Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] About "Z-bots"

First of all, they can’t afford what exactly? What you seem to miss is that someone afk-farming doesn’t have to be some guy who stops leveling to stay afk in a low leveling zone all day. There are people that spend a lot of playing actively, and once they are not they put their character somehwere to afk-farm, meaning they generate more money than someone who plays actively for an equal amount of time, but without afk-farming.

Please re-read what i said again.

Oh, I’m the one making blind assumptions?

You already seem to know exactly how much they are making. I guess you have some facts backing everything you said up? I could list some more examples if you want, I think that would be redundant to my point.

You sure do a lot of talking without saying anything. I re-read what you said, it is just as meaningless and wrong as the 1st time I read it.

I know how much I am making. Here is a question for you, do you know anything? Are you even in this beta?

Not really, logging out at a correct spot earns you about 300k silver when you login the next day. AFK farming for the full whole day will only earn you about 150k silvers, that’s assuming nothing is going in your way.

Also, you can earn a few hundred thousand silvers, even up to million, at an hour of farming after reaching high level.

Unless I’m going to AFK for 2 days (which is probably a no), I would rather just logout at the right spot.

Okay, since you don’t seem to understand what I said, let me try to rephrase that.

Let’s say there are two players, player A and player B, both at max level. Both of them are playing actively 4 hours a day. Let’s say that in those 4 hours they made 10m each. Now both players decide quit playing for the day. So player A exits the game and goes on with his life.

Player B on the other hand sets up his character to afk-farm until the next day. Let’s say he makes merely a 5% per hour compared to what he does when playing actively. That would translate into 125 000 per hour, and a total of 2.5m over the course of the 20 hours. That would mean that player B made 25% more money in a day than player A, with little to no effort at all. How is that fair?

These are obviously just made up numbers, since we don’t know anything about the end-game. But I don’t find this scenario too unrealistic. Repeat that over the course of a couple of weeks and you will notice that player B will make a lot more than player A.

The thing is, if afk-farming is a mechanic that is supported by IMC, then there is absolutely no reason for it to require a button to be pressed down using a weight, nor preventing using the computer for other tasks by not allowing z-farming with the game minizimed.

Yes, and yes. Be more specific if there is something you want to know.

That doesn’t say anything unless you state at what level and compare it to how much you make, on the same level, while playing actively. Additionally, finding just a single monster orb will gain you about 200k to a few million silver, depending on which one it is.

Theorycrafting like this is bothersome. I have actual numbers for how much I am earning later on, where auto-attacking is not viable, and I know how much I earned in areas when there were Z-farmers. The difference is astronomical. I grind in demon prison d2 and after 1 hour im back with 500k-800k worth in salable recipes and earned silver. When I was grinding in Mausoleum Chapel (A highly Z-Farmed area) I was lucky to get 100k in that time and that is going all in. Someone standing in one place while not getting most of the loot and just silver would get a fraction of that.

Since you care so much you should use this time left in the beta to actually see how much money you would make AFK-farming, and then you could actually stage a coherent argument. Till then it is meaningless.

Thats if that monster orb drop right on top of you… LOL.
Other then that chances are it wont drop on top of you and actual playing players will run right by and take those loots.
Oh and you gotta factor in the actual players grinding there trying to murder you too.
IMC has implemented red orbs for a reason… They’re not there for extra exp. If i had a low level friend trying to grind in a spot and its partially taken by an afk farmer, i’d come over to summon a high level mob and kill that afker =D

Except the exact numbers doesn’t matter. The point is that someone afk-farming makes more money/items than someone not doing it. Therefore gaining an advantage with the trade off of keeping the computer occupied all day. And that is a really stupid game mechanic in my opinion. Just because you are claiming it’s not much doesn’t mean it should be justified.

It’s based on the same principles as botting, and botting shouldn’t be allowed, no matter how effective it is.

That’s a given. It doesn’t change my argument in the slightest.

So you are saying that red orbs where created to kill afk-farmers? Meaning IMC is against them then? Plus red orbs aren’t as viable against another player that is max level.

Yes, yes they do. Anyone can pull numbers out of their arse and make a point, but it is quite invalid.

I couldn’t care less if it is justified, it is a video game. I think it is unremarkable and a waste of time for IMC games to ‘fix’. Also, any ‘fix’ will be circumvented and would only hurt the community playing.

