Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] About "Z-bots"

And how exactly does money dumping places justify that people who leave their game running all day without playing are making more money than those who don’t?

I guess you have plenty of experience playing at above level 300 with such a statement.

What makes you think that is an inflated price? The prices are based on supply and demand. Also, what “initial” price? The vendor price? Because that is completely irrelevant to the market price.

The problem is that you are only thinking about the current game, or in other words in the short term. Of course this is not a big issue while people are still leveling, because a higher leveled character will obviously make money faster than a lower leveled one. Think about what will happen when the game has been out for 1 or 2 years, when there are a lot of max leveled characters.

It doesn’t matter that an active player can gain more money than someone afk-ing in the same amount of time. What matters is that the afk one is gaining money passively without any extra effort, which means that he will make more money than anyone not doing it. Why should that be ok?

Let me ask you these simple questions.

  1. What’s your stance about botting? Do you find it fair and acceptable or do you dislike it?

  2. Botting can be defined as “Automated gameplay. Generally by using programs to play games for you”. Now tell me, what’s the purpose of botting and how is it any different from afk-farming?

Yeah, that’s why the beta had something like 300 000 registrations. If you don’t like the game, then leave.

You clearly haven’t played many mmo’s.

Do you have any experience pre-200? Based on your posts it appears not, because the money you make at 160+ makes auto-attackers look like jokes. It will only scale up from there.


Well I have max characters on the games below. Many of these games I have been on officer or the GM in US/World top guilds and sponsored in the past.

When you weigh the pros and con’s, I preferred having botters, not enough people grinding and farming mats to meet raid demands. Didn’t really hurt the economies of the games at all. Some of these were really huge games, ToS is the antithesis of that. But hey, I’m sure you make a living by investing and shorting gaming companies based on business Intelligence and user feedback and market segmented estimations and can tell when a game will be a success … right ??? Teach me Senpai!


exactly lol, z botting just gives you a little bit of extra cash. Not a big deal at all.

Calling it ‘botting’ is a bit off though. Botting takes effort and a program whereas finding a camping spot and holding down Z with a battery takes no thought at all.

I found a gold bar laying on the ground from an auto-attacker and just sat on top of it while they swung away at the air, was great.

afk farming, botting … honestly who cares, I don’t even think the devs give a damn lmao. It’s really not a big deal whatsoever lol

My stance on botting is if it’s disallowed, then it shouldn’t be used. Any features available in game should be usable until it’s being allowed by the developers.

The initial price is the price of the material in the first month compared to the second month. Inflation happened because of supply and demand anyway, when there are too much money and too little materials to go around, it’s inevitable that the price will increase.

Anyway, even if AFK farming is allowed, the one who is making the most money will never be the Z-autoattacker, but all the summoner based character. Auto attacking is just so laughable in terms of money earning.

Uhh actually both of them dont make a lot of money… what?
Do i play a different game then you guys? You have to actually get near the recipe/item to pick it up… Things that drop down on the floor and not being picked up is technically a loss of profit, not a gain. The only actual money you receive 100% of the time is the silver dropped by the monster. You have an extremely low chance for the mob to actually drop their stuff right on top of you. Even on a necro the mobs will aggro and then get killed by a minion and the item might fly away from you thus causing you to not loot it afk’d.

I’d say both auto attackers and summon based class make the same amount (low) but an archer will make less because the chance of killing things in far range is higher.

Summon based will make more money because they can afk farm in higher level.

But ya, as you said, both make laughable little amount of money.

afk alche in ro were the point when every greed blacksmith could generate 1 mil zeny/h by selling od2 trash loot

that was one of the main reasons of ro’s broken economy

That still took a player (or actual bot) walking around spamming greed though.

no afk alche, no greed spam

Point is there is no equivalent in TOS.

z player generate money by the same way as afk alche did and since every class can do that, instead of alche only, way more people will abuse it.

there will be millions of silver generated per day, which will inflate the market

You grossly overestimate the funds these guys are getting, but I could see it getting out of hand if people abused multi-clienting or just a ton of computers.

It would take a vast network of afk auto-attackers in every zone to make any kind of market impact, and by then IMC will react in some way.

I guess you underestimate the greed of players

thats only the beta when everything gets wiped soon and people are already tryharding like s***

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You either didn’t read or understand what I’ve been writing. There isn’t much of an issue while people are still leveling. The problem is when a lot of people are getting to max level. Then there won’t be any “higher leveled players gain more silver”. An active player at max level will obviously make more silver than someone afk-farming, but the amount of money made by afk-farming is not negligible.

I’m not calling it botting, I’m just comparing it. Because there isn’t much of a difference in my opinion. The amount of effort it takes to do either doesn’t matter, if anything the one which takes more effort should be more acceptable, and that is botting according to you.

Thanks for clearing that up. But I think it’s a bit early to call it inflation after just one or two months. The economy will always be a bit shaky in the beginning while people are figuring out the value of items. Though you are saying that there is too much money going around compared to the amount of materials; I’d say that that is caused partially because of afk-farmers. Without them there would be a lot less both silver and items going around.

As I’ve also talked about I think summoners is just as big part of the problem as Z-farmers. But that could very easily be dealt with by, for example, adding a maximum duration to summons.

Not really, the one buying them is usually the high level player. The AFK farmer couldn’t afford to buy them.

Tbh I had tried to explore several way of AFK farming, but decided not to waste my time because the money I earned through it is too little. There are better spots to logout (Legwyn, if you know what I mean) compared to AFK farming for more silvers.

I’m on the neutral side of the AFK farming feature/abuse, but I have to emphasize that AFK farming don’t affect the game much, if at all, as of current, unless ToS decided to go crazy and create some good AFK farming spot.

Of course the higher level players will still be making more silver, do you think that when people get to max level they will stop playing? End game content will offer the best rewards and the best silver. Just by looking at recipe sell prices alone, that will be the lion’s share of the silver.

If you are going to make a statement like “but the amount of money made by afk-farming is not negligible.” I hope you know how much they are actually making, instead of just making blind assumptions. When I say “The amount of money earned at high levels is vastly better than at low levels” I actually have experience to back that statement.

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