Tree of Savior Forum

Dispeller Scrolls Disccusion (If you like to PvP This applies to you)

50% still wouldn’t be nearly enough. I would guess there’s about a 90% chance this guy plays a Wizard, which basically changes this argument away from scrolls being imbalanced to him just wanting his tree to get massive unneeded buffs.

Vanic im a pure pvp player. I picked hunter c1 just to get coursing cc ur telling me I wasted a rank?
Having an infinite cc immunity gives full burst classes a big advantage and renders the cc oriented classes useless. Also, wizard is not the only class with cc.

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Not until they fix CC.

Well yeah, you are right i am a wizard Vanic and its not that i want massive uneeded buffs, i would just like to relevant in open world GvG since any player worth his salt can just get a dispeller scroll and shut down half of my build which makes me feel like i have wasted ranks

Me being a wizard is only partially relevant to this, i don’t want to be OP but i would very much like to feel productive.

And everything else aside these scrolls are not balanced and cheapen GvG to the point where like @zero_sama said it all comes down to who has more burst damage, that doesn’t sound very fun where is the tactics? i would like rewarding strategic combat with many elements and variables at play to decide the outcome not a bland who can hit who the hardest there should be pro’s and con’s for everything and right now dispeller scrolls make only one type of role effective.

Yes CC needs a rework in some areas, but there is no denying the fact that there is already classes that render CC useless anyway the demand for oracle would be much much higher if dispeller scrolls were not a thing.

Tl;dr Dispeller scrolls are a lazy unthought out mechanic on IMC’s part and they need to either rework them or remove them entirely.

CC in general may need to be looked at again in terms of balance however dispeller scrolls are not the solution making one cheap consumable to render an entire combat element useless is lazy and stupid.


+1 to this.


aaand discussion over. I’m not surprised.

Agreed, once CC gets MASSIVELY nerfed in PvP. You don’t care about balance though; you just want to faceroll for free.

they never use brain while making this item , wohoo !! good bye all spell caster

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That’s overly zealous of you vanic, i am not trying to make one thing better then the other but trying to discuss how we achieve balance between the two i have agreed with you on multiple occasions that some skills in terms of balance need to be looked at but the same thing can be said for many skills, i don’t believe the current state of dispeller scrolls is the answer because it tips the balance far in the favor of classes with heavy burst dps and zero CC.

Prehap’s instead of dismissing all my points because you think i want to be overpowered you could look at the argument i am making objectively.

Like the point i made above rendering an entire subsection of classes and combat elements useless is not the answer.

a game where CC is ok to be up all the time without diminishing returns, no i rather have diminishing returns, as being able permanently shut down someone till he/she dies is something i find to be bad game design.

Thats not what i want, but i could apply the same logic to you.

“I don’t possess any CC so i want to faceroll those whose classes need it to be effective without contest”

I am betting you are like a cataphract goon or a Quarrel shooter musketeer or something

Well, I do possess plenty of CC, but I also know how this game works. Please, keep calling names because you don’t possess a single argument as to why an already incredibly strong tree should be massively buffed even further.

I’m sorry that you somehow found a way to struggle as a PvP Wizard, but we’re not going to just ruin all balance to help you out. Wizards and Clerics dominate in PvP. We don’t need to make them any stronger than they already are. The fact that you think otherwise is literally laughable.

@Vanic Battle League Korea has already removed the Dispeller Item. Why is that ? Because the community of KTos thought it kills the tactics and strategy and makes most of CC classes useless in PvP.
The same case existed in FF14, CC was OP because it locked the target for a long time. What they did is not Implement a random 0 cooldown scroll to dispell cc whenever you want. They adjusted the skills to PvP Arena. Ex : a 20 sec sleep would become a 6 sec sleep etc…

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I’m so glad this game is FF14. Wait, it’s nothing like FF14.

Which this game has yet to do. Which it desperately needs to do, especially for the Wizard tree.

I don’t see how anyone can justify dispeller scrolls being a good idea in their current state ;/

They already started doing things towards this like disabling freeze attribute in battle league.
EDIT : Btw, I’m glad I didn’t my character around freeze attribute. If I did , I would’ve rage quited =.=

Yes, they have STARTED taking the steps towards this. That’s good. There is still a TON of work to do though. That means there is going to be a massive overlap where mages are even more faceroll than usual.

I don’t see how anyone can justify mages being a good idea in their current state without dispell scrolls. ;/ They are strong enough even with them if the user isn’t completely braindead.

Why are you ignoring the fact that Wizards aren’t the only ones concerned by this.
As i said earlier, My Archer build revolves around using The C1 Hunter Coursing skill to CC people so i can use my Rogue BackStab (which got ninja nerfed by IMC) while they are CCed. This build is totally useless with the dispeller scroll.

If you had made the thread, I’d be a lot more willing to discuss it. The point is OP doesn’t care AT ALL about balance. He doesn’t know how to play a Wizard so he wants it to be buffed. That’s what this thread is about.

@Vanic This is a discussion Thread. It’s not a “Counter Attack The OP” Thread.
The OP has just opened up a discussion so all opinions from the players are to be considered.

Btw, I knew Wizards had OP CC from the start and knowing that information, I’ve decided to make a cloaked character to have the edge over a full CC wizard. I’ve also searched that only Two classes can reveal cloaked characters. So in a PvP situation, I could stun my target first because I am cloaked.
So, in my case , as a cloaked character , I don’t consider Wizards OP with their CC in a 1v1 situation.
Also, this thread is mainly aimed at 1v1 situations because during team fight supports can dispell & cure multiple harmful effects.

EDIT : For me , The cooldown on the Dispell scroll is a good middle ground solution. Most Wizards have cooldowns on their CC, apart from a full psyko/Cryo/Chrono Build. We could also have some sort of OverHeat Mechanic on the dispeller scroll.

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Idk how you made this assumption, this whole thread has been about how to find the balance between the two.

I have admittedly stated many times both sides of the argument have valid concerns and have been trying to listen to people solutions to the issue.

You are being incredibly defensive and aggressive and i think you need to step back from the thread and chill. The subtle insults and flailing around like an immature kid really speak to your character as well, you don’t want balance you are just clutching desperately at the scrolls shouting “Muh dispeller scrolls” because you want your class and your play style to have more of an edge.

P.S Also im perfectly capable of playing my wizard effectively lol, but i know when to call BS on a mechanic when i see it.