Tree of Savior Forum

Dispeller Scrolls Disccusion (If you like to PvP This applies to you)

For your info, dispell scroll has been disabled in kTos Battle league and it will probably be the same for iTos.
Battle league is a team PvP format, so you can also Q with a support that can prevent rank 1 & 2 disable abilities.

I can’t believe their solution was disabling it :expressionless:

While i do agree that some CC skills need slight nerfs to make it fair, the only way a CC can wipe you out is if you’re one on one, which you shouldn’t be anyways as the game doesn’t seem to be designed for single player battles…

Of course you do. [quote=“JinRyu, post:40, topic:236286”]
You are being incredibly defensive and aggressive

So mature. Thank you for not resorting to insults and taking the high road. Oh, you just can’t see any of your own personal flaws? Imagine that.

Except that Bloodletting got MASSIVELY nerfed. This just allows Wizards to occupy even more top 50 slots, with a few less supports in there. Meanwhile, Stone Skin makes both Archers and Swordsman still massively gimped.

If they only have one form of CC, sure. Otherwise this just turns into a game of ‘make the enemy pop their dispell scroll then CC them to death’. This is essentially the way gameplay works in some Action MMOs like Blade and Soul and Continent of the 9th, except those games are designed with far better balance between the classes, especially when it comes to CC and escapes.

How is that me insulting you it was an observation considering how much you are trying to defend this unbalanced mechanic you would almost always have to be one of those classes who likes to be immune to CC and facewreck everything with straight burst , you have made multiple rude insulting comments @ my expense throughout this entire thread, unwilling to discuss or see anyone else’s point but your own.

Me saying you just want your class to get massively buffed is just an observation as well, considering the fact that you play a Wizard, the class which would benefit by FAR the most from these scrolls being removed. Again, try a little introspection. Literally everything you say can be directed right back at you.

I don’t want to be buffed, i just want them to find a balance between the two that dosn’t hugely favor one or the other which is the case at the moment.

All they do is completely favor one play style whilst shutting down the other.

And no i wasn’t talking about your “observations” you have been blatantly throwing out childish snide remarks on my skill whilst completely misinterpreting my thread.

Your are either just unreasonable and biased, or blind and stupid.

That would result in pretty much every class in the Wizard tree receiving substantial nerfs to compensate. You can’t expect a class that does an insane amount of damage that can’t be blocked or dodged to be able to do so at a range and safely. There would be literally no downsides to the class at all.

I would have to say you qualify for literally every one of those but blind. You’re definitely not bright. That’s a given. Unreasonable and biased, well, look at the thread to prove that one.

Which you clearly wouldn’t do. Are you ever NOT a hypocrite? That’s a genuine question.

Have you even been in many GvG’s or fought any open world PvP?, wizards are not as strong as you would like to believe, the damage is nice yes but with most classes in the wizard tree it requires CC just to land or even be effective.

Lets look at the classes in the wizard tree that dispeller makes largely invalid in open world pvp .

Without stop, the only saving grace they have is haste.
Half of these skills rendered invalid and pointless
Long channeling spells, all based around CC
You can’t land anything in this tree without a hard CC first
The only spell in this tree good for PvP disabled
Good luck making sure the target is still enough to land ANYTHING.

Goodluck playing any of these classes against a cataphract with dispeller scrolling or a corsair, musketeer etc that just waltzed into your group freely and destroys anyone they want i would even have to go as far as to say that as far as open world pvp is concerned wizards are probably the worst choice at the moment.

I get that some of these are classes CC are stupid strong and need to be reworked but destroying half of a entire ■■■■■■■ class tree with one god damn item is not the ANSWER.

Why don’t all wizards just roll support classes or elementalists if we want to pvp

Thats almost 1/2 of the wizard choices

i think its ok to have dispeller…makes good money for the sellers when pvp become common and it does help melee characters in fighting wizzies and wizzies fight with melee character’s stun, otherwise a lot would go wizard class and would go cryomancer for freeze since melee characters cant win against them

@JinRyu You rly seemed a bit biased in some posts…but I don’t think ppl should go so far in these silly arguments…

Anyway the thing is that both CC and its prevention should be revamped. There were already some topics with ideas about it but not much yet from IMC.

Unfortunately…no… imo… because that only applies in the Arena. I don’t mind it in PvE but we have this open GVG thing where it matters a lot…although most likely they will care about GVG much later…so I guess I shouldn’t worry.

Don’t be silly. Swordsman is so OP. We must be able to CC them at a range until they die. That’s the only fair way for PvP to exist.

Hmmm Archers might be able to get a few hits off though. Oh no…wait…Stone Skin still exists for both of them. Whew.

Okay, let’s get back to focusing on how to buff Wizards and Supports until they are the only 2 class trees in the game.

Yeah, I’m assuming they will find a way to translate it into GvG eventually, but with the optimization of this game, GvG is a joke compared to Arena anyways.

get magnetic poled and watch your dispellers go down the toilet XD.

First of all. please just ignore the Vanic guy. I stoped to read the troll posts of him at the second one. If we dont feed, they go away.

I got your point and a totally agree to many parts of it, and I agree the almost every single wizard dmg skill needs a CC to cause any dmg to a player. Not even an Elementalist with quick cast can hit a good players in pvp without CC if he’s aware of the caster.

They realy need to change it all to make the pvp enjoyable by all classes, cuz it certainly isn’t right now, but turning the Dispeller off at the momment just dont feel right as well.

Sorry for my terrible english, btw xP

Scroll being disabled is no news.

The thing is, its easier to CC players rather than curing them, unless youre in team with a plague doctor, which is likely to get adjusted for future ranks.

And i think its stupid to completely disable Dispell Scroll. it should have been given cooldown in arena instead.

Besides, its more common to target the Support before the Swordsman, just to prevent anti CC from happening.

If youre in a 2v2 in arena and you go to CC + attempting to kill the swordsman(or any other class) before the support, youre doing it wrong.

Went against a Sw2>Hop3>Dopel today as an Archer with Hunter C1. Won only 1st (because maybe she didn’t know yet I’d use CC) of 4 duels. All my CC skills rendered useless (can’t knockback coz swordsman, skew dispelled, pet CC skills dispelled).

Sure I can use dispeller scrolls too to mitigate stuns but with an Archer’s poor HP scaling even when you put Con in your build, you get spear thrown to oblivion.

That thing needs some cooldown and maybe some short duration to give non-CC classes an even chance. Right now with no cooldown, it just seems like a perma-immune solution to CC.

personally I think in PvP arena and such all scrolls- should be not usable in it. I mean it kind of meant to be you and your allies against the enemy not you bringing in a bunch of outside help from scrolls. now regarding CC I feel there should be a lower chance of activation or lower time (only by a little bit) and they should release gems that give resistance to certain statuses like ones that give more resistance to freeze for exsample. so if you want a less chance of being frozen you would have to give up gemslots to have it

A lot of things like these are placeholders if you look at examples like corpse potions. A band aid solution until they get around to redesigning said feature. Wouldn’t it be better to temporarily remove some of those things instead of putting them in ‘as-is’? Guess it depends. Dispeller potions should’ve been given a CD, you know, like other important consumables.

alright, mostly all OP CCs are nerfed now, cryo, kino etc. now, can we friggin’ remove this dispeller scroll? or just put a cooldown in it?

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