Tree of Savior Forum

Do not go with your shoggoth on map 4*

Unless you want to lose your equipped card in necronomicon

or team and keep in storage before it

Do not go with your shoggoth on map 4*

grimore too


Did you lose yours? That sucks


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So equipped cards get dropped as well?? If that is the case, sorc and necros are screwed… GG IMC…


yes @leleconildo @caelab85

D: but shoggy and I are inseparable T^T

why goddess why


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awaiting the response of my ticket…

I knew they would drop from your inventory, but this is just stupid. o_O

These classes (I play sorc) are dependent on their cards for their skills. Who thought this was a great idea?


IMCS logic… of interventions…
One step forward, 2 steps back…(or in the case of this recent major patch…back to square one)

Sorry for ur loss.


Sorcerer/necro here. then my class is useless without shoggoth and grimore. Good job imc stupid idea

Was it a card equipped in slot 1? Or extras?

slot 1

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Well can’t say I wanted to goto those places solo. Now I definitely wont unless I bring my horde of soul crystals and have my warpstone off CD.

It is a little jarring going from the old carebear death penalty to that. Probably could have had that spelled out that it included Necronomicon cards.

Have you lost any normally equipped cards? Or is it just summoners are that are S.O.L.?

Sorry you got blind sided. But, thanks for the heads up regardless.

only the Necronomicon
I was with a group of friends, exploring maps


Mind giving us some clarity on this? This seriously screws a lot of people.


Did the ktos players complained about this? Is it like this in ktos too? Or are they so hardcore they don’t mind?


Have anyone confirmed if Sorcerer’s cards drop too?

It doesn’t drop.


I was with my glackuman 10 :star: and my templeshooter 10 :star: . I lost glackuman when I died

My ticket has not yet been answered

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

I hope there will be a fix for this. WHY IMC, please don’t be hard on us, summoners. We are collectoooorrrrs