Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

OK thanks a lot man…

Sorry, even though I can’t say no to that gif ,I can not agree with you on this.

Buff limits and a class that has a buff to increase it is genius game design. And there is another class that can sell scrolls with that buff in case your party doesnt have one. Thats even more genius.

What really needs changing are the same buffs being replaced by weaker buffs casted by other party members. Like Sanc 10 being replaced by another sanc 3.


I think a lot of us are in agreement that A) Buff limits are a very good thing because they add thought to buffing instead of just spamming every buff you have, B) Some spells are inadequately marked as tier 1 buffs instead of taking up the secondary buff slots as expected, and C) Daino is a godsend and adds immense value to buff-heavy parties.

I think from here the next step should be finding out exactly all buffs/spells that are listed as tier 1 and which are listed as tier 2, and then creating a poll that allows users to vote on all tier 1’s that should be moved to tier 2. If I had the list I’d construct the poll but, as I don’t play KToS (and as such I’m kind of behind in some of the changes they’re making), I probably wouldn’t be the best candidate for it.

But I think it’d be important to give development clear voices on the matter. This thread has already become moot since we all almost unanimously agree that the buff limit itself is a good thing. For development to get ideas in the right direction here would require a lot of reading on their part versus a new thread with a clear poll at the top that would give them, at a glance, exactly which spells people have a problem with being overwritten. Like my constant whining about Transpose as a tier 1.

With obt around the corner our best chances at changes will likely just be raising our concerns with which tiers the spells are in since that is likely a very simple adjustment on their end. As for the buffs being overwritten by weaker versions of the same spell, I think that is an instance where it is more the player’s responsibility to determine if it’s a good time to cast their weaker version of the spell (about to expire etc) or leave the stronger one in effect and just wait until after it expired to cast the weaker version. Definitely feels more like a player issue more than a design issue on that one. Unlike important self-buffs being overwritten when they have nothing to do with the rest of the party.

anyone can give me list about first buff and 2nd buff?

I’m not sure what everyone is saying on this subject.

But all I see this Buff Limits doing is creating confusion and needless thinking especially in premade party.

The main issue is not that we have to think as a party. It’s the way overlapping happens.

It’s like playing a puzzle except a bad one.

Try and figure out the order to cast buff so that when buff X is over buff Y won’t replace anything important.

Problem is some buff have different cooldown. Thing like Divine Stigma and such.

All in all, I don’t believe and would never agree that this bring something to the game. Except confusion and frustration.

Umm, buff limit is a tool to somewhat limit party options. You can overcome buff limit problems if you play carefully and cancel unnecesary buffs or you can simply include a Krivis in a party and forget about it.

The same goes to almost any ability in game. You can live w/o it but your life will be harder. So you should choose classes and abilities that fit your playstyle the best.

Most parties will never hit buff limit amyway, and those buff heavy parties should include Krivis for the comfort play.

Death brings confusion and frustration as well, especially if you are instakilled by random boss attack. That’s why you use priest to avoid death. It’s almost the same, but overcoming buff limit is much easier, that’s why krivis is so unpopular and needs buffs.