Tree of Savior Forum

Do something about battle bracelet already please!

I recently dropped a gladiator band recipe from cerberus boss, ok I was happy till i found how frustating it is to get a battle bracelet to craft it by yourself, the reasons?
1)Battle bracelet have super low drop rate and only drop from galoks
2)Galoks spawn only at tenet church 1F randomly on map
3)Galoks can only spawn 3 max at each channel
4)There are only 3 channels
5)Every channels have bots farming it (it`s a perfect item for bots to farm since its a low level monster pretty easy to kill, and the item price in market is over 8.000.000 right now), doesnt matter how many bots get banned, they can make a new character in less then 1 hour and start farming it again…
6)Battle bracelet is used to craft both gladiator band and sissel bracelet and those are the most desired items, wich makes it even more costly.

So thats pretty much it IMC devs, please take all this into consideration. I`ve seen many posts suggesting fixes for this issue, just take some time and work on it please. Thank you.

Ever hunted for a byorgue card before?

Once item number 5 is dealt with, the rest will sort itself out just fine.

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I like how if the early level bots slip through at tenet you see them on 11X Forest maps and again on maps like forest of prayers/Residence of the Falen Legwyn Family and again in the upper left lamb spawn corner of Dina Bee and the down the steps low farm land area at Vilna Forest and on and on. I kinda like the 3 man kneeling archer triangle with autoattack on hold at gytis settlement or the double SR bots who were looping the same path over and over at some forest map. What’s also funny is you see level 230 plus 24 hours 7 days a week afk sorcs and necros pulling bank outta thin air on maps with the bots and you have to wonder what the hell are the gms doing. Or when there is an afk sorc/necro partied with a sitting low level character who is getting free leveled.

As the level cap goes up, every afk farmer can get stronger and will be able to push the boundaries on where they can go further limiting chances for real players. I don’t know if it is possible but I think the botting program next evolution should have an option to mess with server connection of same channel real players, sort of like active disruption of real players.

I still dont get on why 2 important end game gear …has its most important ingredient dropped from lower level maps…imc …
I smell conspiracy😈

Just use a Phada :smiley: Its give pretty same as Sissel and much cheaper

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People get Sissel for the Crit Rate, nothing else. Phada does not have a single point of Critical Rate in it.

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How cheap in your server though?..dawn crystal fragments are pretty op rare drop