits.

#2 - Of course you can just pretend this is just a lie, so here’s another anecdote:
In the mean time (between the first time Myz was questioned about LoveTeam’s weapon, and the time the alliance between Empire and Hydrarium came to an end), Myz said that he made a reunion with his players, and asked them to stop using the exploits (that he kindly named as “simple methods”), because it was not even funny anymore, and that it (the exploits) were ruining the game. He actually ENTERED YET AGAIN ON EMPIRE’S TEAMSPEAK, and said that he banned LoveTeam, because he/she (LoveTeam) wouldn’t stop bugging his/her weapon, and that SoX wouldn’t stop crashing channels, and that they (Myz and SoX) even had a disagreement about that (oh, Myz, you’re such a White Knight -).

p.s: About the crashing channels, it´s well known that Myz summoned a “meeting” with other guild members from Silute server, to talk about the two topics: crashing channels and the CAPTURE BUG, to deny other parties on World Bosses.


Here’s a couple ScreenShots that were sent to me from a former member of Hydrarium:

His (former Hydrarium player) explanation:
“I’m just doing this (sending me the SS) because I hate hypocrisy”
“They were doing the following: 2 rogues - Myrtariniel and Betavap, 2 chronos to use “pass” on the rogues and warlock - Myz and Shuheii, 3 damage dealers - SoX (magic arrow), DragonSea and Nekomancer (warlocks).
The party kept taking turns (chronos and damage dealers) to give pass to the rogues, and when pass was on Cooldown, they would leave the party and the warlocks would enter the party and use their skills on the ground (to be captured).”

The last SS, clearly, they’re using Raise on Marnox, to easily kill him. Although not considered a bug or exploit, it shows the character of Hydrarium.

So, Dreifh, you seem like a nice guy, and I hope this proves to you that your current guild is not a nice guild. I hope other guildmembers from Hydrarium (that don’t use bugs) realize that too, and that you take action, leaving that guild, and I can only hope this helps our server.
The other option is pretending (after all this wall of text, lol), that your guild is INNOCENT (which it is not), and keep pretending nothing happened.

p.s1: will probably get A LOT of hate, but please notice that i did not raged or insulted anyone, so please, keep it cool.
p.s2: Learn to differentiate, EVIDENCE is not accusation, in fact what is against Hydrarium is only evidence, and heading over this, it has to have an inquiry, but it must to be done from someone inside the company (IMC), and once there’s a proof, turn it into accusation and in base with the same proof comes the CONVICTION, the other fact is until now the company doesn’t seem to give a “■■■■” about such EVIDENCES nor made any proper inquiry.

p.s3: About the money, I don’t want it. I did not write all this ■■■■ to receive 20kk, i did this because I hope this makes somethings right. And the game can recover some base players to actually succeed.

From a fellow Savior,



We have a winner! :trophy:

20m for him, also the 80m that SoX promised on shout yesterday. :smirk:


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ok bro, i quit, this is not a good game anymore

so 20kk lol :anguished:

I understand that you’re new to Hydrarium, and thats why I took the time to write all this. I sure hope this makes you realize how Hydrarium really works, and that you can make the right decision. Although I do not agree with you saying that “casual gamers who have never been anyone in any game” have less of a say than hardcore gamers, I do see your point. I really hope (as i said before) that this post works in a way that our server (Silute) stops rewarding exploiters and loathe them like they deserve. If we stop acknowledging those players, and stop protecting them, I think this game can be fun to play again. It’s been hard playing this game with all it’s bugs. But I still have hope for us (and the game) <|:^D

Yo- yo… you mean to tell me that you can be someone in a online game??? Holy SH*T I didn’t know thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat…

best start playing right now so I can make a diference in society with my hadcore mad skillzz of “killing a digital monster” or… or “dropping this amazing magical sword” and “killing aaaaall the b*tchis in da pvp”.

Gods… I’m going to have SUCH GUD TIMEZZZZZZZ.

“my skill level is proved already in so many games that is not need i prove anything”

Gods, you must get so much pus… wait a minute… you are joking right? Please, tell me you are joking, you are such a tease, this is killing me xD.


By honor… I would pay the 20m even if the guy said he didn’t want it.

Hello, Kimmy

You forgot to mention “Panda” in these screenshots huh?, that pyromancer who was deploying fire pillar, fire ground for us “test” and report capture to IMC.

You want proof for that test? Look the time of the game in SS, and look this video, that mirtis took like 7 hours to kill

Also, I’ve called members of Empire to help, you can ask they.

Also, that pyromancer running is the owner of the screenshot, who help us test that thing, and he know, and speak for himself, was member of my guild right Kimmy? Who are you trying to use to make things against me.

So, use your proofs, don’t use things that we used to test and report to IMC against us man, i don’t need say so much to proof things.

