Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Retiarius - Q&A on PVP & PVE builds, gearing, skills and strategies 🎣

Switched from Pelt3>Hop3>Ret3 to Pelt3>Barb1>Dop3>Ret2 and liking it so far. I hated how unreliable stabbing was with bad ping, still leaves some targets alive, and it was the only good dps skill in the hoplite tree.

Vid of both builds:

Planning on making use of dagger finish and maxed out DPE for farming next. How can I use the auto weapon swap feature in swordsman? I’m trying to use it with shield skills and they’re just blacked out and trying to activate them does nothing.


swordsman doesn’t have auto swap, sadly. only archers do. the best solution is to actually not use the weapon swap feature - instead, put your dagger and shield on hotkeys either side of dagger finish. like set out next to each other: [dagger] [dagger finish] [shield]. this way you just press the 3 keys from left to right when you wanna use dagger finish. feels way more streamlined than using manual weapon swap. also great build :slight_smile: i’d suggest maybe trying to get some +aoe gear like centaurus cards so that you can reliably hit more enemies with cleave, as it makes such a huge difference to the cyclone damage.

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Good suggestion for the hotkeys. I’ll try that out once I get another reset.

I already have vubbe gaunts and 3 centaurus cards already actually in the vid.

Since I haven’t used dagger finish before…

  1. how does the damage boost work? It says 350% max bonus damage and works starting from 50% of max hp. To get the max of 350% bonus damage does it mean I have to use it on 15% remaining hp mobs?

  2. Does the damage only rely on the patk of the equipped dagger or also shared with the main weapon?

  3. Is it simple to use and easy to make it hit a group of mobs?

1: not sure about the damage boost - but i know that if you use it with the net then the +100% damage will override the ~350% native on dagger finish.

2: yes the damage is based on your dagger’s attack stat, not your spear’s attack stat.

3: it’s been improved a lot as of the r10 update. previously, it had a rectangular hitbox infront of you - this made it very hard to use as your character lunges forward a bit before it applies damage, so if an enemy was right infront of you then you’d do the small lunge right past them, and miss the entirely. but the hitbox has now been changed to a circle (but i can’t remember if the circle was centered on yourself, or around the enemy you attack. i only tested it briefly on 1 day during the reset event) best to ask around for info on this bit.

  1. So basically, I would want to use dagger finish without rete debuff applied and use it as the last skill in my combo?

  2. Gotta get a primus +11 then. I’ll just buy cheap ones with trash stats and upgrade myself since shield will be my equipped most of the time.

  3. Hopefully it’s easy enough to hit and not much positioning needed. It would be disappoimting when I set up DPE for the whole 14 mobs and then the dagger finish misses…

I like this one more. As templar, you’ll most likely be around other members who can do the DPS for you while making sure you’re the last man standing.

Rod’s kit perfectly matches the support/CC role.

X could be Pel3 or Doppel1 (though I like Dop1 more with Sword3 for Restrain+Cyclone lock).

There’s none unfortunately. I even made a suggestion thread about it:

Right now, I just manually use the swap key on my keyboard within my rotation. Eventually got used to it despite the clunkiness. Still can’t compare to Archer’s autoswap.

In my experience, it seems to be that from 50% enemy hp you get the +100% damage boost. That 100% increases up to 350% as the enemy’s HP approaches 0%. In theory, the closest you’d get to +350% bonus damage is if enemy has less than 1% HP.

If enemy has more than 50% hp, you can use net to get +100% damage boost.

Dagger’s damage + other pAtk bonuses except mainhand weapon damage as far as I’ve observed.

If they’re tightly packed like after using Pull Rete. Aiming helps you hit more as well. AAR affects the skill.

In my experience, it seems like a box in front of you at point of casting the skill, and it also hits a small box in front of you as soon as you land.

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Nice to know that I get a confirmed 100% already if I want to use it last in the combo.

It’s kind of unfair for the other classes that only archer has the auto switch function…

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If you are diyng a lot by other Retiarius just use dagger… they cant remove dagger (only shield) and you can block easily trident finish with buff

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Nowadays cannoners / muskets / lancers and retiarius can pass the block with some ease, I’m testing this build and I loved it … It totally denies any form of blockpen and ignores 60% of attacks and have only 10 second downtime (here I change for shield / uses vital protection)

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Dagger guard gives flat chance to block and dagger can’t be stripped but it has limited hit count. It get’s melted fast by multihit skills; cyclone, gigante marcha, etc. After that, you are widely open. Most reitarus in SEA are hybrid tanks, they alternate between high guard, dagger guard, vital protection. Get the most kit you can get.

Personally, I would put the extra skills from dagger guard to Vital Protection (high uptime of critical immunity means you are more longer immune to 1HKO from muskeets and lancers since they are crit dependent), high defense from guardian and ciritical immunity synergizes well.

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Yes in fact i tested yesterday with guard 10 and protection 8 and is very nice.
The block change isnt flat, is 60%.

I think what he meant by flat is that no matter how much block pen the enemy has, you will always have 60% chance to block (compared to normal block chance calculation).

And this is very nice! Lancers, Muskets and another retiarius can avoid block easily but not with that skill

So, dagger guard does not benefit from extra block? it would be cool to stack it with finestra !

Yeah, unfortunately not. It’s always 60% with maxed attributes.

60% is really fine when you face other retiarius, you cant be killed at all with this buff…

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How much p.attack you guys have? im with 8.4k and still not satisfied, feeling weak… and im with passive lvl 100 on trident finish.
Im thinking about raise that to 10k, is a ok number?

Just around 6k+ for me. Don’t have +16 380 trans 10 yet. 8k+ is pretty high already for 1hand. 10k seems the expected DPS “end game” p/mAtk now, especially for 2handers and in PVP.

What you guys think about Sw>Pelt3>Rode3>murm1>Rete2.

It dont perform bad in pvp and it brings more dps in pve.

I try hop3/Corsair variations but i like this the most… going Murm 3 isnt worth it in any case right?

Seems good on paper to me. I wonder if you’ll have too many skills in rotation though (always a problem for me when going past 4 different classes in a build).

Only tried Murm2 before and it was sh~t. I’ve seen Murm3 in dg runs and that C3 skill is kinda meh, at least compared to other R8 C3 skills (Gigante, Bull, Blandir).