Tree of Savior Forum

DLC is too expensive pls reprice or edit

Its very possible. lol

Ooops, i calculated it the wrong way. :sweat_smile:
Thank you for correcting me.
But that means itā€™s even worse. :disappointed_relieved:

I didnā€™t expect the new packs to be priced so disagreeably. Itā€™s expensive for a lot of us and frankly gives those bots/gold sellers a reason to take advantage of us because they know their silver is going to be a better value than the cost for TP if we choose to buy from Steam. I hate those spammers as they are and we donā€™t need them to profit off this. Lower the price please :<

Considering that most of us have multiple characters to play with and we want to dress them up nicely, thereā€™s at least 200TP spent/char. 200TP is $20 and I canā€™t afford to outfit more than one.

Maybe they should consider changing prices in the TP market or give us more TP to spend per dollar. Give us 3 microphones/1 TP because itā€™s such a common item we buy with our free TP.

IMC clearly didnā€™t hear us veterans when all we want is to buy TP, most of us have at least a token or two or more, we just want TP for accessories and enchants :frowning:. At least throw in a veteran costume hat and TP because Iā€™m not spending $35 just for enchant tickets and some dungeon resets.

190 tp + 5 free daily tp = token.

still comes off as a little pricy though

Itā€™s 198 TP per token.
And yes itā€™s pricey.

Isnt token 198? That was premeditated so you cant buy another token.

True, I was wrong on my previous statement.

I did expect bad prices but they exceeded even my exaggerations.

Ill be joining Final Fantasy next month as its much better staffed and less then half the month membership. lol

Haha, so with that mentality I guess your okay with paying $6 for a gallon of gas when itā€™s $2.40 everywhere else. Nice


Well put! I really feel like that sort of attitude is spouted by either rich kids or someone who still lives at home and has all of their expenses paid for so they donā€™t understand the value of a dollar.

I work full time and make a good salary, well above the national average, and I wouldnā€™t spend my money on these packs. People who understand the value of a dollar and how to best utilize their money would never waste it on the garbage packs put out by IMC as they are now.

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Ofcourse it was, even with the 5 free TP, only gives you 195. Its so slimey i can feel the ooze from Australia sliding of whichever sleezy marketing director came up with it.

If you were actually buying a ton of TP, you would be getting the 10x packs for crystals, megaphones, and warp scrolls so it costs less. But if you were smart, youā€™d get all of those via Free TP so it costs you nothing.

Beginnerā€™s Pack is a complete rip-off.

people in other countries are earning well below the other regions, it takes a whole working day for me (as a student) to even get 12$ and thats not even enough to pay for the damn beginners pack

we arenā€™t so privileged like some of you,

and the point here is that the dlcs just arent worth what they are, compared to founders these are just ridiculous, its like asking 20$ for a salad.

Founders DLC 1-3 is what a legit DLC should be like

thanks for understanding, as a working student (college) I donā€™t think the beginners or the veterans is buying, using my money that I earn part-time


pls read

lol, how about you pay for all those-want-to-buy if you believe those packages are underpriced? This should be nothing to you right?

HOLY SAINT GOD! 70 R$ in Brazillian currency! With 70 R$ we buy a new game on steam for month ! Itā€™s very expensive to brazillian market! Holy God!

IMC should just give them for free to cater the plebs.

Question #4

i never set an early date that is going bankrupt. pls