About Marnox, high end game players know about that boss, we was the first to kill Marnox, cuz we know first than people, that boss was receiving debuffs, so we have videos to proof, that boss can be stoped and killed easily

If you can see, the boss receive a lot of debuffs, like QS Stone Shoot, and other things.

But if you don’t know about that thing, and don’t wanna tell for all here, where you got that screenshots. Show the name of the PANDA for all Kimmy, or are you afraid? To tell people that was a test?

Everytime you guys wanted to make people hate us more, everytime you guys fail, because we did so much things first than people, we did so much reports about that skill, later i post here the SS of reports.

It’s all, thanks.


1. Question from M.izu: You forget to mention “Panda” in this screen shot, that pyromancer who was deplyoing that fire pillar, fire ground for us “test” and report capture to IMC.
Also, that pyromancer running is the owner of the screenshot, who help us test that thing, and he know, and speak for himself, a member of my guild right Kimmy? Who are you trying to use to make things against me.

Answer in the text: His (former Hydrarium player) explanation:
"I’m just doing this (sending me the SS) because I hate hypocrisy"

"They were doing the following: 2 rogues - Myrtariniel and Betavap, 2 chronos to use “pass” on the rogues and warlock - Myz and Shuheii, 3 damage dealers - SoX (magic arrow), DragonSea and Nekomancer (warlocks).

The party kept taking turns (chronos and damage dealers) to give pass to the rogues, and when pass was on Cooldown, they would leave the party and the warlocks would enter the party and use their skills on the ground (to be captured)."

p.s: please note the quotation marks. The text inside the quotation marks are (surprise!) quotes.

1.1: Question from M.izu: You want proof for that test? Look the time of the game in SS, and look this video, that mirtis took like 7 hours to kill

Answer from me: You usually test a bug and then exploit it a hundred times?

2. Question from M.izu: Also, I’ve called members of Empire to help, you can ask they.

Answer from me: probably the same people who went to Hydrarium after Empire disbanded, right?

3. Question from M.izu: About Marnox, high end game players know about that boss, we was the first to kill Marnox, cuz we know first than people, that boss was receiving debuffs, so we have videos to proof, that boss can be stoped and killed easily

Answer in the text: The last SS, clearly, they’re using Raise on Marnox, to easily kill him. ALTHOUGH NOT CONSIDERED A BUG OR EXPLOIT, it shows the character of Hydrarium.

3. Question from M.izu: But if you don’t know about that thing, and don’t wanna tell for all here, where you got that screenshots.

Answer in the text: p.s1: will probably get A LOT of hate, but please notice that i did not raged or insulted anyone, so please, keep it cool.
Also, answer from me: I dind’t mention the person who sent me the SS because he asked me to.

**4. Question from M.izu:**Everytime you guys wanted to make people hate us more, everytime you guys fail, because we did so much things first than people, we did so much reports about that skill, later i post here the SS of reports.

Answer in the text(again): p.s2: Learn to differentiate, EVIDENCE is not accusation, in fact what is against Hydrarium is only evidence, and heading over this, it has to have an inquiry, but it must to be done from someone inside the company (IMC), and once there’s a proof, turn it into accusation and in base with the same proof comes the CONVICTION, the other fact is until now the company doesn’t seem to give a “■■■■” about such EVIDENCES nor made any proper inquiry.

Do you know how to read, M.izu? Can you read the text BEFORE “replying”?

a fellow Savior,



So sorry,

I don’t read that images yay.

Well, nice tried, but we killed that boss with hands, later i post here our reports and appeals for the IMC okay?

About marnox, update yourself

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1. Question from M.izu: Well, nice tried, but we killed that boss with hands, later i post here our reports and appeals for the IMC okay?

Answer/question from me: You usually test a bug and then exploit it a hundred times?


Answer in the text(again): p.s2: Learn to differentiate, EVIDENCE is not accusation, in fact what is against Hydrarium is only evidence, and heading over this, it has to have an inquiry, but it must to be done from someone inside the company (IMC), and once there’s a proof, turn it into accusation and in base with the same proof comes the CONVICTION, the other fact is until now the company doesn’t seem to give a “■■■■” about such EVIDENCES nor made any proper inquiry.

2.Question from M.izu: About marnox, update yourself

Answer in the text: The last SS, clearly, they’re using Raise on Marnox, to easily kill him. ALTHOUGH NOT CONSIDERED A BUG OR EXPLOIT, it shows the character of Hydrarium.

Answer from me: Do you understand when i say that it’s not a bug or exploit? I know it was how it worked, I know he was receiving debuffs, i just said that Hydrarium used a mechanic in-game that WAS NOT MEANT TO WORK like that. And that this kind of attitude shows THE LACK OF CHARACTER THAT HYDRARIUM REPRESENTS throughout the server.


Kinda hard to argue when the guy can barely read/write in English. All his statements were due poor language knowledge :confused:

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Totally agreed huahuahuahua

Não vi a arma +27 no post lá em cima.