Tree of Savior Forum

Dispeller Scrolls Disccusion (If you like to PvP This applies to you)

Anyone else want to see these removed?, they are kind of stupid you just stock up on like 50 of them and have unlimited resistance to CC and immune to pretty much all harmful effects cheapens strategy in Open world GvG and they are dirt cheap.

Maybe add a cool down to them?


I agree. It’s completely broken having myself seen it firsthand in GVG.

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Dispeller scrolls are just a really bad design choice honestly, its stupid OP for pretty much all aspects of the game why even add Status effects and CC to the game if your going to make anyone with 700/scroll silver to spare immune to it all?

Like there are a LOT of really bad unfleshed out brainless poorly implemented mechanics in this game but i think this takes the cake.

Who even came up with this idea, i imagine a bunch of korean guy’s sitting in one room joking about completely ridiculous mechanics and some intern took it seriously and added it to the list of things to be added

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They’re not OP. All debuffs are probably close to 100%. Think about 6 people spaming sleep or AOE posion everywhere. How do you want to dispell all this.


There’s a lot of ppl going PD and there’s antidote. Monstrance and deprotection zone got such a small circle, it’s not really that much of a problem. There are certain kabbalist and oracle skills that are preety good but I really don’t agree when it comes to scrolls being consumable to circumvent CCs…

Well there is actual ways to prevent being caught in CC without dispeller scrolls like SPR stat for example might actually have some use now.

Your saying that complete immunity to CC and Harmful status effects is a better option, you think that this is a well designed mechanic?

Well you dont have to remove the scrolls. Just put use delay on them and problem solved. So you have a getaway from a CC once for a while.

What I would not like to see is standing in CC for 15 sec when someone can kill you in 5.


This seems fair. add a 30 second cooldown or something this adds more elements of tactics and diversity to PvP too.

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Bump, because i really think this needs some awareness.

I don’t think you should be complaining about balance in pvp when there are classes that can literally perma chain cc you until you are dead, nothing is balanced for pvp at the moment and dispellers are the only way that certain classes can even come close to beating heavy cc classes

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If it’s any consolation, these were recently deactivated in Battle League in Korea (solo queue ranked 5v5 and 2v2).

So a good solution too combating the chain CC is to make it entirely useless? effectively making these classes useless?

I am not asking for them to be removed just balanced, if they were on a cooldown it would be more fair rather then a blanket immunity to status effects.

Literately all the dispeller scrolls do is tip the scales to the other side why not find somewhere in the middle that is fair for both? I agree with you that CC can be pretty ridiculous however, there is current ways to combat it and all these scrolls do is replace one broken thing for another.

If they go on cooldown then cc needs to give diminishing returns in pvp otherwise it will just be hell.


Didn’t knew about this.i don’t think they will be able to deactivate this on open world guild wars, which makes me think GVG is not gonna be as fun as i thought…we will probably only see high burst damage classes on it if thats the case.:sweat:

i don’t expect to see them this powerful for long they make too many classes useless

I’m perfectly fine with them being removed as long as you massively nerf all CC in PvP as well. Otherwise, let’s stick with the current balance.

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Is this stick with the current balance because you are currently playing class without CC and this gives you an advantage? or, do you legitimately think that this is a good balanced system to have.

Personally i would to see CC nerfed but not massively could possibly work with something like CC / Status effects are 50% less effective on players.

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I think that we don’t have a good, balanced system. I believe that the scrolls help offset how ridiculously strong CC is in this game though, as there’s so much of it that it gets borderline ridiculous.

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Yup, a lot of mmos do this actually for balancing purposes, would probably work for this one as well~