Tree of Savior Forum

Does IMC still care for what's left of the population?

Obviously they bit off more than they could chew and are still paying dearly for it months later.

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I have not decided to leave yet. But i am on the brink. If the dungeon exceed limit is still there after the maintenance, then ill take a 2 week break from this game. If its still there after that, then who’s to blame then?

Im from SEA. i love playing this game. I made 9 characters in total but only 3 made it past 230. I love experimenting. so clearly it isnt that issue for me. its just these constat old issues that keep coming back and not being resolved full is so damn tiring.

This thread was started to call out IMC and their lazy ass employees.

We do not deserve generic template replies to our posts. We deserve a real reply where these imc people experience the games problems with us.

for crying out loud. People here keep saying if you dont like whats happening to the game, just quit. WOW DUDE. People that keep saying this are real smart. nothing ever got solved with that escape solution.

Ok! fine! If i dont like whats happening to the game now, i quit right?
Well, if IMC cant fix their freaking game, just close it!


Hell yes. Though they might be in a similar boat from what I heard about how they kept delaying it. Hopefully not, looks awesome.

IM just waiting for games like dues ex mankind divided, the new mount and blade and mass effect. This game has a lot of potential but IMC just simply cant handle it. Publishing it by themselves is a really bad idea.

That dungeon limit is a good example of a gameplay breaking bug. It keeps at least 1/2 of the server population out from doing what they want to do. Really hope that IMC can step up and view this as an urgent matter to resolve.

know what else is a really game breaking bug?

party quest freezing

know what else is a really game breaking bug?

weapon enhancement exploits

know what else is a really game breaking bug?

whatever imc adds after this maintenance

Has been going on for quite awhile ever since the open beta. I really wonder if they even have enough people to manage the game. It’s either that or they should give this game to a publisher to say the least. To divide the work load.

Remember when Kim made a comment himself regarding about the optimization a month ago? And that trading restriction too as they said something about coming up with a new system to combat bots and goldsellers? Well, so far, nothing has changed for iToS (maybe kToS already had them).

To be honest, if there were a ToS private server, most likely it’ll be more populated than the official…if IMC still keep the same pace. I felt like the game was rushed to its opening, considering their bold move to push for an early international server.

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do not fret!

a new tree is on the way!


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I am still on TOS because I simply love the concept of the game and the whole class system which is so much better than the standard 5-6 class we get on a typical ‘go to max level and just do dungeons’ MMO. Unfortunately, the state of the game right now is almost like we’re in the alpha testing phase of the game and by some miracle or what not, the only company I ever see who fixes bugs by creating new bugs, NOT a fully launched game that is now approaching it’s 4th month. I swear if I wasn’t that intrigued with the game concept right now, I’d have left the game a long time ago.

Oh and yeah, I’m from SEA, yes we are more tolerant but I hate to say it, having played many MMOs prior to this. TOS wins out by virtue of content and class experimentation but everything else? Oh boy is it heading towards one of the worst publisher hall of fame in my opinion.


SEA people sure spend a lot of time whining about NA, EU, SA people whining about other stuff…

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You may neglect local servers outside iTOS, there’re Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan local servers now.
I don’t know the population of Korea or Indonesia local server, but i can confirm Taiwan local server roughly has at least 3 times population than iTOS (i ever used population addon to check), and Japan local server will start OBT at the end of this month.


I dont think the game is dead or dying. I don’t queue for that long and stuff. But IMC is definitely NOT maximizing this game’s potential for success. IMC seems like they’re trying to do Blizzard style of running games where they pretend to listen to players but actually don’t. I think one of the reasons why riot is successful is because they actually do listen to players, sometimes way too much considering most of the talkers are complete idiots. But honestly this game is doing fine. It just needs to go from doing fine to doing very well.

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Mate, how is a game that went from 30k players to 6-7k doing fine? It’s not necessarily dying just yet, but it’s hanging by a thread.

Why do you think they lowered the servers capacity? (speaking about Orsha) A game that’s doing fine doesn’t need to merge servers, lower server’s capacity etc. Those are all signs of a dying game.

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Cherry Credits sucks. period. look at Dragon Nest now, nothing but pay to win garbage.

i agree with this. also, their optimization is bad now too. too much animation in the background.

CC is just milking the playerbase until the game drops dead. Dragon nest will now go to mobile. LoL

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

So, yeah. Do you still care for the game? Trying to get in contact with you guys is a nightmare! Every week we get a new load of bugs. Bots are roaming the land and the games performance is still the worst.

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