No, no it isn’t. Botting is using a program in the background of a game that violates any software companies terms and policies. Holding down ‘Z’ does not. In case you forgot, a Bot is a program, and Botting is the act of using that program in any way, shape or form.

Remember That was a Bot. It was a bot that made RO shopping tolerable. The Bot would walk up and down Prontera and gather merchant data. Bots come in all types.

Waste of time? The changes suggested would literary take seconds to change. And that it would “hurt” the community is purely your subjective view. I’d say the opposit. That’s why we are having this discussion in the first place.

The purpose of a normal bot used in games is to gain something, like experience, currency or items, in this case, with little to no effort/active input. That is the exact same purpose as Z-farming. Yes there are other types of bots as well, but no one cares about those for the most part.

Just Seconds Eh? Perhaps you should ask yourself about that logic.

The purpose of a bot isn’t defined by you.

Stopping auto attack from repeating while the button is pressed down should be something like removing a single line of code. Yes that doesn’t take a long time.

Did you run out sensible counter arguments?

Counter what? You aren’t the authority on what bots are used for.[quote=“Sylphid, post:113, topic:121453”]
should be

You also don’t know the 1st thing about programming. Good to know. =)

Mhm I believe red orbs were created to counter the auto attacking afk farmers.
Yes red orbs are not viable against a max level player unless the red orb summoned is the same/higher level but then comes the question, why would a max level even bother doing something that has such a low gain?
We gotta remember the repair fee/teleport fee patch that they accidentally deployed too early and decided the retract it for later.

IMC is not against auto attacking afkers lol. Just because they give a method for players to kill an afk auto attacker doesn’t mean they are against them. They are giving players that aren’t afk an option to stop the afker if they like. Pretty much that.

People try to auto-attack AFK in parties sometimes. So much fun to switch channels and watch their life bar go to zero.

What? Since when did I claim I am some kind of authority on what bots are used for. There are thousands upon thousands of people that use bots in different online games, most of them are used to gain some form of advantage, as I just explained. I thought that was common knowledge.

Care to elaborate? Because obviously it depends on how it is implemented. Hence why I said it “should be”. It could be a simple flip of a boolean or it could be coded using 100 lines of code. The latter is not very likely unless the programmer doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing.

Since when? Do you have selective memory from 1 post ago?

Says who, you? is a normal bot used in RO to help the community.

When you change code, it affects everything that it interacts with. It would not take seconds, it would have to go through QA and robustness testing. A “simple” change that you are proposing could take weeks.

If you think it’s a pointless thing to do, then why are you against removing it? There is obviously a gain to it, otherwise people wouldn’t do it.

And why would they give players the ability to stop afk-farmers unless they are against it.

Ragial is one or a couple of bots per server. The majority of bots, used by normal players, are not like that. There would be absolutely no point for every player to have their own “ragial”-bot walking around the towns. Because one, or a few, is enough for everyone.

Such a small change should have little or no change on the rest of the code. This is a miniscule change code-wise, compared to some bug fixes. Obviously it would need testing, luckily that’s the exact point of a beta.

RO Example #45 Billion:

I could argue that I am helping the community by botting peco peco egg cards, since they are integral for use in a ton of high level maps, and no one is going to farm peco peco eggs in their spare time. Sure I am making some money in the process, but hey that is business.

Once bots controlled that map, the price went down because supply went up. Thanks bots!

Need I remind you:

Stop commenting on things you know diddly-squat about.

Oh that’s because every max level knows you can make 10x-20x more then being afk auto attacking PER HOUR lol. Like, im pretty sure every level 200 knows that there isn’t a map to afk farm anymore.
If we are to base it on the maps level 170-200 chances are the new level 200-600 maps doesn’t have any good auto attacking afk spots either.

Am i okay with lower level 1-160 afk auto attacking? TBH yeah, it doesn’t bother me at all. You cant get to level 600 by farming kepa boss lol. They specced into playing the game auto attacking for that extra exp when they gotta afk. They are going to be a lot weaker later games and might even struggle in later maps when they quest. Honestly still don’t understand the hate you have against the afk auto attackers… lol shrugs

Sigh… If they are against it they wouldn’t make kneeling shot ability and red orbs.
Tell me the purpose of the red orb other than killing other players? If you say their purpose is to give you that extra 1k exp… ima slap you silly lol.
Not only that, this auto attack afk stuff has been done for a long time even in kCBT, theres no changes for a reason. (but they did implement red orbs! =])